Human Performance & Limitations
I am using the Dyson-Holland book to study and will be going for the exam soon, I have found it very interesting and anything that can help safety is after all, a number 1 goal and I have found it very educational, I dont know about any one else but I find memorizing things a big help esp in emergencies. I always remember if up flying and the fan stops to say out loud (FXXX me im in trouble) ie check, fuel, mixture, instruments, ignition, throttle. or (bum ffish) brakes undercarriage mixture fuel pump on and on full tank prop Fine, instruments, safety belts and hatches. or (onus) over north under south, I have found that if one practices over and over then it sticks in ones head like 30 days has september aprill june and november all the rest have 31 days except february has 28 or 29 every leap year. And I am waiting for this site to be up and running in the new year so I can do the exam online.