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Everything posted by YoungGrasshopper

  1. Don't think i'd really want to attempt a loop in one either, they don't strike me as being anything like an aerobatically capable aircraft. What sort of degree of bank would they start to exhibit that characteristic from? and also what are their general flying characteristics? as i have been told they're generally pretty docile apart from the excess bank issue, and Vmax is somewhere around 80ish knots. Mine still has an electric start EC44PM, though as it sat in a museum since around 1997, and hasn't flown since around that time and quite likely not run since that time either, it'll likely be updated to a 503 or similar.
  2. are you meaning aluminium surfaced airleron? I'll have a look over the wings as they're in storage at the moment, and ill send you through some pics to your email, I'd be massively appreciative of any pilots notes or similar documentation you might have on them too.
  3. You just became my new best friend! You wouldn't happen to have a manual or pilots handbook for one would you?
  4. I'm not as green as I'm cabbage looking haha! But yes most certainly want to be as familiar as possible with the Grasshopper as possible before I take her up, but it's not exactly a short term rebuild. First tick in the book will be the slow speed endorsement, after all they aren't quick. I've heard from a few people that Grasshoppers had a tendency to refuse to roll wings level if you exceeded 15 degrees bank too
  5. will post a couple up, its 10-0785
  6. dont happen to recall it's rego number by chance do you?
  7. Hi All! Have aquired myself a Winton Grasshopper and although it's going to undergo a rebuild before it flies again, I'd love to hear from anyone out there who has expierience with one or presently owns one, the usual things to look for ect. Thanks in advance!
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