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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Thanks guys! G'day Camel, the easiest way would be to edit it on your computer. So unless you really don't want to do that, I wouldn't bother about the Panasonic recorder. Unfortunately I can't help you much if you have a Windows computer in the way of a good editing program as I've never done much on them in that department. I use iMovie, primarily, on a Macintosh. Once you have the video file from the camera to your computer it's a pretty simple process of editing, though quite time consuming. To then upload to Youtube, or any other video host, I just click on the button and away it goes... I only upload 720 HD as the file size is way to big for my simple internet supply if I go full HD! Someone that edits on windows would probably be the best person to talk to if possible, as editing on a Mac is so much easier in my opinion!
  2. Neil took me for a run in his new Savannah the other day... he's an instructor. Thanks for the fun mate!
  3. Unfortunately no, pity really... but that's the way it is.
  4. At Caboolture the other day John (Cressy) showed me the new T-Lite Airborne trike he has in the hangar there. Forgot to take a photos but I was pretty impressed with it. The main thing was it's simplicity and overall good construction and engineering gone into it just to make it a cool little trike. I'm no triker (yet), but if I was looking for a fun little machine you can literally fit in the back of a reasonable sized car or ute, it's pretty impressive. Only a single seater but it's cheap flying taken to a whole new level. Uses something like 2.5ltrs of fuel an hour! Here's a link to the airborne website. http://www.airborne.com.au/pages/ml_t-lite.php
  5. Oh dear, that isn't worth thinking about...
  6. Welcome Akro! What sort of future flying will you be thinking of? Cruising, local, camping away, smooth runway, bit rougher handling, shorter field characteristics etc... you can pretty much name your conditions these days and get an aircraft to fit the spot. Such a huuuge range! Enjoy the journey.
  7. According to a photo I saw of Coldstream this morning looks like the wx is behaving for you guys! Hope you have a great day!
  8. The person would know the standards I'm sure, just being a smarty pants with a reply like that. I must admit I've done right hand ccts at certain places for various reasons. Usually I advise doing so with a double repeat of 'right'...
  9. Wow! What a bargain! Though seems to me a bit strange that something like that can expire!
  10. You must be an english teacher...!!! Didn't notice the mistake till you pointed that out!
  11. Send him a reply email and just ask why this certain aircraft is at YCHT... humour them, that's what I did/do
  12. On a hot day out west landing on black tarmac it's a night mare though!! Fullest flap (most drag) just to settle it down on the ground. (hot air rising off the ground)
  13. Probably got something to do with complexity to a certain extent. I don't find hand brakes all that hard, just a bit trickier... heel, toe, hand on the stick, on the floor, by your side, or none... every single aircraft I've flown is different!
  14. Flapless landings in certain aircraft are actually easier...
  15. Thanks GAFA, I obviously didn't do my research very good!! Just going from memory that's what I originally thought, but if what you say is correct that sounds like a pretty good thing!
  16. The guys at Go Fly Aviation, Caboolture, and now Caloundra are tops. Got a choice of Tecnam P92, Texan's (one with variable pitch prop) and a CT - also a Savannah. (www.goflyaviation.com.au) I think you may need to do the 5 hours in an RAA registered aircraft, not VH rego... as silly as it sounds if it's the same aircraft! If you haven't flown light aircraft for a while, you may take a few hours to get the hang of it, but you'll enjoy every minute. I took a Airline captain for a fly in a J3 Cub on Saturday, and showed him around the Savannah's. He loved it. See you around sometime.
  17. I'm also no instructor... What did your instructor think of your actions? That's who I would initially confer with... but I agree with the others above, there are times when you need to go out and find the problem. I've had many a CFI pull the fuse on me on various things... I usually see them do it, or figure the problem fairly quick, so usually ask do you want a flapless landing, or manual extension? or whatever... So what I'm getting at is, do you think the instructor was wanting you to find the problem, and fix it. Or to land the aircraft in it's current situation, and to handle the added challenge in the circuit? Or in the case of a simulated gear failure... you obviously don't continue there, and you can tell the problem is the power supply if he pulls it... so the method there is to manually get the gear down. Going around, and or moving away like you did to sort it out. Just my thoughts...
  18. I think it's all you dirty minded that need to behave!!!
  19. I like optimistic people!! "The reason I don't exercise is so I don't have to carry a cushion around in the plane..." BTW, not applicable to me by any stretch of the imagination!!
  20. Haha, I think Pud beat me to it DJ! But you can't get much wider than the Drifter.... You know though, to be honest I've never really considered aircraft width, so I don't have any fancy measurements to give out!
  21. Does anyone know the email he was using for you to email the so called seller?? I've seen this before, scammers pulling the photos and add description off another advertising place and then listing it for sale on Ebay for less, but you have to email the person for the transaction to start. I played with one once to see how far he would go... was slightly humorous my end of the email, it was funny. Nothing wrong with selling on Ebay, or buying, it's just another place to list an item... just be careful as with anything. And if it's to good to be true....
  22. Hey Ryan!! I'm there from time to time most evenings... usually somewhere between 8-9pm
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