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Everything posted by Tomo

  1. My brother and I are looking at coming down for the 3 days... probably fly commercial if I can't find a lift. Speaking of which, I might send you a PM Neil!
  2. If the world keeps going the way it is, dreams, goals and ambitions will be no longer!!
  3. Feel your frustration Motz... wouldn't it be good if they could sort out that through bolt problem, seems to be the main drama at the moment.
  4. So, what you're all saying is, it's an appealing statement? :peepwall:
  5. Ah, amazing what you can do with a bit of video editing to make things look impressive! Sure, they were pretty low but there's no way something like that would be going that fast...
  6. You're a legend, thanks I'll do that for sure. Shoot us your mailing address when you get back and I'll chuck it in the post... Have to borrow one in the interim as I'm taking the plane on Holidays next week! (they always know when to cark it don't they!!)
  7. I've got a slight problem... I accidentally left my radio on the other day - aka master switch - on my plane and flattened the battery dead as dead. More frustration than anything there... however now after charging the battery I come to turn my radio on, and it ain't turning on! Found a blown 1 amp fuse which I thought was the problem, so I excitedly fitted a new one, being happy that it was such an easy fix! My joy was short lived however, when it only lit up the backlight on the radio and nothing else.... So I've dug deaper and pulled the radio out of the plane and have pulled it apart...hoping to not find a fried mother board or something - which I didn't. I did find a little 3v button battery in-side though, and it gave me the thought that maybe it has gone flat flat and now it won't let the cpu work or something. What do you educated fixerers think? If I leave it on the power for a while will it get recharged or should I pull it out and fit a new one? Or am I barking up the wrong tree completely and should I go back to swinging spanners instead? Thanks! Ps. Here's a photo of the inards of the radio and the little button battery. (why the photo is up-side-down is beyond me, I took it standing on my feet, honest!)
  8. Brilliant, thanks Kevin I'll keep that in mind for sure! Thanks to everyone else too, awesome work.
  9. Quick question... of the above... Was thinking of going for a quick flight down there sometime but instead of hiring a fast and furious plane which I could take into the airspace... was wondering if there were any places I could drop the wheels down of my little rocket? It would be heaps cheaper that way... would take a bit (lot) longer but you get that... And while I'm thinking of it, which way would you recommend taking a trusty 2 stroke banger down that'away from my place - Toowoomba, Pittsworth area. Zzankyou!
  10. Have really enjoyed reading through your posts in here guys... for a young squirt it's mighty interesting to hear how things were done way back yonder.
  11. ...three eyes and two noses, not to mention the toes...
  12. Not sure I'd recommend that Doug! Can't say I can see that as being a very good idea in an aircraft somehow!
  13. Just don't forget the wing tip!!! Plenty of energy in the turn, nice wheeler... good control, would hate to hit a gust or air pocket and dip the wing into the ground though. Would probably be classified as 'aviation hooning'.
  14. Good stuff Steve, great to hear the good news!! I'm out west and haven't had internet for a while, so this was the first thing I saw when I logged in! I'm glad to hear it! Should be back in the land of the living in a couple weeks hopefully! (Ps. in Charleville at the moment, so any pilots got a plane! )
  15. Hey Bruce, I just saw it on a facebook page and thought it was a good reminder. That guy in the 206 was mighty lucky it didn't hit the prop! I always make a habit of removing the tow bar... the tow bar remains in the hand when it's attached to the aircraft... is my point of view.
  16. Just a photo I saw and thought it a good reminder to actually check the plane before we jump in and fly off...
  17. Wonder why he was up side down? Just 'cause he can probably...
  18. Thanks guys... Planey: Yeah, I've never seen one before either before today! I think I figured out it's the 40th different type of aircraft I've now flown... scary thought! Having flown many types I didn't really have any apprehension as such, I do however try and take a good look at things and you can get a rough idea on it's performance and how it flies by just looking at it. Being a two seater I asked the former owner if he'd come for a circuit with me just to 'be there' incase I didn't have a handle on it. I found it just an aeroplane that has it's own little quirks, but all in all not a bad ultralight, weird yaw characteristics due to it's short fuse and long draggy wings though, I presume. Thanks Maj, yeah that was one of my thoughts too, seems to be fairly adequate though from what I've heard/read!
  19. So I flew a T-bird to it's new home today for the owner... The trip was from Jacobs Well near the Gold Coast to Pittsworth, via Gatton Airpark and Toowoomba. After checking the aircraft off and working out what each button and knob does I went for a quick circuit with the previous owner to make sure I was okay with it - Having never flown one of these ever I liked that idea. It was blowing 22kts apparently so pretty windy and really not a day for joy riding for the fun of it! Anyway it all went well, did a circuit and landed quite gracefully considering the conditions - I'd put it down to the aircrafts easy landing performance more than anything I did! Mind you I was thinking on final this feels pretty wild, the wind was crazy. Tight seat belts are a wonderful thing... While the new owner was finishing off the paper work I got myself finalised, some extra fuel strapped in and a track drawn on my map, also a 20ltr drum of water strapped in the passenger seat for some extra ballast. I set off... Amberley airspace was de-active so I pretty much just followed my nose to Gatton Airpark to visit a mate and top up with fuel for the rest of the flight. Arrived about an hour later, getting tossed around fairly well. Was a good flight though, with the engine performing nicely. Topped up with fuel and had a chat to my mate a G Airpark and then set off for Toowoomba, didn't land there as I figured the least number of landings in this ridiculous wind was a good idea. Turned in the general direction for Pittsworth and arrived a bit later - nothing much fast happens in a 60kt plane with a 30 kt cross wind/slash headwind! (according to Airservices anyway) Landing at Pittsworth was good, but wouldn't want much more of a cross wind as I was pretty much on the control stops. Was quite relieved to be on the ground to be honest! Was a good trip and I enjoyed it, not the nicest of conditions, but at least there wasn't any rain around! Thanks for the experience and for the new friends I've met today. The proud new owner! Adam and Gabby Cruising - Amberley in the distance The instrument panel! The beast at G Airpark Passing over Toowoomba Control yoke It's new home for the time being.
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