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Everything posted by Cobalt

  1. Starting this as the old "silly pictures thread" has been moved to the new "Whats Up Australia" site and i still want to post aviation related silly pictures on this site. I'll get things started.
  2. I was also considering this but still trying to weigh up the pros vs cons. Some i came up with Pros: smoother idle better for engine and gearbox, safer start up as prop not spinning. Cons: possible overheating issues if idling for too long due to lack of airflow, cant hand swing prop to start, cant pull through to test compression etc, and i imagine you would have to attach something to the prop when not in use to stop it windmilling. All of these just assumptions but if anyone with any experience with them would like to chime in please feel free.
  3. Tip Aerochute on its back then becomes a lawnmower and is covered.
  4. Just went through the logbook this is for my RPC: Solo 6.3hrs, solo training area 15hrs and flight test at 20.7 hrs. Everyone is different dont worry just enjoy it and it will be easy.
  5. Dingo roadhouse 30nm east of Blackwater, accomodation $90 per night, 24 hour diner. Dingo Roadhouse Queensland, get fuel a meal a snack even grab a shower or a room.
  6. Men survive Fraser plane crash
  7. However i don't disagree with your original point sscbd, we do need more rag and tube stick and rudder type aircraft online at flying schools, but we need to find a way to make them cheaper. I have just returned from an 8 year break from flying, the reason i stopped was because it was getting too expensive for me to fly at the time, the only reason i came back was because i have a better income now and can afford my own aeroplane now however upon returning after 8 years was suprised to see the flying school prices had almost doubled.
  8. I presume higher more realistic figures wouldnt be an attractive selling point.
  9. I agree your quoted figures are great however i cant see how they could be that low, the bat hawk is still quite expensive to buy and not much different price wise if not more expensive than a good second hand jabiru that a lot of flying schools would be using. Considering it has the same engine as most other raaus aircraft and would require the same kind of maintenence, insurance, hangarage etc why is it cheaper to run on an hourly basis just because of what the wings are made of?
  10. I asked my flying school why they dont have any rag and tube aircraft as a cheaper alternative for people to fly, they told me it doesn't make it any cheaper because the two stroke engines have to be changed every 300 hrs. Thats about $7000 just for the engine plus whatever it costs to get a L2 to do the swap, as you could imagine 300 hrs would come around pretty quickly when used for training and hire.
  11. New one for ya. Search icon in top left corner links to home page. Using samsung galaxy s2.
  12. Nearly had one on my first area solo. Just took off from caboolture in a skyfox gazelle heading east toward bribie island bridge, i gave a departure call and leveled off at 1500ft, heard another aircraft call "bribie bridge 1500 tracking south for beachmere" but as i was still 6 or so nautical miles from the bridge i didnt believe this to be an issue so i continued tracking for bribie, a few miles later as i was approaching ningi township i saw a small flicker of light out of the left corner of my eye i turned my head to see a cessna coming directly at me at the exact same altitude, without even thinking i jammed the stick forward and dove down as i did i looked up through the skylight of the gazelle to see the cessna pass directly over the top of me, i looked back to the right and the cessna never climbed or altered course in any way. Which then brings me to last weekend when i was doing some training in the foxbat, we just finished doing some steep turns over central bribie at 2500ft and were heading west toward donnybrook to do some forced landing practice, the airspace over bribie was really busy that day radio calls galore, constant scanning and spotting aircraft passing beneath up and down the coast, but while scanning i looked back over my left shoulder to see a cessna passing behind us at exact same altitude wouldnt have been more than 100 meters which is still a little close for comfort if you ask me. I guess thats why its a danger area.
  13. I have just come back after an 8 year break, all i had to do was rejoin RAAus, do human factors and do BFR however i have to do a couple of lessons just to get checked out in a foxbat because my flying school doesnt have gazelles anymore. But once thats done im all good to go again, same member number same endosements etc. Dont worry about not wanting to come back because you will miss it. And it really is like riding a bike after about 20 mins i felt as if i had never stopped flying it all came back to me.
  14. Search function not working. Search box opens but as soon as you tap on box to type text it closes. Using a samsung galaxy s2.
  15. Dont have a huge budget so was thinking 2 stroke rag and tube or something for around that price range.
  16. Hi im leigh from brissy northside, getting back into flying after an eight year hiatus currently getting up to speed in a foxbat, Learned to fly at caboolture in a gazelle when i was 18, this time round im buying my own aeroplane. Look forward to going to flyins and meeting everyone and being part of the local aviation community, if you see me around dont be affraid to come have a chat, so many people to meet so much to learn.
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