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Everything posted by MartincaF1

  1. That radio looks trick! About time they made these things look advanced, and digital, unlike most other radios on the market with tiny screens.
  2. WHAT MODEL Vertex radio does that - 2-channel monitoring? Sounds like a sound (no pun) option to have.
  3. That's a great read! As is Stick & Rudder.
  4. Great video... but you lost me at "Put the bitch in jail".
  5. Love it - all 3 'tubes. What a trip. Well done - good footage too. Am still on low hours so plan - once xc and pax endorsements in the bag - to fly return Adelaide-Canberra. Videos like yours show how fascinating and doable it is.
  6. I soloed at 24hs, but have flown more since with an instructor due unfavourable weather and too-busy circuit. Never mind... I'm patient :) Just.
  7. Hola Oso! Yo tambien soi uruguayo viviendo en Adelaide, South Australia. Estoy aprendiendo (si ya se que nunca terminanos de aprender...) a pilotar en un Evektor SportStar SL, tengo 30 horas no mas, y meno de una hora solo. Despasio... Anyway, I look forward to following your exploits flying in Uruguay! Abrazos, hermano!
  8. SHUTTUP AND TAKE MY MONEY!! (And I don't even own an airplane yet.)
  9. How sensational. Congratulations! I'm only about 10 hours behind you, and intend to trail you (from a safe distance) :) Happy days.
  10. I'm a student at Adelaide Biplanes, in a SportStar. AB has two to choose from, plus a gaggle of others is you want variety. I think it's $180ps solo (or with passenger, not instructor). The views around the south coast are awesome and ever changing. Wineries, coastline, hills, marinas, etc.. and the people at Adelaide Biplanes are lovely. Check them out here: Adelaide Biplanes: Adelaide Biplanes - Home Enjoy!
  11. He just said it's his preference. Given I was only a few flying lessons in, I suspect he explained more but unfortunately I can't recall more info. If you email OZR they're usually responsive - ask them the Q.
  12. I attended a product training session by OzRunways last year (a whole year ago... in 2016) where OzRunways's Bas said he uses/prefers Area Forecast for winds.
  13. Hi mnewbery - I don't know how to PM here, but if still available, I'd like those maps. Am a low hour student, and interested in becoming familiar with what they look like (true). Happy to pay for postage. My address: PO Box 231, North Adelaide SA 5006.
  14. I'm really looking forward to it. I need to work up to it. From what I hear it's Family Size 'right rudder! right rudder!' application :) I'll get there...
  15. Welcome Lee, from a fellow relative newby. I train at Aldinga flying a SportStar, and am totally addicted. It's good but. Wish I could sleep more than 5hs without waking up to fly circuits in my head. At 4.30 in the morning. We'll get there... we'll get there. Enjoy.
  16. I recently started flying lessons in a southern Adelaide flight school, in late 2008 model Evektor SportStar SL aircraft with some glass/some vacuum in the cockpit. Beautiful little aircraft for learning in, I'm told. The fees are $225ph dual, $180 solo (I'm not there just yet). The total time with instructor is usually a full 2 hours: 30-40 minutes review/briefing, a full hour flying, then debrief anything up to 30 minutes. In my opinion generous. I'm happy to pay that, even though I'd love to pay less if I could so I could fly more hours, get to my Certificate/Licences quicker. Thanks for all the info to all above.
  17. I shared a house with a RAAF techy in the '80s who was a private pilot, and went on 2-3 private flights with him. Fast forward to 2016 and an ad hoc conversation with a home loan client (I run a mortgage broking business) sparked my interest in flying lessons again. I've been 'right into' space shuttles, astronaut stories, the ISS etc. and always looked at small aircraft. After this recent conversation I visited 4 Adelaide flying schools, asked another client who's a LAME, then settled on lessons at Aldinga in an Evektor SportStart SL. Cool. Have completed Lesson 6 - Circuits so have a bit of learning still to do... :)
  18. Thanks Nev. Much appreciated.
  19. ..that's me. I first flew 40 years ago with a private pilot buddy. Fast forward, just started flying lessons at Adelaide Biplanes in Aldinga SA. Selected Evektor SportStar SL for the price ($225ph dual), and age (late 2008 models). Plus it's a brilliant handling little aircraft, with glass cockpit, large canopy for amazing views, and economical to fly. Can't see any downside. I'm totally engrossed in flying, reading about flying, watching flying videos... and want a lot more hours in the air both pilot & passenger. Patience... (PS. Don't know if I'm posting correctly here, seems like I've created a thread, all I want is to post an intro. ADMIN - delete or move if incorrectly posted.)
  20. Totally engrossed in flying lessons, can barely sleep for thinking about it. Looking for more hours in the air. Enjoy!
  21. Totally engrossed in flying lessons, can barely sleep for thinking about it. Looking for more hours in the air. Enjoy!
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