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Everything posted by benjam

  1. Well I will have to check that photo out. Sounds like a good one. I will endeavour to make it to Boonah one of these days. I will let you know when I am aiming to get there. Cheers
  2. Hi there BP, It is steady as she goes re the training. I am back there on Tuesday coming for for more circuits. Solo last Thursday. What a hoot! Advice about aviation matters is always welcome. You never know what tidbit of someone else's experience is going to come back to you at a critical moment and help you out. I have only 4.0 hours of taildragger time now (in the drifter), and bugger all OCTA currency so I am am bit slow off the mark. I am also expecting the 582 motor to stop/cut out every time I put the power to full. Peter has been great. Not much gets past him. I am getting the impression about the sport pilot community that every one is happy to help and advise when questions are asked. And that certainly is part of the appeal for me. It seems that the ADL drifter might be in need of a new engine and gear box imminently, so I am still in two minds. Anyway, the drifter in ADL is still for sale, I am still on my student licence and my ducks, while on the move, are not yet in a row. Good to hear from you, Cheers, Ben
  3. Thanks M6. I am happy to have a go, but don't know what I am doing. Yet. Cheers.
  4. No worries. I will ensure the trees don't get too big. Cheers.
  5. Thanks for the poling tips. Trees smaller, trees bigger. Got it. Nothing new on the purchase front. Might wait until I have a bit of time in it first before making the decision. Also have to ensure there will be an accessible and affordable hangar available. The iron is in the fire, though.
  6. [quote= PS doing my BFR and some XC work with Peter at Gympie tomorrow.... Hey Bp. Have Fun. Dont break it. I want it on Saturday.
  7. Well. If the brown stain in my undies and the grin on my face is anything to go by, I can report that the Drifter TIF was exceptional fun. Peter (the instructor at YGYM) was great. Stalls, turns, sideslipping, and spiral turn recovery, and then circuits. He did not even need to 'rescue' the aeroplane - even during my returns to Earth (I can't call them landings yet). Even thinking about it now makes my stomach drop and my quoit grip the chair a bit harder. Yes, I have signed up to complete the RAAus certificate on the Drifter. And Yes it is still my intention to have a go on a trike, because they, too, look like too much fun to leave alone. As it happens I do ride a motorbike and drive a car, as some one mentioned here. If the trike leaves me feeling as vulnerable as the motor bike, I will only have a limited exposure to it. But if it was like the Drifter yesterday, I might just have to do both! Come on next Saturday!!
  8. Geez Dave. You are getting me all excited. I will let you know how it goes. Cheers.
  9. Thanks M61A1. Good info
  10. BTW Dave, I wish I had my own airfield on Google Earth!
  11. Hi Dave, Thanks for your reply. I intend going to Gympie this weekend to introduce myself and have my first flight in a drifter. I am also considering the trike option (at Caboolture), and still have not yet made up my mind as to which way to go. I was going to wait until after the two trial flights to see how it all went. You make a good point about the WB airframe for training. My only reason to prefer a SB is I think they look better. I read another post in this site where there guy had bought a drifter and after a short time it was in pieces and not flying. That is not my aim in taking up this hobby, and I am wary of buying something that has that potential - no parts, becoming rarer, DIY repairs, etc. But it seems to be a friendly and inclusive community, and I appreciate the welcome and advice that I have received on this forum. Cheers, Ben
  12. Thanks Nev. I appreciate your good advice. Cheers Ben
  13. Thanks everyone for your responses and advice. It is all food for thought, and does not sound as if the overhaul is a viable option. Cheers, Ben
  14. Ok thanks.
  15. Would a professional engine overhaul reset the 300 hours or does it have to be from new?
  16. Thanks Rank. That's the one I have been considering.
  17. Thanks for the info. No. No taildragger time. I understand that this hobby would have its costs, but one thing I am not after is a bottomless money vaccuum. If there are no readily available parts or service outlets, is it a dead end? What about the Dalby factory? I cant find any up to date info on that. Has it closed? Can I buy a new one of these acft anywhere? All the info I am sorting through seems to be years old.
  18. Thanks for your responses. I am in north Brisbane, so would be looking at Redcliffe, Caboolture, Gympie and Kilcoy for storage, depending on value/costs. I already have a pilots licence, so I hope the conversion to type will be reasonably painless. We are still in the reseach phase to see if this is do-able. I can't seem to find any info on replacement parts or mechanic services. Do they exist? From where would I source a new motor?
  19. Hi all, Reading these responses leads me to think that there is a significant amount of self maintenance on these machines. I am looking at getting into owning one of these drifters, but I am not very mechanically enabled. Are there mechanics for these acft in SE QLD? If there is lots of self maintenance required, it may be out of my league. I hope not.
  20. Morning all, I am new to this forum and pastime. I am considering getting into this style of aviation (with my wife's blessing!). I have found this airframe for sale: Rego 55-0746 While the seller may be on this forum, I was hoping for a brief background/ history and location before I make contact. Also, are these things exxy to maintain? They look like fun and I cant wait to have a go, but am wary about the ongoing costs that could be involved. Cheers, Ben
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