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Simon Mo

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Everything posted by Simon Mo

  1. thank you for your sharing it is really useful for me
  2. thank you for your advice:oh yeah:
  3. why? I really get confused about what standard I should follow
  4. is that because you started your training under 16 year old?
  5. thank you for your advice:oh yeah: I am not going to stop my training because I really love and enjoy flying I think that my main problem is landing because I always hold off too early or all the wheels touch the ground at the same time.
  6. thank you for your advice but I don't have the fixed instructor, the instructors in my flying school always change so I always fly with different people. sometime, I really get confused because their standard and the skill of flying are always different.
  7. after seeing your comment, I think that how many hour getting to solo is nothing. I will keep going because I really love flying think you:cheers:
  8. thank you for your encouragement you must be a good instructor:cheers:
  9. thank you for your encouragement I will finish my license on my best:cheezy grin:
  10. I fly in moorabbin airport. I got my first solo after 25 dual hours. is it bad record for me? usually people get the first solo after about 10-20 dual hour. Maybe I am a slow learner
  11. Yes, the only thing that I concerned about was the training aircraft models different from other school's but after seeing your comments, I have determined to study in soar. thank you for your advice I will contact him:smile:
  12. thank you for your suggestion:smile: I will take some training before flying the different models of aircrafts
  13. understood, thank you so much:oh yeah:
  14. understood, thank you very much I made a comparison to these aircraft. why do Foxbat's and Aquila's engines have less HP than Cessna's and Piper warrior's but Foxbat's and Aquila's max speed and cruise speed are faster than the others?
  15. thank you for your reply So it makes no difference to what aircraft that I choose but I can save more money by flying Foxbat and Aquila and when I obtain the RPL and PPL no matter what aircraft I fly in my flight training,I can also easily fly Cessna or pipper warrior after a quick lesson. am I corrected?
  16. hello:smile:, I am simon. I am going to obtain both RPL and PPL license in Australia but I am a few questions about the training aircraft. first. the flying school ,that I am going to study in ,is using Foxbat for RPL training and Aquila for PPL training but in the traditional flying school, they are using Cessna 152, 172 or pipper warrior for the flight training. So what are the differences between them? are Foxbat and Aquila suitable for flight training ? or should I choose the school using Cessna 152, 172 and pipper warrior as training aircraft? thank you look forward to your rely:smile:
  17. thank you for your answer They have an option that I will be awarded 10% credit bouns if I pay above $500 for the deposit when I enroll and I don't have much money so I am hesitated about should I pay all the fees at one time, getting the credit bouns. I have heard many things about soar aviation and most of these are so positive so I don't worry about the quality of soar aviation. But only one thing that I am concerned is the training aircraft becuase I saw some information about Foxbat A22 and Aquila A210. there are somethings such as joystick different from typical training such as Piper Warrior, Cessna. Althouht it is cheaper to fly with Foxbat A22 and Aquila A210, I don't really know are they good for training. may I ask a stupid question? are all aircrafts' control ways as similar as one another? I mean that if I am able to fly with Aquila A210, does that mean that I am able to fly with Piper Warrior? thank you look forward to your rely.
  18. thank you I have browsed the website and soar aviation look good. I am going to apply for the RPL and PPL course to them on monday if I can't find another flight school better than that
  19. thank you for your answer I have checked out other schools in australia but there are many flight in australia and I don't know which is good or bad. Also, I am not limited in the Moorabbin area but in the Australia. My limitation is that I don't have much money so if you have better suggestion for me, please tell me. Thank you look forward to your rely.
  20. thank you for your answer I also don't have much money so soar aviation should be suitable for me your comment is very helpful for me ,thank you
  21. hello everybody:smile: I am planning to obtain the RPL and PPL from soar aviation in Australia but I have a few questions about that college. I hope that anyone can give me some suggestions or share some experience to me. Thank you~ 1. did anyone hear of soar aviation or anyone studied there before. Please, give me some advices that is there good for study or share me the experience of studying there. 2.they are using Foxbat A22 and Aquila A210 as the training aircraft. I am not familiar with aircraft models but as far as I know, usually, flight schools use Piper Warrior, Cessna for training; therefore, my question is that are Foxbat A22 and Aquila A210 good aircrafts for training? thank you:cheezy grin:
  22. HI all, I am Simon. I am now planning to obtain the PPL in Australia and in the future, I want to be an airline pilot. welcome to be friend with me:wave:
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