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Everything posted by RetiredRacer

  1. Hi Mike, That RV4 only has the front seat and controls. The back is now used for luggage. With my 9a being so light it stalled at 38 kts clean and 35 kts with flaps (solo). Loaded to 600 kg it was 45 kts clean and 41 kts with flaps. Bob
  2. Hi Bernie, There is a red RV4 from Melbourne registered single seat in RAA. Being carefull with the build (weight wise) 3's 4's and 6's could make the weight but they would need to be light to make the required stall speed, where as the 9 has a different wing and has no problem with the stall speed but has to be built ultra light to meet the weight requirment. Bob Dennis 0-235 RV9a (406 kg)
  3. Your not thinking of selling that beautiful 9 are you Mike?
  4. Kevin Walters school near Gatton and he has a drifter. I can dig up his number if you want it.
  5. Good one Nick, congratulations!
  6. It was discussed at length by the very experienced female CFI pilot a few years back. She had dropped the aircraft off a few months earlier for a annual and as she had another aircraft, told the LAME there was no hurry. She knew it normally lacked power but once she was on the down hill run she knew somerhing was wrong. But the hill was too steep to abort. Back at her home airfield she found the problem. The LAME had refitted a throttle linkage to the wrong hole in a bellcrank and that reduced the travel of the throttle. She refitted the lincage to the right hole in the bellcrank, which gave her full throttle again and returned to the LAME next day to get the "fix" signed off.
  7. You can still run into a mob on the road that are doing the very slow trip down the "long paddock" to fatten them up rather that trucking them.
  8. Trust you "betterthanbex" :yikes:I was just proving a point here with FT, the hair dresser has become a celebrity here in Qld just because he uses a photo of his face in all his advertising!! As with Dick Smith.
  9. But they still use the Colonel's face don't they!! It might be from the 60's but it still works or they would not be still using that concept!!
  10. Donation done Geoff. These poor farmers need this hay!!!! There is a perception that farmers are well off, Not any more!!!!! And haven't been for a lot of years since the giant supermarkets come on the scene and cut the farmers profit to nill!! The banks basicaly oun the farms now and the farmers are struggling to pay the interest only. Well done Geoff and the truckers!!!
  11. The yanks had girls delivering to the US training air fields as well. They were called the "WASP" squadron and like the African-American "Red tails" they had to fight to get excepted as well. To get excepted for training they had to have minimum of 1000 hours in their logbook and had to proove that they were exceptional as a pilot as well as a navigator. One report I read on the WASP's was a training group somewhere in the states, sitting it out because of extreme bad weather heard a multi engined aircraft go low over-head and when they rushed out side they could only just make out a B17 that was being delivered to them by a WASP, coming in to land on a snow covered runway. The WASP's believed that they could not afford to be sitting on the ground if there was a chance someone else was up there flying! Unfortunatly this also resulted in the WASP's loosing a lot of female delivery pilots!
  12. Hi Alan, There's a Murphy Rebel at Watts Bridge in Sth east Qld, it has a low hour Continental 200 in it I believe.
  13. Yes it does Yenn, but it looks more like short final over that bit of swamp Bob
  14. You don't have to look at a rocket, just look at a Super Hornet doing an air display (super power) and as Pylon said, thats money that put that baby in the air!!!! Bob
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