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Everything posted by Nobags

  1. I have that system open mike in my Spacewalker II, open cockpit, yes noisy background. But you can use Bose headsets ANR. I have used Bose ANR on several occasions and it’s very quiet compared to my skull inside a leather head cover and goggles. Pax have reported no issues hearing me over the noise nor problems hearing radio chat.
  2. Apprentice amourer “I wonder what this switch does” oh shite!
  3. Do the ceramic exhausts cool down quicker after engine shutdown?
  4. Evidenced by example here you can see how easy it is to FU the dialogue in the written press. Come on you blokes get your wording correct!
  5. Great video mate keep it up. Love all the gadgets in the cockpit! “When I was flying up there” all we had was a WAC and a grease pencil and no power to outclimb the hills. Great vid keepem coming!
  6. What happened to your take off roll?
  7. The trim tab position, and it’s effect, is dependant totally on your ‘normal’ cruise power setting and the indicated airspeed for that power setting.
  8. Sorry but I think the goat was smarter!
  9. It sounds like the computer side is running out of flash memory?
  10. Bloody aeroplanes are to trees As golf balls are to water traps.
  11. I like that ram mount. And the Ultra!
  12. I was thinking about putting it where the alt is now then putting the alt where the vsi is. Little room for iPad unfortunately, currently I use iPhone 8+ with ozrunways for nav. (In a holder over the ign key,not shown) My mates are always cautioning me about how unstable iPhone/iPad can be as sole nav platform.
  13. Happy to pay a bit more. HSI’s are so out of date. I want the AH function and a decent nav function on the next page.
  14. That’s my point if the HSI Page was improved to be able to download Ozrwys or other I’d be in there quicker than flesh Gordon!
  15. Anyone added a different database to the other than the Jeppersen one? AvMap Ultra EFIS Love to buy one but the HSI Page is not what I want. Just imagine if it had a map and oz runways on it ..... yohooo!
  16. Nerdy glasses Aunty! LOL
  17. Great vid! "Just one little goat" eh?
  18. Found this fwiw http://www.solvents.net.au/index_htm_files/ALODINE%20600%20BRUSH%20APP%20(169621).pdf
  19. Could "it" have been an accelerated stall?
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