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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Tomo


    So true, I must say though, they are a remarkable aircraft for their time.
  2. Tomo


    Great photos in the video Vev, thanks for posting. David, yeah can't sideslip! And I agree about the stick and rudder thing, but it's another type and it's a pretty cool aeroplane for it's age.
  3. There were a bit over 60 odd hang gliders in the air yesterday, friday and Thursday. I believe quite a few got up to 8000ft or more, great weather for it. There were five tugs launching them all
  4. Tomo

    Ayr - Qld

    Hey!! Yeah it's been a while... I was in Dalby the other day though, in a Warrior... passing through... Might get in there this Saturday afternoon and check out some of the hang gliders at the comp! Thanks for all the comments guys, appreciated
  5. Might be BS Turbo, but I think it has quite a lot of truth to it... think about it, an instructor teaching ab-initio in a Tomahawk has a lot less work on his hands to ensure the student 'feels' good that he is doing a lot of the flying, i.e. confidence. To the instructor in a drifter or similar, where the instructor has to do a lot of the work at first and ease it on slowly otherwise the student will give up feeling useless. There's a fine line. A bad instructor will throw to much to the student to quick and they will give up, I've seen it, I've helped people through it by taking them for a fly and introducing them to another instructor or whatever. It's the instructors job to ensure the student keeps that confidence level at just the right level, not the aeroplanes.
  6. I got one of these... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Seiko-Chronograph-Flightmaster-Watch-100M-SND253P1-/390341762238?pt=Wristwatches&hash=item5ae22e9cbe#ht_4342wt_986 Hasn't missed a beat, never put a battery in it, over 4yrs old now, glows in the dark dials, lasts all night which is good for checking the time early morning! Stop watch etc.. I have the minute hand turned off during normal use, and turn it on if I need it, saves battery that way. A clock man that I showed the watch to said the battery in these usually last about 10yrs - not sure how true that is, but so far so good. Does me... mind you I don't wear it at work, but just about any other time I do. Water proof to 10bar (100mtrs) Have never used the Chronograph though, as the wizwheel in my flight bag is easier!
  7. A good instructor will instil confidence in the student no matter how tough the aircraft is. Easier aircraft are just easier on the instructor...
  8. I wouldn't fly a Jab at night, but just about any other time I will if I know the history of the engine, and have a look at it myself. You do get the odd lemon unfortunately, and I'm not saying they are perfect. But they are a lot of fun and simple. Flew a J430 up north the other day, it was a sweat model, 120kts at 3000rpm and averaged 25ltrs hour at 8500ft
  9. Going from the Foxbat to the Jab 55 is a bit like going from a small auto car to a manual ute, when you have no experience with manuals. Don't give up on the Jab, but being truly honest if you want to get in the air quicker go the Warrior. As I reckon you'll need at least 3-5hrs of circuits in the Jab before you'll have it mastered, coming from a Foxbat background. You'll have the Warrior down pat in an hour easy I reckon. Pity they use so much more fuel! It should't idle bad, if it does that needs to be fixed, usually an idle adjustment, unless it's a fuel jet issue. Stalling it on I wouldn't recommend on those older Jabs with smaller tail and rudder (just personal experience, I'm no instructor). I do love Jabs, they are a great little aircraft, flown every model except the old 470
  10. Being responsible and the consequences if not, is being squashed a lot these days I believe. It all starts at the beginning...
  11. Awesome! Thanks Don!! Sorry I missed you on Monday, wouldn't have been by much though as I ended up taking some friends flying from Toowoomba and headed over Cecil, then out over their old place at Kuppun then onto Dalby etc... catchya next time!
  12. I didn't go because I was assisting with the Easterfest Christian music event in Toowoomba! Which went really well, with well over 10,000 in attendance I'm guessing. Also did the video recording etc... of one of my friends, Liz, perform - look her up, she has great music! - Liz Cole And then on Monday I took some other musician friends up for a flight around the area in a Warrior. Was a fantastic weekend, would loved to have headed south but can't do everything every time unfortunately!
  13. Naips on your smart phone can save the weather report (my iPhone you can anyway) Good old pen and paper is fairly simple method also. (copy it) But a weather report in regards to this accident is a bit off track! And don't forget, having a weather report won't save your life. It'll help of course, but it's the PIC at the end of the day.
  14. It's all the others that try to kill you that worries me... there are some serious idiots on the road at times!
  15. Flew to Ayr on Monday, and was pretty impressed! Nice little area... it looks good at least from the air! Here's just a few photos I quickly took, sorry they aren't real good quality! Looking towards Ayr township Looking out to sea The dirty water in the Burdekin river is from all the recent rain and flooding The mouth of the river into the sea Looking North towards Townsville Yabby farm I think The airfield, lit runway for night ops... so it's pretty flash! (no fuel bowser though)
  16. You obviously need a transponder for flight following. We got flight following on my trip from Ayr on Monday to a property north of Clermont, Ctr wasn't busy so we thought we'd give them a call.
  17. Tragic! From what I've heard from a guy who heard the mayday call he was trying to get back to 24 but went in before. I'm not sure I should identify the pilot just yet, but it was certainly a Europa XS, 912ULS powered aircraft.
  18. 600mtrs is actually 60,000cm... but I won't let the truth get in the way of a good story *Tex knows that I'm sure, but just incase anyone else thought he was serious...
  19. Things happen mighty fast when you see it from that perspective! Was talking to a guy today who was in the USAF for 20 odd years. One stint he back seated in France one time going low level through the mountains, said it was one of the fastest and craziest things he's ever experienced!
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