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Everything posted by Siso

  1. Can you just drill a small hole in the top of the perspex and see what happens.
  2. Regarding headsets that fit under helmets, catch up with a local cross country hang glider pilot. They have some pretty good setups now days.
  3. Welding leads from a welding supplier make good jumper leads. Not sure the insulation is made of. lots of very fine wire to make it flexible. Available in different sizes.
  4. I think they were 8mm, but can't be sure
  5. https://www.clarkrubber.com.au/products/6879p-round-plastic-internal-chair-tip-black
  6. The plastic plugs for the wing battens are available from Clark Rubber
  7. Hi, Can we list the instructors who teach in thrusters?
  8. Siso


    Thanks Evryone.
  9. Siso


    Hi Everyone, Just wandering what material the windscreen is made out of on a Gemini and how thick it is? Thanks
  10. Found this the other day, interesting development. Could be Nuclear powered as well.
  11. Thanks for that
  12. Hi, can anybody tell me where the classified section is? Thanks
  13. Does anyone know what it costs to send a 503 over to the US and get it back again?
  14. Thanks for that, I will forward the information to him.
  15. HI I have an 18 year old nephew who may be interested in getting his commercial license. Just wandering what is the best, cheapest (in that order of priority) way to go about this. He is about 2 hours from Adelaide and has TIF booked at Parafield to take soon. We also have access to an RAAus flight school within 20 km Would he be better off to get some hours up locally? Will the RAAus hours be recognised later on? Should he just bight the bullet and do the travelling? I remember seeing related threads but could not find them after a quick look. Thanks in advance.
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