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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Yeah the days are big, 16 + hr days, but that's the life of a farmer! Yes keep myself out of mischief, well that's the idea... I doubt I do more flying than the rest of you... just I take every opportunity to do it otherwise it wouldn't happen!
  2. My dad's old orthodontist was a man by the name of, Mr Payne
  3. Yeah, even if we got away without crashing, the amount of paper work that would come our way would probably kill us anyway!
  4. I was thinking of going flying, though not really sure if that will work, I probably should work on my house so I can get some renters in it to start paying the bills! But I'm easy... Next weekend I'll probably be picking (I drive for my uncle during cotton harvest season) but don't work Sundays so I could nearly even drop over to Pittsworth after church on Sunday. Doesn't really matter though, whatever, whenever! I'll give you a call sometime and come around and say G'day next time I'm in Toowoomba.
  5. Speaking of Catilina's, my mate was the media guy when they brought the one over for Longreach. A small clip here about it -http://www.bunkermedia.com.au/videos/documentary/return-of-the-catalina-in-production/
  6. Sadly I'm working... A picker broke down this morning, so got that sorted, then hydraulics on a truck trailer.. etc etc.. Still lovely weather though
  7. No I don't actually, but I'm sure I could find out!
  8. Wonder if Ruthven street would work....
  9. I got to have a fly of a 170 the other day, one of the chaps at Ayr let me take it for a circuit, it was pretty easy to fly as far as Jab's are concerned. So if you can get onto a 160/170/230 or something it would be much easier for you than the 55 with seat throttle, and smaller cockpit. Cherokee, Warrior etc... aren't much better in width, they are a fairly snug fit also, and a piece of cake to fly, Cessna you're looking pretty good, but they do cost so much more for the same fun. The more aircraft you fly, the harder it is to find one you like most!
  10. Yes, you need a visa/passport - well I did when I was there last year. I have a few friends that have ferried various aircraft up there, but something I wouldn't do in an RAA aircraft that's for sure! However, once over there, a small aircraft in the lowland areas would be quite fun. Though the definition of tiger country is well and truly high on the scale! I wouldn't ever venture into the highlands without a substantial familiarisation flight(s) with someone experienced. Definitely a must do venture trip up there one day if you're that way inclined, I like the place as something very unique.
  11. I'll probably be picking cotton, but may head over Sunday afternoon if I have the energy, and anyone else is still there. Could be highly possible I'll just head into Toowoomba though...
  12. I've got quite a few different videos - can check my channel out here http://www.youtube.com/user/91Thomo?feature=mhee This is a J120 though - But yeah, take your pick, there's Jabiru, Pioneer, Cessna, Rans, Morgan, Drifter etc...
  13. Hey Maj! Yeah this one is South/westish of town about 1nm, pretty much near town - non sealed but mostly all weather. The main Tara sealed strip is about 6nm north of town, and there's nothing much there! Next time you're down I'll take you out there and show you around. The aileron wasn't heavy at all that I can recall, it had aileron spades, which may have helped. Roll rate was much more than I first thought from seeing the aircraft on the ground, quite a fun little plane. Had a bit of fun in it yes Not upside down exactly, but had a bit of a play... Flew the Y52 inverted for a bit, strange feeling, the thought comes to mind - I hope this harness doesn't let go!
  14. I appreciate what you have shared, and for being honest. I'm no expert and can't really help in the way of the legality of things, but in my opinion, if you thought it was safe to roll, you did the right thing. I know that's not a by the book approach, but we do need a bit of common sense in our world. I know some people don't, or forget to call clear runway as well, so you could have been sitting there all day if you went by that. Some people do have a tendency to be verbal about their thoughts over the radio more than others, I would only say something if I thought it was life threatening myself. In your case with aircraft everywhere, you were being wise to do your best for all in my opinion. Just some thoughts as I sit here. Good friend of mine flies Dash 8's in Papua New Guinea, so I can ask him what the descent profile they do if you like, though it's a bit different over there, in some places landing at 6000ft amsl! But I'm pretty sure it is a 1000ft circuit, well we did a pretty low circuit the other day coming into Brisy when I flew in, in a D8! (as passenger)
  15. I'm not trying to cause any jealousy... but I had a great day yesterday. Run into a mate in Dalby helping out with the hang gliding comp, who is from Gympie and had his Decathlon (8KCAB)... I've never flown it before but that soon changed when I was offered the command seat and fly him around the place, show him around while he fiddled with his new iPad and OzRunways! So for the next couple hours we jaunted all around the place... Here's a few photos from my phone. On the ground at my mates place nearTara Around the Kogan area - west of Dalby Yours truly, and the navigator in the back! Looking towards Dalby, flying the hang glider task... check on the stragglers Noticed another mate pulling his hangar doors open, wander over and he was gonna go Yaking, so after helping him pull the Yak 52 out and put some juice in it, he told me to grab my headset... and we set off! Climbing up... Anyway, that's all the photos that are worth seeing I got! For the next 30 minutes or so we tossed and tumbled around the sky, was so great! Nothing quite like a radial up the front. Just another great day aviating with some great people.
  16. I just go and do another rating, or endorsement
  17. Yeah Dragonfly's and trikes. Had 3 Dragonfly's and 2 trikes going most of the time.
  18. Hey Tex, were you there yesterday? I was there helping out with the launches actually. Flew the task to Brigalow and back in Tony's Decathlon to check it out in the afternoon... plus ducked over to Selwyn's. I was in the Yak52 doing aero's with Paul late afternoon.
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