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Everything posted by Rodericksanthony

  1. Hi Simon, Soar Aviation have been around for nearly 4 years and I was one of their first few customers. I dont have a lot of money so have been flying with them consistently once every 2-3 weeks. They use Foxbat for basic training and then Aquila for PPL training. The Foxbat is very nice to fly especially the visibility. I have done some hours in the Piper at another company but they charge nearly $400 per hour. Its $150 per hour more than the Foxbat. I believe Soar is good value for money although the only thing that I dont like about them is they are really busy. I dont get the time slots that are convenient for me. The Instructors, the admin staff & aircraft are very good and I dont have any complaints. They give sufficient briefing time before and after the flights and the rates per hour are very reasonable. If there was an option, I wouldn't give them 5 stars but 4.5 stars is reasonable.
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