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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Noticed this advertised in the latest magazine, it looks like it will be a brilliant show, and at a fairly good time slot of the year too! So here's hoping I can make it down. http://ausfly.com.au/ Let's gather the troops and make it one big huge success!
  2. Reach for the sky is a good book, read it half a dozen times over the years. Bit of a character that's for sure, O'l Douglas. Movie is pretty good watching too!
  3. In a marriage, it's likely to be the wife...
  4. FT might be a little different how he says things, but it does make you think doesn't it...
  5. Was hoping to make it this year, but it's not going to happen now due to work. Maybe next!
  6. Yes I must say I much rather stay out of the political side of things as it seems to me lots of hot air is produced but no lift off occurs. It also seems to me no matter how good a person is at something they will get stung being a board member?! So we need to find the source of the sting if things are going to improve. To do that we need facts. If we could get an understanding from those resigning to say why they have, it might help out in a very important way. You are dead right Bandit in saying the majority of us are out flying, I believe that's because the members don't want to be a part of a messy club. Members are loosing hope in making change, because all it involves is the person being stung?! CASA might be a pain at times, but I fully agree, at least you know where you stand on most occasions.
  7. 99% of people I talk to don't like the CEO (nothing personal of course) so why is he still there, that's what I can't figure? We have 10,000+ members paying $190 something bucks a year and all we get in return is all this mess? Are we all trying to be to polite by not saying anything, and watching everything crumble down before our eyes, or are we going to do something?
  8. Haha, just a bit of moral support... it keeps 'em off the street.
  9. If the wings turn out like the tail section, it'll look quite good I reckon. Will be interesting weight and balance, but we're talking about enthusiasm here, they'll work something out. Once you travel OS and see some of these places and what they do, it wouldn't surprise me if they get a finished flying project one way or the other.
  10. I'm still waiting on my renewal, meanwhile I just use my expired one... (I do have the receipt that my renewal is getting processed). I mean, this whole thing is ludicrous when you think about it.
  11. Would it be passing if they are on two separate taxi ways. They are passing each other in a way, but since they are each on their own taxi way, it wouldn't actually be 'passing' would it?
  12. I've come to the conclusion that if you want to do greaser type landings, fly a Warrior.
  13. Some people hate you doing dead cut checks... you learn these things after flying with a few different instructors and CFI's over time. I play it safe these days and ask before doing something. NO one ever does things the same... quite remarkable really. By the way, those that don't fly aircraft with mixture control can disregard the whole dead cut thing! As you do it every time you turn the thing off.
  14. Street signs work a treat too...
  15. When you don't feel the transition from flying to touching the ground...
  16. Great news Adam!! Like they say, it doesn't happen often! so relish it! Ps. Taking passengers... do a bad landing you'll always get a compliment that it was a good landing. Do a greaser and no one says anything...
  17. Yep, I agree. Which is why I said depends on the aircraft and situation. As when I'm towing if I shut down for a minute, start up is on one mag, then the other, so you do actually do a check then, as you can tell if one or the other is actually working. (it sounds pretty dodge on just one!) Sometimes after a quick turn around I'll just flick to each mag briefly to see what things are like (but no runup) It all depends on the situation, what you're flying, and where you are also, in my opinion. I always cringe when I see pilots at gravel/dirt strips do high rev run ups stationary with dust and stones flying everywhere. Not to mention carby heat! Just on another note, what are peoples opinion of doing run ups wearing sound deadening headsets? As a mechanic I can tell when something is not right with the engine, but you need to hear it to know.
  18. Indeed, they are a neat sight! If you are in the air and monitoring area freq, you will hear what they are up to. I was out west one day and a c17 was in the area, I was first notified over area frequency of their intentions, and could call them on a certain freq if I required more separation knowledge.
  19. Full and free every time, run-ups depending on aircraft, and the situation. If you need to warm up I'd do a run-up mag check. I do not do a runup everytime I tow a glider up. Mags on both, mixture rich, full and free everytime time though. A lot of commercial pilots do run-ups and checks on the move, some don't like you doing it, but everyone is different. I will generally always do run-ups on the move at a gravel airfield.
  20. Tomo


    Haha, that's legendary!
  21. Slarti gave the explanation below.. (or above, whatever tickles your fancy) Well I found this on the net, and though it's not exactly a purists way to do something, it gives you an idea what I was talking about... with the scales at least.
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