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Everything posted by Nostalgair

  1. Hi, I just saw this thread and although a little old, I might have some input. I have been traditionally published previously and this year ventured down the eBook road. Without doubt, both have very strong cases on all manner of items from content control to distribution and marketing. Similarly, readers often have their preference, be it an eBook or a print version. I do think that an eBook is an effective way to test the waters. At a reasonable level of cost, the eBook can launch on the Amazon marketplace and various other distributors such as iTunes.From there, the title's success may provide a very good indicator whether publishing a print copy is a viable option. Furthermore, the eBook can provide a wonderful 'pitch' to a print publisher. My first eBook, '50 Tales of Flight' went down this road. I launched it in February and it has consistently ranked very highly on Amazon in aviation titles, even spending time at number one in aviation. The upshot is that it has proved a success and I am sure that a print version is now in its future. In the meantime, I'll write and publish another eBook. In summary, not everyone likes eBooks; that's their choice. However, devices such as the iPad has made eBooks far user-friendly. What they do permit the author to do is self-publish a title at a relatively low cost and thereby releasing the story from a solitary hard drive, even if only for family and friends. I hope this helps. Cheers Owen
  2. Thanks Guys, I'm glad that you liked the short video. There was some great scenery on that flight around Australia and the weather was generally kind to me. I'm glad that you're getting something out of the blog Gareth. I really try and include everyone with the content, but particularly those starting out. As for the HD version, that'll be a DVD. I've finished editing the vision and now putting down the sound and narration. It's a big job. :-) I'll keep you posted. Cheers, Owen
  3. Hi All, Here's a short video from my solo charity flight around Australia. I hope you enjoy it. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/A_Flight_Around_Australia_for_the_Royal_Flying_Doctor_Srrvice_An_Aviation_Blog_Video_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  4. Hi All, Thanks for the feedback and kind words. Those special moments are definitely something to cherish. And sometimes there is a real joy in sharing them, while at other times the peace of solo flight is priceless. Cheers, Owen P.S. I l'll also post a link to a short video that I made on my solo charity flight around Australia.
  5. Hi All, Can you recall a special moment aloft? That really still morning, or the first solo? After speaking to a few chaps, I wrote this piece that seems to have struck home with a lot of fellow pilots. It's one I thought I'd share. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Moments_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  6. Hi again, The point raised about airspace and procedures is actually quite a common one that I've heard. Some folks I've spoken to have avoided certain airspace, even though appropriately rated to fly there. Thanks again, Cheers, Owen
  7. Hi All, Thanks for the great answers, thus far. I have been running the same question around with pilots I know and the diversity of answers is amazing and extremely interesting. Paying for flying, time and the challenges of VFR do seem to be a recurring themes. This is great feedback, thank you. Cheers, Owen
  8. Hi All, I am interested in hearing what you find to be the greatest challenge in flying these days? It doesn't have to be a manipulative skill, it may be the ability to stay current. Personally, finding the time for private, non-commercial flying is the challenge for me. And when I mention a challenge, it can be a positive thing in aviation. After all, this is a skill that we'll never perfect, but get a real kick out of on the odd occasion when we get close. I look forward to hearing what's the challenge. :-) Cheers, Owen
  9. Hi All, Firstly, my sincere thanks to everyone who has been visiting my blog and emailing me. In response I have started a 'Learn to Fly' series that I'll build up over the coming months. The first instalment is "A Matter of Course". http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_...rse_(Part_One)_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ I won't keep updating every time there's a new story because I don't want to pester this forum and there's something new virtually every day anyway. There are also updates on my FB page which I know some of you are following. Thanks again, Owen
  10. Hi All, Here's the latest one for you. I've also posted an image of Sydney Airport from above. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_..._Little_Things_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  11. Thanks a lot for your feedback shags_j. I started the website and blog to share my two favourite pastimes; flying and writing. I had no idea that there was as much interest out there for a personal blog up against all the commercial websites out there on the internet. It's a lot of fun and I'm happy to share it with as many folks who want to kindly take the time to read it. Cheers Owen
  12. Hi All, I meant to attach the photo associated with this story too. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/The_Big_Bang_Theory_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers Owen
  13. Hi All, Here's another blog post you might like. There's also a new image posted. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Hard_Lessons_Learnt_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
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  14. Hi Wayne, I'm sorry, but I don't recall the name, although that's a great picture of the 'Cat'. On the issue of Catalinas, there is a Catalina in a museum at Lake Boga in Victoria, while HARS at Wollongong have a flying Catalina painted to represent the 'Black Cats'. Cheers, Owen
  15. Hi All, Here's a new post about a partial engine failure. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/The_Big_Bang_Theory_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  16. Thanks everyone, Your feedback is greatly appreciated and the fact that so many folks are visiting the blog will drive me to keep writing. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/A_Great_Set_of_Numbers_/ I'll post some more new content shortly. We must have moved in the same circles IanR. Sadly the names mentioned are far removed from the full list. Cheers Owen
  17. Hi All, Here's some food for thought on the potentially unforgiving nature of aviation. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Unforgiving_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  18. Hi All, I often get asked about the worth of teriary education in the aviation field. Personally, following the Ansett collapse in 2001, undertaking a Masters degree was very worthwhile. But everyone's case is different. Here's a piece that I wrote on the subject. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Careers_in_Aviation,_A_Degree_of_Satisfaction_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  19. Hi All, Thanks for all of the kind comments and great feedback. I'll endeavour to post links here when I think the stories might be something this forum would particularly like, mind you, the entire blog is about aviation. :-) Either way, there is new content most days at http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp Thanks again and safe flying. Cheers, Owen
  20. Hi All, Here's a very interesting and sobering video. I have also added some commentary. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/The_Fatal_Stall_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers Owen
  21. Hi All, Here's a storm approaching Darwin on a rather dark night. Needless to say, we took the long way around. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/The_Heart_of_the_Storm_An_Aviation_Blog_Image_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen
  22. Hi All, Thanks for all the feedback to the stories and photos on my new blog. Here's another one that you might like. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Mustangs_and_Memories_An_Aviation_Blog_by_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers Owen
  23. Hi All, Here's a new blog for 2011. "Something Old. Something New." http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Something_Old_Something_New_By_Owen_Zupp/ Cheers, Owen Image by NASA.
  24. Thanks everyone for the feedback. Now the New Year is upon us, I'll try to post a few more blogs as I go. Cheers, Owen
  25. Hi All, Here's my last blog for 2011. http://www.owenzupp.com/_blog/Owen_Zupp/post/Auld_Lang_Syne_By_Owen_Zupp/ Happy New Year! Cheers Owen
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