My impressions of Airventure.
Cost - reasonable, 3 day on-line ticket worked for me.
Displays and trade - loved the BushCat, the Kelpie and the Quicksilver, Thursday was a good day to talk to the dealers as the crowd wasn't there. Friday was good too, the weather kept all but the diehards away.
Shame that Jabiru couldn't make it, not their fault but it would have been nice to have a recorded presentation.
Swap and sell was a good idea, hope it will be better supported next time.
On-field PA either dominated if closeup or couldn't be heard properly if at a distance, and intruded terribly into the seminars. One part of my business is PA, and it disappointed me.
Main tent exhibits good, couldn't find headset adapters (GA to Heli) so will need to order from Ian.
Seminar tents with airconditioning! A bit noisy, but hey! If it had been a real scorcher (not unknown in Narromine) would have been essential.
SAAA took their talks up to their hangar, good in some ways but not good if you wanted to get 'a bit of this and a bit of that'.
Food ok, but I brought my lunch from home so not sure of value. Did buy cups of tea, that was nice.
Security. Really! it was about as sensible as ASIC. For the amount they would have spent on that horrible 6 foot fence they could have employed / coerced some extra marshalls and had a safer and friendlier outcome. Made it very difficult to walk the aircraft parking area, which is a good way of seeing real in-use machinery and their accessories. A low mesh fence, a few sets of sensible eyes watching and a firm message on arrival (PA and written) to keep clear of active taxiways will work better.
Airshow - Roulettes are just so polished (although did one wingman drop back briefly once?)(says someone who has difficulty pointing in the right direction let alone getting speed right). Good variety for the rest, Matt Hall was scary,
A real highlight -met up with Old Koreelah, Storchy Neil, MartyG and his wife. Would have liked to have met the other forumites, but they probably were scared I'd take the pith out of them...
Only took a couple of photos (sorry Peter), my son got a few, will post them as I get time.
Will I go again? in spite of its imperfections, yes. of course, easy for me, just 40km down the road.