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Everything posted by RetiredRacer

  1. Our RV9a is out of the test period, and I would like to do something special for Robyn's first flight in it. I was thinking of Orchid Beach, but I want to get up to date info on it's condition first before deciding. Anyone...anyone ?
  2. Gotta agree with everyone else, so true !!! LOL @ PlaneDriver !!
  3. The link wouldn't work for me. Where is Tumut?
  4. Here is my 2,3,4,5th &6st flight reports. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The rough running engine was caused by stale fuel. Because of the floods (our house and my business workshop both wemt under) and the rebuild program, the plane sat for three months. We found the throttle body spray tube was gummed up. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd flight. This flight was only 20 minutes and no testing was done as the engine still wasn't sounding 100%. Trying to run it full throttle to bed the rings in was difficult, as the temps on 1&3 just kept climbing, which meant that once they got over 400 deg. I'd have to back off to let it cool, then go again. Back on the ground I did a mag check and found a couple of plugs miss firing. Trying to keep the engine cool, I was keeping the mixture rich. And during the cooling descends must have fouled up the plugs. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3rd & 4th flights. OK, need to do do some checking. Did another flow test to make sure there was plenty of flow. good there. And changed the plugs from 8's to 7's to try and stop them fowling up. During the flow test I found the slide in the TBI (throttle body injection) wasn't getting full travel, which meant it wasn't getting full throttle. I adjusted the cable to rectify the problem which must have come about when we adjusted the cable so we could get the idle down to where we wanted it on first engine start. New and hotter plugs along with full TBI slide travel, seemed to do the trick. The engine sounded sharper and was finding more rev's on take-off and climbs. but now with full throttle, the exhaust gasses on 1 & 3 cyl's are spiking, resulting in shorter runs on full throttle. Which makes it hard to try and bed in the rings. Decided to land, have some lunch and give it another go after lunch. The 4th flight was cut short as the engine temps seemed to be getting worse, so decided to call it a day. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th flight After a discussion with Jim (the engine builder ), it was decided that the extra travel on the slide in the TBI, because of the way it is designed, could be causing cyl's 1 & 3 to lean out. If this was the case, then we could experiment with the throttle and see what happens. I also decided to change the plugs back to 8's as a precaution. On take-off the engine was just as sharp as it was before, but as the egt's (exhaust gas temp's) on 1 & 3 started to spike, I backed the throttle of a little and straight away they started to recede. After some experimenting I found the sweet spot with the throttle, where it seemed to have good power while keeping the temps under control. This enabled me to get back into doing some good rated climbs to bed the rings in while also keeping the temps under control I put in a total of 1.2 hrs on this flight and as light was running out, called it a day. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6th flight After yesterdays pleasing flight I was anxious to get a early flight, as we needed to call it a day at noon for a mothers day afternoon dinner. But the fog kept us on the ground till ten. So I used this time to give the aircraft a good check over. I got airborne quickly on about 7/8 th throttle and climbed to 4000ft averaging a 1000/1100 ft/min climb rate. Hey this baby climbs, considering it is the small Lycoming motor, the engine still is being run in and because of the temps, I am probable running it a bit rich to what it really likes. Temps got up a little on 1 & 3 cyl's on this climb, but they were acceptable. Seeing as we've sorted out most of the problems we have been having with the motor, I decided to start doing some testing. The Van's Aircraft testing manual tells us to do the stall testing without actually stalling the a/c. I've read where the RV9 really doesn't stall as such. I've found this to be true. Clean, I got the airspeed back to 38/39 kts and it just sat there, a massive amount of sink, but it just kept it's nose above the horizon and was steady at that. So I powered on and flew out of it. With full flaps it got down to 35 kts and again just sat there. I might have been too timid with it, trying to get it to show signs of a stall without actually stalling it. So I might have to get more aggressive with it. By this stage I was getting a lot of confidence in the a/c, so I decided to go for a fly somewhere instead of hanging around Watts Bridge. So I took a fly to Gatton and back, giving the motor as much of a workout as I could, while I was doing it. Another 1.4 hrs Bring on next weekend :-D
  5. Hi guy's To give you a bit of background on this project. I'm a low hr RAA licensed pilot. My next birthday will be my 70th. I started to study and save up to get my pilots licence when I was in my teens, but I finished up getting involved in a rock band instead. Three years ago I decided I was going to do what I've always wanted to do, build a plane and get my licence. At the time it looked positive that RAA were going to get 750/760 kg MTOW some time in the future. As both my brothers had owned Cessna's, I liked the idea of having a lycoming up front. Van's website had the -9 with the 0-235 listed at 735 kg MTOW. Because of my age I felt I didn't have time to wait around until the increases came in. As it was going to take time to build an aircraft, I bit the bullet and ordered a RV9a quick build kit. The kit was on the water when the new's came through that the 760 kg MTOW was knocked on the head, but we were going to get 600 kg instead. At this point I felt I had two options. Go GA or sell the kit. A friend of mine gave me a link to a guy in the states who was building 9's and 9a's to meet the LSA spec's. After getting in touch with this guy, I decided to press ahead with the 9a. The rest you know.
  6. We are pleased to report, our Recreation Aviation Australia registered RV9a made it's first flight on the 10th of April. No vices, in fact after trimming it flew hands off. Unfortunately had to cut the first flight short due to a rough running engine that developed after take-off. But looking forward to sorting the problem out and doing some testing. Aircraft weighed in on a set of longacre motor racing scales at 893 lb (406 kg). The airframe of the quickbuild kit was unmodified in any way or form, to achieve that weight. A Conical mounted 0-235 C2C was chosen and modified to Lyc's LSA 0-233 spec's (with bolt-on equipment etc). along with a Catto two blade prop and numerous other under cowl modifications to save weight. RV12 type seats and instrument panel fitted with a Dynon D180 EFIS, X-Com radio and Trigg transponder, were fitted to the Spartan interior. A huge amount of time was spent researching and choosing the lightest equipment and gear available for this aircraft. The A/c has been registered as a single seat, but now the long awaited 600 kg amendment has been initiated we will be able to re-install the right seat and stick (the seat and stick were installed when the A/C was weighed). Here is a youtube link to our first flight for anyone that may be interested http://www.youtube.com/user/RockinRobynQ3?blend=7&ob=5
  7. Before Christmas??? I asked Steve Bell the same question a month or so back. He said he was told he will have them before Christmas. But he did add, he forgot to ask "Which Christmas".
  8. Exactly Yenn, I'm building a RV9a (hope to have it flying by Christmas), and I can assure you I've done a load of reserch on the RV nose wheel ("A" model). Most GA a/c are heavy and built like tanks compared to Rec a/c. So we (RAA) have been taught or learnt to respect the front gear on our lighter a/c. Rv's are built light (for GA), so treat the RV "A" models the same as you would any RA front gear, and I don't believe you would ever have any trouble with the front leg.
  9. Pete, did Steve Bell give you any hint to what MTOW he was referring to? The 600kg (which I thought we already had, but just had to wait for the Attorney Generals office to put it's approval stamp on it)? or the 750kg that they knocked us back on, but said they would reconsider it at a later date?
  10. I know a little bit about this plane, and I'll emphasize "little bit". The guy who owns the 152 bought it registered RAA. It is my understanding the aircraft was completely disassembled, and then re-assembled (years of work). It was re-built with the purpose of keeping it light, And being completely re-built, it met the 51% rule, and was no more a factory built aircraft. With the completely re-design and re-structure to "legally" meet the RAA requirements, it was no longer a Cessna, so hence the name change.
  11. Alu trolley???? Where about' did you get your "alu trolley" from Spin? What a great story Wana.
  12. Hi Phil, We're puting up a hanger at Watts Bridge, and we'll have room for two other aircraft. But Watts is probably a bit far for you.
  13. Where about's in Qld are you looking for a hanger Phil?
  14. Just ordered some I've just ordered a pair of "AeroLeds" from the Australian agent. They are expensive, but if you way up the pro's and con's I believe they are worth it. http://aeroleds.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=Vpoy5qlSnM4%3d&tabid=2162 If you are interested I can give you the Ausie agent's details.
  15. I could be wrong here (because I haven't flown since the 3rd of June to double check). But don't the big boys now have to do their circuts @ 1500' AGL? And you now have to do your over-fly @ 2000' AGL? I will be double checking the new rules before I go flying again. But please check me here if I am wrong :confused:
  16. 600 kg has been aproved The 600 kg MTOW has been approved (late last year). We now just have to wait for the paperwork to go through the Attorney Generals office (April-May hopefully).
  17. It was the mailman's last day on the job after 35 years of carrying the mail through all kinds of weather to the same neighbourhood. When he arrived at the first house on his route he was greeted by the whole family there, who congratulated him and sent him on his way with a big gift certificate envelope. At the second house they presented him with a box of fine imported cigars. The folks at the third house handed him a selection of terrific fishing lures. At each of the houses along his route, he was met with congratulations, farewells, cards, and gifts of all types and values. At the final house he was met at the door by a strikingly beautiful young blonde in a revealing negligee.. She took him by the hand, gently led him through the door (which she closed behind him), and led him up the stairs to the bedroom where they had a most passionate liaison. Afterwards, they went downstairs, where she fixed him a giant breakfast: eggs, potatoes, ham, sausage, blueberry waffles, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. When he was truly satisfied she poured him a cup of steaming coffee. As she was pouring, he noticed a dollar bill sticking out from under the cup's bottom edge. '...All this was just too wonderful for words, ' he said, ......but what's the dollar for?' 'Well,' she said, 'last night, I told my husband that today would be your last day ....and that we should do something special for you. I asked him what to give you?' He said, "...Screw him .........give him a dollar." The blonde then blushed and said, '....But the breakfast was my idea.
  18. Bummer!!! I would use a little stronger word than that KOZMIK. I've had the RV9a I'm building, on a Jenny Craig diet to get it down to 600kg. Now it is going to have to learn to eat like a Mouse and sh!t like an Elephant, to get down to 544kg. i_dunno
  19. That's how I read it as well Dazza.
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