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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. Airport operators not being able to access an aircraft owners details needs to be fixed I reckon. I fly RAA aircraft into Brisbane (AF) on a regular basis, and the first time, they didn't know where to send the landing fee, after a few try's, the aircraft owner eventually ended up with a letter from the airport operator forwarded on by the RAA, from what I understand. After all that rigmarole he rang up the airport operator and told him who he was, and they now have the aircraft in their systems. To me it's stealing if you can't pay your landing fee. Now I know I would call them up (any other airport requiring landing payment) and tell them myself to save the headache on their part. We don't want to be known around as a bunch of annoying aircraft with numbers.
  2. Will certainly do that Rob, thankyou once again for letting me fly your Drifter, was great fun, and it's a lovely aircraft I must say. I owe you a jerry of fuel next time I see you.
  3. As Powerin said, you have miles of beach below, in our case the tide was going out so we had plenty of hard sand - also indicated by the 4x4's driving along showing where the hard, soft spots are. You can see how far the tide comes up, so you would try and pick a spot where you can pull the aircraft up as far onto the beach as you can, so if you couldn't fix the problem you had less risk of being flooded when the tide came back in. Over the trees, and scrub, well it's just like anywhere, do the best you can. As Pete and I discovered there were little airstrips everywhere around there. I'm not sure Nev, seems all okay here. Hopefully you work something out. From what I remember of your Lightwing, it probably would be similar, although much better view on the ground, and looooooots more power!
  4. Down lever up, squat switch, and a little bounce eh?
  5. Thanks guys!! Here are a couple videos too! First one is with Peter Stanton getting checked out in the aircraft, and also being shown some bush strips. We didn't land at the time but it shows you some nice little strips. (privately owned so you can't just go in there without notice of who you are). And then my first landing in this aircraft back at Gympie, wheeler in this case. Hope you enjoy.
  6. Thanks! And yeah, sorry, I made the video's up away from home and didn't choose the most exciting of sound tracks did I!
  7. Arrived home this afternoon, so have now uploaded a couple of videos that I made up from the other week flying the Cub. First one is with Peter Stanton getting checked out in the aircraft, and also being shown some bush strips. We didn't land at the time but it shows you some nice little strips. (privately owned so you can't just go in there without notice of who you are). And then my first landing in this aircraft back at Gympie, wheeler in this case. Hope you enjoy.
  8. Not sure yet, but if I am it will probably be only for a day, in a GA aircraft and something fast, and night rated.
  9. Yes, but what is the ratio of people getting lost to people who are temporarily uncertain of their position? I've never been lost from what I understand, at one stage though I was a little unsure of my position over some ground, but from doing map to ground worked out the issue and continued on. I wouldn't call that getting lost would you?
  10. Well I'm only 20... so I guess it's not to far wrong I think the first time I took Powerin flying was when I was actually 18, in the J120 at Natfly
  11. Both are equal when it comes to that. Just depends on the persons personality and attitude as to whether they do it well or not, in both male and female.
  12. Hey! There's me... Thanks Pow, was lots of fun!
  13. In some places where the runway is rather wide, it's curved slightly to let the water run off the edge. Not very prominent, but some places it's bigger/steeper than others.
  14. Haha, thanks for the advice Andy... the idea though is to be near a Miss that is just as aviation crazy, so far so good!
  15. Tomo

    Dacron testing??

    Don't forget to test on top of the wing, not underneath!
  16. Yeah I did, not sure of the condition though as we stayed away from it a bit incase of the jumper aircraft operating out of there from time to time - from what I understand. Our radio battery died, so we were just operating under real 1945 conditions!
  17. In my opinion, take note how much you're putting into your tank also, to see if it's in the ball park figure you calculated should go in. As you could think it's full, but then notice you have put in less than what you figured it needed, get someone to rock the wing and just make sure it is actually full. More prominent in wing tanks obviously but sometimes they can appear fuller than they really are. I was flying with a guy in a Cessna 208 Grand Caravan and he had someone else fuel up for him, but as we were doing the checks he reckoned they didn't fill it right up so asked me to check and put some more in. I put another 400 litres in!! (200 odd each side). Was certainly an eye opener for myself as I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it, it looked pretty full!
  18. Thanks Neil, but I think you'd be the one doing the teaching!
  19. Nice one Neil! Nearly might have to head over and have a look...!
  20. Had the privilege of taking Powerin for a flight, in none other than the Classic J3 Cub. We went coastal and had a great time spying down on the 4x4 beach drivers and campers, and a handful of paragliders ridge soaring or whatever they do. Heading North toward Cherry Venture - with the window down. Double Is Point Fair bit of moisture in the air. Sand Blow Rainbow Beach Amazing views Poking along at 60kts... Tin Can Bay Cooloola Cove airstrip - did a touch n go here. Bit of an overview of Gympie town. Couldn't help myself and had to go for a circuit in the RFC's new A22 Foxbat as well today, was quite remarkable. Simple to fly probably sums it up, pretty easy to land. Was a great day, thanks for coming up and giving me an excuse to go for a fly Pete!
  21. Castrol Active 2T in my experience...
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