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Everything posted by Chrisso

  1. Hey Matt, I recognise the hat - ARDU. I was at 492SQN from1991 to 1997 on the P3's.
  2. Hi Skyhawk. I am on the Sunshine Coast as well (lovely place), do you have your Pilot Certificate? And when were you in the RAAF, what mustering etc?
  3. Hi Mike, Yes I have tried that and you can have a hell of a time with the turbulence. Had a try with the DC3 yesterday, but I forget how much wind I put in - but it did weathercock slightly into wind, lifted the tail and took off almost straight away. With a little bit of power and some forward stick I was able to get it back to terra firma.
  4. Hey guys just had some fun with FS2004. Try putting in some head winds (about 100 knots or more) and with some experimentation you can get VTOL aircraft. Funny to see a Boeing 747 take off vertically!!
  5. Details on the photo gave it away. Its a Meyer OTW (out to Win)
  6. Okay I will give it a go. Would it be a Boeing Stearman ?
  7. I often wondered what the "pilot" would have done if the thing had actually lifted off the ground and had been quite stable. What was he to do next?
  8. Is that a DH Fox Moth ?
  9. Pardon my ignorance, but I have a few photograph's of A/C and would like to contribute to this post. I am logged in but cannot see how to upload them. I am sure its easy, any help would be great. Chrisso
  10. That's the Hughes XF11 Reconnisance Aircraft. And i think its Howard Hughes himself in the cockpit. This aircraft subsequently crashed although Hughes somehow survived.
  11. I think its a Miles Aircraft. Possibly a M11 Whitney
  12. oop's I was wrong. Its a Pacific Aerospace P750XSTOL. A later version of the FU24 - bigger engine etc.
  13. Is it a Fletcher FU24C. C is for the Cargo pannier
  14. Now that is a TU-95 Bear. It has Contra-rotating Propellers and if you see a picture of on of these props in flight, the blades are almost in a 'Feathered' blade angle. They are taking huge chunks of air !!
  15. Northwest Airlines DC10/MD11. I think Northwest and Delta have now merged.
  16. Hi Cralis, I have been learning with Zane for a few weeks now, however I am in the Sierra as I previously did some flying in a PA38 Tomahawk towards getting my PPL. I did not quite get to the GFPT, and had to give it up for a while. Zane advised me that the Sierra would be better as it is similar in some respects to the Tommy. Its a little bit more expensive than the echo, but I think its great. Have flown solo twice now, the first time it was windy (crosswinds) onto 06, and the second time it was fairly bumpy onto 30. My next flight is 16 October as I am heading down south to Albury/Wodonga for my stepsons graduation parade from his Army medics course. Might catch up with you one day. Chrisso
  17. Hi there, just started flying a Tecnam Sierra. Flown solo once - great!! Going again tomorrow. Recently retired, had just over thirty years with RAAF/Civilian Aviation as an Engineer/RAAF LAEME (equiv). Always enjoyed aircraft and flying, and can recommend it to all.
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