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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Tomo

    Tomo gets a Pacer!

    Came into Australia in 1992, and lived in Victoria till 2010.
  2. Tomo

    Tomo gets a Pacer!

    Yes that's correct Mike.
  3. Tomo

    Tomo gets a Pacer!

    Here you go! Needs a bit of TLC which it's getting at the moment, but I love it! Yes ADs are up to date including sealed struts, which is good!
  4. He got his love for the sky from his big brother!
  5. Tomo

    Tomo gets a Pacer!

    Photos to come, but just thought I'd let you all know that we bought an old Piper Pacer! Just at the LAME now getting a going over, but pretty excited to have a plane with some character, and tail wheel!
  6. Would love to Mat, but trying to find something that is certified (for tailwheel training at a school) and around the 15k mark is a bit hard!! My bank account is only going to let me upgrade slowly…unfortunately. Can't complain I guess as most young pilots don't even have an aeroplane at all! One day I will get something slick and fast as well! One step at a time.
  7. We are on the look out for a two seat, tail wheel, certified ultralight…under 15k Should I go the Drifter, or the Thruster? I've always been a Drifter man, but I've never flown a Thruster and I am almost leaning towards them at the moment, due to their cost and availability. Thoughts?
  8. There are two types of Australians: Those that sit and whinge that we are going down the drain and that everyone that actually does something is an idiot. And those that actually take chances, look to the future, and live life.
  9. I've got 3 here Motz!! Ever need to borrow them in future just let me know.
  10. Toowoomba needs a bigger airport. If there are services available, they will be used in my opinion. The Wagner boys have always been one step ahead of most in expansions.
  11. Easily done, I'm glad it didn't turn out worse. It's easy to favour one side of the plane when flying from the rear I reckon, in this case it was the right side. Interesting to see the adverse effect of a boot full of right rudder to keep straight, which lifted the left side up on roll out. If you're going to bung a landing, it will be in-front of a bunch of people, it's a fact!!
  12. A lot of PA system wireless mic's etc.. will have to be upgraded here in Aus soon as they are changing bandwidths over or something and it will clash... making a lot of people rather unhappy!
  13. I was there in the afternoon, hanging out with my mates at World Flight, and MAF… the wind was incredible!! Got to see some very daring and impressive take off's towards the end of the day… The Super Decathlon that took off was half impressive, half madman! Most of the departing GA planes would have exceeded their cross wind component by about 3 times! It was very windy! Pretty good turn out though, had a good look around the static displays, the F111 was great to look at up nice and close. Had to drive home through Robertson due to car accident at Gerringong near the Kiama bends closing the road both ways, which was actually a fatal sadly. The Flying Pig!
  14. Here's a photo for you all, where we are both looking! Got them back from our photographer a couple days ago. Thanks again everyone!
  15. Here is a shot of my wife during our wedding ceremony… :) Thanks everyone for your wishes and encouragement.
  16. We lead the world in confusion...
  17. Oh really?! PM his name if you like, I might even know him!
  18. Thanks everyone for the kind words... I'll try and find a photo for you all! And yeah looking at possibly a C172 or something for starters... just feeling around at the moment. Thanks also for the link Don, I've had my eye on that for a while, but we would love more than two seats for what we want to be able to do with it, but I'll keep watching.
  19. Man this is sad!! know that plane a bit... even with landing trim set you should be able to correct that in time if everything was right. Wonder if the pilots seat was locked in properly on the runners. I guess we will never know... Be safe everyone.
  20. Just thought I'd let those out there that might be interested... I got married to an amazing young lady two weeks ago! We are looking around for a bigger aeroplane to use in the near future, most likely will be going GA. If there are any interested buyers of my little single seat Solitaire… shoot us an inquiry.
  21. sounds to me he needs to get a new printer… Reminds me of the American farmer that was telling an Aussie how it took him all day just to get to his boundary fence on his property… the Aussie says "Yeah, I had a ute like that once..."
  22. This is the reason I will not be able to attend whilst it is over Easter. As part of a band we play at another large event that time of year.
  23. Pretty sure it's when you go up to steep a hill! The engine just isn't powerful enough
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