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Everything posted by AussieB1rd

  1. I found a reasonable etch primer to get paint to stick and harden better on ally, it is from Bunnings but a bit more expensive than cheap stuff, cant move the primer once its dries, took to it with wet and dry, then stainless steel scourer, got all the wrong paint I put over it off and primer is there ready to be painted over again, was well worth the extra money but can't remember the product but will see it once I get back in the spray can section, grey in colour
  2. Looking extra good Doug, is that new ally or have you brightened it up some on the old stuff either way looks good ??????
  3. Awesome Jacky Lad damn ripper son
  4. Think the guy in this photo is owed some royalties from Dr Louis Gratzer formerly Chief of Aerodynamics at Boeing and Boeing, for his winglet design, lol
  5. Thanks Kyle, I needed that, my first giggle for the morning.
  6. Sounds like China is the place to be.
  7. Bex thems are the days when you must just stop what your doing, drop everything and go fiddle with something else, play pool or if your really dumb golf, give your brain a rest and forget everything, then come back after a day or two and it's funny how it a slots into place, think they have a name for it, Cant see the forest for the trees.
  8. Very interesting, and how far aircraft advancement had come in such a few short since 1903, spent some time in hospital earlier in the year and a Volunteer lady brought me up some books, she had an inkling to my hobbies and passions and delivered up a book called THE BALLON FACTORY, a very good read on the early years of flying in England, it does back and forth a bit through out the book, and I wont include any spoilers. Unfortunately it has been the mistakes and untimely passing of flyers over the years that have contributed to the safety that we enjoy today.
  9. Don't know how big you are but you no dummy buddy. You crack me up Bex, like yar style, have to catch up and have a beer one day if you ever up the sunny coast way.
  10. This guy was trying out the barking method
  11. He has to find some suitable crash test dummies first, he has a VACANCY
  12. Pretty sure a square peg in a square hole wont work, here is a thread relating to some wings folds and a sonex think the first one maybe just what your looking for, or like the other sonex, make the wing root part of the fuse and just fold vertically, if was ok for FU4 Corsair then it should be ok for this lil baby. Folding Wing Modification for a Sonex--considerations
  13. I'm a big fan of wing folding so will be interested in how you go with this there are some very simple ideas out there.
  14. Seriously plenty off Hervey Bay out past Fraser, off the coast from RainBow Beach, whale watching boats might be a dead give away but think you may wanna stay clear of them, heard some have Rangers on board, Like rdarby says use a bit of common sense, in everything you, believe for boats it's 100 metre exclusion zone but you may want to check for aircraft, I also heard they have spotter planes up sometimes so their not cruising around aimlessly looking so keep an eye out, sure you can spot one from height way away from any boats. good luck and post a pic or two if you can get any, with zoom of course.
  15. What part of SEQ are you in Chris SS, only advice I can give is Don't do the bars in whale season, it attracts so strange people. I was at the bar the other night with my buddy having some beers after a spot of whale watching. We had been there a while and quite a few, when two large girls came up to the bar and ordered some drinks. I noticed when they ordered they both had very strong accents so I said ‘Hi, are you two girls from Scotland?’ One of them spoke up, with quite an attitude and said ‘it’s WALES you idiot!!!’ So I immediately said ‘Sorry, are you two Whales from Scotland?’ I woke up in a cell with two black eyes and thinking I will never ever try to pick a woman with a Scottish accent ever again.
  16. Beautiful, but still quicker to dump in 60 liters of fuel and go, rather than plug in for maybe 4 hours or swap out a battery rack, but nice to see the innovative approach
  17. Congratulations David, and nice to your smiling face after with the CFI.
  18. Poor poor Boris, he just needs a new hair stylist.
  19. Wot a load of bollocks lol
  20. Possible me either, but footage from inside the cabin had everyone sitting quietly and seemingly relaxed, their inflight service is either really really good or their coffee is the best ever, but to sit quietly while that was going on outside and waiting for stairs to arrive, is a credit to the cabin staff's ability to keep things calm, overall a good outcome.
  21. This 30-year-old, 2-minute clip from the BBC sitcom "Yes, Minister" perfectly explains the ‪#‎Brexit‬ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkpS-yBj7gY
  22. Sorry to hear your stuck with anything Robmus let alone a 100 hp Jab, it is a nice looking unit and I'm sure the new owner is very happy being stuck with it lol
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