Hi All,
Thanks for the support.
Firstly, the trip will be solo. The intention is to notify the various townships enroute and encourage as many aviators and their aircraft to come out to highlight the presence of aviation in Australia and join in the fun.
As for the route that is displayed on the website, it is very generic at this stage. The last 6 weeks have been occupied selecting an aircraft for the flight. Until that was finalised this week with the kind sponsorship from Jabiru, many details were on hold; the final route was one of them. The wide range of performance and range on offer meant that until the aircraft was decided upon, the route could not be precisely planned. That task is now underway with the help from the folks at Champagne PC flight planning.
Rest assured, we are seeking to include as many aviation significant waypoints as we can realistically achieve over 2 weeks. 'Cloudsuck' your suggestions are very valid and are definitely on the 'radar'. As soon as final route is settled upon, it will be posted on the 'There and Back' website.
Thanks again for your support and I'll keep you all posted.