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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Impressive. http://www.boeing.com/Features/2011/05/bca_747-8_RTO_05_04_11.html
  2. Bit like walking towards a crowd and they all run away... that would be called, tomo running... particularly if I followed
  3. G'day Mate! I love the Drifter too! And also enjoy flying a 206 from time to time
  4. I'm no expert, but it would depend highly on what type of aircraft I would think! We aren't allowed to Spin RAA aircraft, so intentionally, it's a no go zone!
  5. G'day Frank, Yes I will be going direct as such... don't even need to stop at Emerald to get fuel as I'd make the property easily, but just easier to fuel there. If you draw a line from Kingaroy to Emerald you pretty much overfly Theodore as it is, which is what we'll be doing, I just put that down as a 'fixture' so to speak. Thanks also Maj, but I highly doubt I'll need to land anywhere there... other than Emerald for some go go juice!
  6. Flew as high as necessary to enable a safe landing if the old girl quit.
  7. If the weather behaves itself this weekend I'm flying my friends new J430 up to his property north of Clermont. Anyways... I reckon I'll head something like - Redcliffe, Dayboro, Kingaroy, Theodore, Emerald, Clermont, his place. Going from DBO to YKRY because I like that country through there a bit better... then up from there. Probably refuel at Emerald... Sound like a reasonable track?
  8. Tomo

    Drifter Pics

    Is that Worminator in the second pick? and his new trike? I flew him in the 206 to go have a look at one, never heard if he got it. Selwyn, always posing for the photo... haha
  9. Following the river, or creek in my case, was an extremely good way to get to know the aircraft, I must say it was the 3rd or 4th lesson when we started doing that too. (in the correct area and approval for doing so of course) Lookout, power management, speed, balance, height, attitude, smooth affective control, wind direction, engine failures into the paddock. Also later on in my low level training we touched on a lot more of this even closer to the ground.
  10. Drifter, of course! Never flown an Xair... so I guess that means I would't know the answer!! but you can't beat the Drifter, and it does have that wheel at the right end... which is important...
  11. Yay!! Well done mate, enjoy the new found privileges, and also responsibilities! Flying this great country of ours is awesome fun
  12. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant mate!
  13. Yes just plodding along there, this one cruises about 105kts on the step, no worries
  14. I suppose... it's a bit boring though unless it's a radial!! (soon to come)
  15. The bucking around was probably me!! Glad you liked it Doug! I was a bit unsure if people would, but it was the right length, and I could use it, so I just did! It's a song by Steve Jablonsky, called "Let us Quest"
  16. I just tell our local spray supplier I need a windsock... and he gets me one! (with their name on it of course)
  17. Indeed! Many thanks to him for that too... it's a great little aeroplane, though the one gripe I had about it was the rudder pedals, soooo tight, or hard to push or something! And rudder brake pedals need to be moved back a bit, but Neil is working on fixing that all up so should be good.
  18. I reckon you could be onto something there Ozzie, good point.
  19. I had the camera mounted up-side-down also, so had to invert the clip the right way with iMovie so you didn't have to tip your computer over!! Yes it's a bit different!
  20. I'd Ensure the venting holes are clear, and if you have the post on the fuel cap, the holes in are facing the right way.
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