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Everything posted by RetiredRacer

  1. This is the heading (below) of that above draft signed by Andrew Ward and dated the 17 Sep. This heading coupled with the wording "amendments" And "the alternative policy (600 kg) has been chosen" I read as it was going through, but would take time to get through the Attorney General’s department . [ Revision of Policy for Project OS 08/13 - Early implementation of certain proposed CASR Part 103 standards via CAO To alleviate delays associated with the drafting queue at the Attorney General’s OLDP, CASA was requested to bring forward the policy privileges contained within the current drafting instructions for CASR Part 103 by amending CAOs 95.4, 95.8, 95.10, 95.12, 95.12.1, 95.32, 95.54 and 95.55. ]
  2. Are you talking about this proposal? has it now been knocked on the head? [ • An amendment that will permit aeroplanes in the non LSA categories RA-Aus (3 axis aeroplanes, weight shift) HGFA (weight shift aeroplanes) capable of being registered under these CAOs to be registered up to the same weights as LSA [600 kg (650 kg if equipped to alight on water)] providing that number does not exceed the designed MTOW for that aeroplane. o The practical effect of this change would be to allow the legacy small GA aeroplanes already flying under RA-Aus such as Aeroncas and Piper Cubs and some amateur built aeroplanes that are presently restricted to 544 kg be flown at their designed MTOWs or 600kg whichever is lower. o RA-Aus had sought and CASA had issued a Discussion Paper (DP) about an increase up to a maximum of approximately 760 kg MTOW. However, it has been confirmed that the proposal will not be accepted and the alternative policy (600 kg) has been chosen ]
  3. Hi RTFM, If your looking at brisbane, the western suburbs (north or south) will put you closer to airfields like Kilcoy, Watts Bridge, Gatton and Boonah. We're building a hanger/chalet at Watts Bridge, and will be renting space when it is finished. Like the other fields it is about an hours drive from Brisbane's western suburbs. The chalet will be set-up so any one renting space will be able to stay there for weekends etc. Watts Bridge Memorial Airfield - Welcome Bob Dennis
  4. Happy Birthday Tomo, Oh to be 18 again, my mind boggles!!!!!!
  5. Did you do that with your local instructor Tomo?
  6. I suppose it could, if pushed up bottom :ah_oh: . But then again, some people like that Bob
  7. The wife recently bought a Kawasaki GPX 250, which has to run on min of 95. The dealer told us to use either Vortex or Ultimate, do not use V-Power as they have had trouble with bikes that have been run on it.
  8. Put me down for one as well (I like the idea of that alarm going off)
  9. We have just signed the deal on a hanger/chalet block at Watts Bridge, And will soon be building a hanger/chalet there. We plan on renting out some of the hanger area. Email me at [email protected] If you are not able to do any good closer to home.
  10. Thanks for the info here guys. We bought one of those ebay 7" gps's last night. At that price it's not a big deal if it :kboom:
  11. Vorticity, I'm building a RV9a and I went through what you are going through. I checked out all the RV web sites and asked questions. This is what I came up with. I've been told it is a bit of an overkill but we plan on doing some overnight stays at Island and beach strips. I finished up getting Turco 1 which is a acid cleaner and deoxidizer. and Alodine 1200s used for producing paint bonding, corrision resisting coatings on alloys. I got these from "Avanti Aviation" on the south side of Brisbane, here is their web address AVANTI Chemicals I got the Alodine in powdered form. Just some food for thought. Bob Dennis
  12. Congrats Bec. Keep at it your doing well. :thumb_up:
  13. It was a runway. You can get a video on the history of it from the Redcliff library. I'm not too sure, but I think it was called "Spitfire avenue"
  14. Come on guy's slow down, I'm getting frustrated (and jealous) here. Everybody's getting their tickets and endorsements, and I'm stuck working. But I'm still thrilled for you guy's. :thumb_up: Congratulations Brett, well done.
  15. Thanks T87, that is the information I was needing. I'll be going with Alodine 1201 and an epoxy primer. Thanks again
  16. Thruster, now you have me confused, and I would like to clarify it if I could. I have just started to build a RV9a, and in the next week I'll be starting to do the first bit of priming. everything I have read so far (heaps) has stated Alodine (some have suggested Precote) and a etch primer (some mention acid washing with Alumiprep). I have never used Alodine before so can you tell me what it actually does? and Does it actually take away the need for a etching type primer? And also what does the acid wash do? I regularly work with aluminium and have found that unless I use a etch primer it is only going to peel, But with a etch primer you can unfold it, and then fold it again and it still does not peel. Thanks Bob Dennis
  17. Same here. I've got 21.6 hrs up so far, and my instructor tell's me if I do well on my next nav-ex he'll pass me, and then the remaider of the thirty hours will be all solo. The only problem is because of work commitments I haven't flown for about two months and it will be at least another two weeks before things start easing of with work. So then it will be back into the books and back into the lessons.
  18. Congrat's Tomo on your BAK pass. I've done and passed my HF exam a couple of months back, but I've still got my BAK to go. I've had to put my flying to the back burner at the moment as I am too busy with work. But I am catching up on the work side so I expect to be back flying in another 3-4 weeks. But before I do so I'll need to find the time to do some more studying, because I'm expecting to sit for my BAK exam the next time I turn up.
  19. Hi Brett I do one hours travel each way, and I could not do it if it was two and a half hours each way. But then if it was the closest school I guess I would, LOL. It is good to see you more relaxed. Good one Brett
  20. I'm only two nax-ex's ahead of you Brett. And because my grades were not the best at school, the day I turned 14 my parents decided to drag me out of school to help them on the farm, I'm struggling a bit. So the whizz wheel is my best friend, I'm not a whizz at it (sorry I couldn't help myself), but I use it instead of the electronic calculator when ever I can, just to get more fluent with it and understand how it works.
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