I currently hold a GFPT and want to convert it to an RPL which apparently i have until the 31st of August to do, however i also hold an RPC with tailwheel and navigation endorsements and i would like both of those endorsements to carry over to my RPL. What is the best way to go about this?
I think if i convert GFPT to RPL it is just a simple form to fill out and am also able to transfer my tailwheel endorsement with that form but dont think i can transfer my navigation endorsement and not sure if im able to transfer nav endoresment later on after i already have RPL.
Another option is converting my RPC to RPL which should carry everything over but i think is more paperwork and possible English language proficiency check, also this way i shouldn't be restricted by the 31st August deadline.
Either way i know i will need to get a medical and do a check flight eventually but im not worrying about that just yet, just want to get the paperwork done and get the ball rolling.