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Everything posted by Bob1957

  1. yes I know this and I was just being a bit sarcastic i guess but let me tell you that i predict the road toll going up in the future, Why you ask? well how about with cruize control and people falling asleep, also with tree planting on the side of the road lovely when some one has fallen asleep and has cruise control set on 100kmh at least you might have a chance waking up as you bounce over the rough terain but no you hit a tree that is sitting on the side of the road, instead of in the farmers field inside the fence which would also give the sheep & cattle some shade on the hot days. also with modern cars we seem to have more blind spots to overcome.
  2. I know this sounds a bit silly but I remember getting the crash comics every month (safety digest) and having read them I started to worry about flying with so many accidents going on it sort of put me off flying for awhile, so maybe we are being overloaded with stuff that isnt needed after all if you want to get zero statistics on anything like flying or driving cars or smoking then if we dont do it there will end up zero statistics.
  3. Yes it can be a bit confusing unless you read up on it, I have found the Dyson-Holland book make sense, Now if you think of things like mem jogers like (onus) which means over north under south, which is a good mem joger for your magnetic compass.or east means least & west is best which is to do with flight planning & using WAC charts, anyhow The "Shell" Model of Human Factors is just a mem jogger of different things that can effect a person or Pilot concerning The components of the model are if you are looking down on it it has an L in the middle and to the left of the L is an S & to the right is an E & above the first L is an H & below the middle L is an L and we are the middle L or the Liveware and other things have an effect on us ( Liveware) to Hardware such as seats controls ect. or (Liveware) to Software ie proceedures, computer programs checlists etc. (Livware) to Environment ie using flying suits or oxygen masks disorientation etc. (Liveware) to Liveware is the interface between the pilot & other people. anyway if that hasnt confused you lol It helps of course if you have a bit of counselling background but please read the book and after awhile it will make more sense but of course as you read and then pass the exam you might forget 80% of it after all isnt that whats happened with most of us when we did all those exams back whenever like Flight Rules & Proceedures, Navigation, Meteorology. I am waiting for the test to come online then I will do it. 2009 Avstar Solutions :big_grin:
  4. Hi Brian, I also have the same licences as you and I am in the process of learning to complete the test for Human Factors, using the Dyson Holland book, also i note that if you do it through the Raa you have to have a pass over 80%? but if you have a comercial pilots licence and do the exam you only have to have a pass over 70%? which makes me wonder? Im not sure if there is a course for private pilots one tho. also if you click on this link it looks like in the future we will be able to complete the exam online (great) 2009 Avstar Solutions
  5. Human Performance & Limitations I am using the Dyson-Holland book to study and will be going for the exam soon, I have found it very interesting and anything that can help safety is after all, a number 1 goal and I have found it very educational, I dont know about any one else but I find memorizing things a big help esp in emergencies. I always remember if up flying and the fan stops to say out loud (FXXX me im in trouble) ie check, fuel, mixture, instruments, ignition, throttle. or (bum ffish) brakes undercarriage mixture fuel pump on and on full tank prop Fine, instruments, safety belts and hatches. or (onus) over north under south, I have found that if one practices over and over then it sticks in ones head like 30 days has september aprill june and november all the rest have 31 days except february has 28 or 29 every leap year. And I am waiting for this site to be up and running in the new year so I can do the exam online. http://www.avstar.com.au/ bob.
  6. this could be caused by stress and or adrenalin rush, I know a pilot that flew spitfires and he "thru up" untill his 1st solo and went on to fly as per normal. learning is like putting a jigsaw together and when you complete it then you can see the whole picture. good luck, power on.:thumb_up:
  7. as far as im aware an australia licence holder is able to apply for a us licence no worries but if a usa licence holder is applying for an australia licence they have to pass flight rules and proceedures b4 getting 1.:thumb_up:
  8. when the engine quits you hear the pilot do his checks, ie Fuel, mxture, intruments, ignition, throttle and the way to remember it is i will tone it down a bit, lol Ferk me im in trouble. lol nice vids you can almost touch the clouds lol.:thumb_up:
  9. lmaaofl:thumb_up:
  10. well done, I will now reminis 1984 got my ppl restricted, 1986 unrestricted my final flight b4 test solo,:thumb_up: was from port lincoln to adelaide international for a landing then on to kangaroo island for a landing then back to lincoln,then in 1987 did the night flying times for night rating but the ADF instrument failed so did not get the ticket but one day maybe.:thumb_up:
  11. well how odd, even a cessna 210 has a warning buzzer for the gear if you pull back the power for landing, unless of course its been disconected as it annoys you? lol they should have remembered there checks ie bum fish.
  12. I have done zero nix nil this year but, 1 day I hope to get some.
  13. I have been following the progress of a guy called Jerry here is his website hope you all find it as interesting as I have.www.overdownunder.com.au:hug:
  14. also the wing keel on the pegasus wing is TBO at 500 hrs the rest is about double that ie Leading edge etc.
  15. check out my 1993pegasus XL-R trike on ebay it might be cheaper alternative but needs work to get it up to flying standards.
  16. top stuff this lol:clap:
  17. Yes folks, when the fans quit then assume the crash position ie place your head between your legs and kiss your XXXX goodbye.
  18. Just droped in. I know this might sound to simple, but why do Pilots have to have asics and avids etc anyway? I mean to say wouldnt having a Pilots Licence be enough checks etc anyway? I mean what a croc of s h i .... I got an Avid a couple of yrs ago ehinking that would suffice as it was cheaper and lasts 5yrs but oh no they say I have to have an Asic?wouldnt be it costs more and only lasts 2yrs? Im certain that the terrorist that did some flying training in 911 would only have had a student licence anyway so come on full Pilots licence should be proof enough that we are good guys eh?
  19. Hi guys & gals, Just thought I would say hi, Been Flying since 1984 in Fixed wing up to C210 then few yrs ago went to RAA and flew Technam, Now I have purchased a 1993 Pegasus XL-R and I have looked at getting it in flying condition but alas needs to much work 4me so am selling on Ebay. Unless some1 has a reasonable priced wing, airborne wizard wing, is what im looking 4 as the wing I have is missing a King Post and the Battons ( last owner has left them some place?).
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