I agree I think there are limits to designs as well, That’s interesting the website changed since i first looked at it. The pictures at the bottom are of a swept flying wing, the delta is new. I try not to critique other designs at concept stage because they usually morph – ironing out the bugs after their inception, stall speed and elevator effectiveness are two concerns on the first design. There are flying wings that work well. Hopefully these guys will do their homework, If they do it properly they can get an efficient flyer - be it modified a few times.
I’m weary of Xplane it is a good analysis tool but, I don’t trust it on non- conventional designs for a number of reasons. I lean towards scale R/C models, if you correctly modify airfoils etc for Reynolds number and use a similar power loading, it can show a great deal more, Rutan did most of his work this way. I know guys who professionally model aerodynamics. They use industry standard programs and they still don’t fully trust them. I know of a few issues.
The original Stratos is an airworthy reference piece I use to check against, it also holds a sentimental value to the family, maybe one day we might put it in a museum or something.
I’m confused? I double checked with one of my aerodynamics books, inertia coupling is a multi axis gyration that occurs on supersonic aircraft.
Charles would dive the Stratos to Vne at 270Km/H where the Vne limit was due to engine over-speeding. He did not report any stability problems. Compressibility effects don't occur at that speed. There was an inertia effect on the elevator when hitting turbulence, my father mentioned that he had to mass balance the elevator to get proper stick free stability by neutralising elevator inertia. Stick fixed stability was reported to be fine. He balanced the MKII elevator, he didn’t have time to go back and mass balance the prototype elevator.
I would not use the control surface layout of the MKII because of the elevator for stalling reasons. I am opting to use the prototype control surface setup for various reasons, with a mass balance at least on the elevator.
Yep the MKII did stall at a far greater magnitude then what the prototype would stall at low air speed, hence why it caught my father off guard, i remember he was also below 500ft as per CAA regulations at the time.