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Everything posted by Orienteer

  1. I use Dashware with my flights, but i don't have a gopro. I cludge all my sources of data together from my Contour ROAM camera, Garming VivoactiveHR and external weather data to get it all together in Dashware. I'm quite pleased with the flexibility of Dashware, but there are some shortcomings that seem to hard to get fixed. Happy to try and help if you have any specific questions, but i don't have any experience with GoPros or what data they have.
  2. Well, you can either be a lion or a zoo keeper, it's really your choice.
  3. I had assumed that the Lion remark in post 4 was more cryptic and referred to the "lions" in this forum (Zoo), and their ability to make judgements without facts.
  4. Or actually to be an Under 40 RAAus Pilot....
  5. Thanks for all the good advice! Really wish i could afford to buy a plane, not for another 20 years i'm guessing.... I think half my issue is prioritising flying for a weekend, and justifying that to the boss :P Looks like i should dust off my Flight sim gear too. That will definitely help with keeping an eye in. For those asking i've been flying mainly out of Murray Bridge (YMBD).
  6. Hi all, I'm in a situation where I'm unable to frequently get behind the controls of an aircraft. I currently struggle to do 10 hours a year which is about 20 hours less than I'd like to do.... I have very little scope to increase my annual hours in the next few years and no scope to own my own aircraft / syndicate. However I spent considerable time, effort and enjoyment learning to fly and do not want to lose the skills I have learnt. So what advice would you give to someone who can only fly every couple of months without my own aircraft? Continue training flights with not much direction for specific outcomes, eg continue familiarisation of current skills like circuits, engine failures, departing and approaching circuits etc further endorsements or advanced learning (like advanced pilot award) with low scope to complete or train in a decent time frame. Hire and fly. Although current arrangement doesn't seem too keen to allow solo hire and fly with months between flights. Which I can understand with an asset like an aircraft. Try to find an arrangement with a private owner for a casual "hire and fly. " I have tried with little luck with too many considerations like insurance etc. Plus I don't actually have many connections with other pilots. I consider myself an ultra cautious pilot, understand my limitations and when it is appropriate to seek an instructor for help. However I'm not finding the continual flying in the training areas and continual circuits as engaging as it used to be (it is fun, but I want to explore!). Just to be clear, I hold a RAAus RPC with all the usual endorsements qualifying now 9 years ago and still love flying, but love all the things I need to be focussing on when I'm not flying. I intend to increase my focus on flying when the time is right. So I'm looking for ideas for how to remain engaged and enthused as a recreational pilot while the bulk of my life is spent doing what I need to be focussing on. Cheers, Tyson
  7. I went for a nice scenic flight in VH-TLV at the start of the year in Strahan. Glad it's a hoax, but what unstable person does that?
  8. Not really, about an extra 20min drive from home compared to Strath.
  9. Well I'm a land surveyor, so i'm great at measuring and being pedantic about the little things.... Have no experience with kit building, but pretty keen to learn/experience I'm listening.... PM me if you want. Great suggestions from most, i'll be having a chat with my instructor this weekend and see what people around Strathalbyn there are to talk to too. Yeah, looking into that too....
  10. It's been over a year since my BFR and coincidentally my last flight. Finally get the chance to go out and commit some aviation this weekend with an instructor to warm the passenger seat. Getting pretty excited, it has made me really miss the community at my old flight school, and want to get involved in my local airfield more (Strathalbyn YSYN). No longer a C.U.B (now having a Wife, Baby and Mortgage), i'm finding flying to be a little cost prohibitive to fly on a regular basis. I've made a deal with my wife to give up the FUICs (ask a South Aussies) to fund a bit of flying more regularly ($4/day over two months = ~2hrs of flying!). I would love to know what others have done to make flying more cost effective. I certainly don't want to lose the skills i've learnt and don't want to stop learning. My retirement goal (by the age of 35.....) is still to build a nice little 2 seater, but reality says that is still a long way off. So what have others done to bring down the cost of flying to get up flying more regularly?
  11. That's right up in the Bremer Valley. I remember being set free to go find this during my training out of YMBD. That was so very exciting for me at the time (still is). I always take pax past here to show them where Jesus lives!
  12. Hi Magnetodrop, I'm a Land Surveyor by profession and just about licensed as a cadastral surveyor now and have had some experience in aerial surveying (LADSMkII and RANLADSII). If you have any questions or need some advice feel free to PM me. I graduated from a Geoinformatics and Surveying Degree at UniSA in 2001, and still loving working with all things maps and spatial data. Cheers, Orienteer.
  13. Oh, good point, head over to http://www.geocaching.com to find out exactly. Geocaching is celebrating it's 10th year this year, and i have found it quite rewarding especially when on long dull drives. Essentially a cache including a log book and quite often some swappable items are hidden, the coordinates logged by GPS, posted to the internet for others to find. I am hoping it could open up some exciting fly in places just to log a geocache! see also this thread http://www.recreationalflying.com/showthread.php/3023-New-Aviation-activity...
  14. Are there any pilots out there who also like to tune their GPS to geocaches? How many Recreational Aviation friendly geocaches are there?
  15. Fascinating photographs, i remember looking through my Grandfathers war album from WW2, he was a transport (truck) driver in Egypt and the middle east, his photos were amazing, they reminded me of him. It was amazing to see such a diverse range of aircraft in this album. I was amused by the OHS standards of the engine change on the Dakota (photos 16-18). Thanks for the link!
  16. Hi, This might seem like a pretty rudimentary question, but i can't seem to work it out. I have a dual monitor setup on my computer and i can not work out how to get both displays to show the outside and inside view in Virtual cockpit with the correct perspective. Every time i fly i have to reset my view window setup and i will always have a bend in the panel appearing on the screen. Am i doing something wrong, or have i missed the point all together? Cheers, Tyson
  17. Wow, that made my day to find out i was a runner up! :super: There were certainly a lot of great photos during October! Well done to everyone. Will take a lot more photos now! Cheers, Tyson
  18. Here's one of about 400 I took at the Jamestown Airshow! Chris Sperou.... Awesome pilot
  19. I attended my first Flyin yesterday at the Jamestown Airshow. Firstly - Thanks to the Jamestown Flying Group for putting on such a great day! I thnk the thousands that were there absolutely loved it - me especially. I was fairly nervous about flying into this and made sure i was thoroughly prepared. Once we got out of Murray Bridge at 0745 it was such a smooth flight, but as we switched to 126.7 it was apparent of how much traffic we were to encounter. Would i be able to cope? Once we neared the 10nm limit we had 3 aircraft to our left and about 2 to our right. I made the call and kept a watchful eye on the other traffic. In the end joining the circuit was a breeze and we followed a C172 in. Hit the ground with a harder then usual bump and took a long time to roll out. I missed the turn off for the gate and had to back track a bit on the grass, managed to cath up with the follow me bike and he led us to our park. Another C172 pilot who was behind us in the circuit parked next to us and made a comment about how slow i land.... Pity it didn't feel all that slow. The Airshow was mesmerising. It was great to see so many displays and action. The highlights of the day would have to be seeing th boomerang in flight and Chris Sperou's action. What a buzz. The flight out was good fun, though bumpier than the morning. I felt obliged to give way at the hold point for the Yak and the RFDS PC12. Getting back to Murray Bridge felt - for the first time- like i was coming home to my strip. It was a good sight, though my fatigue meant my first attempt at the landing wasn't what i liked so i went around and gave it another shot - perfect. Didn't even notic we touched the ground... What a great way to end the day! Thanks again to Jamestown Flying Group and the entire community up there for putting on such a great day. I must go and attend to my sunburn now..... NOTE: Always pack Sunscreen and a Hat!
  20. You can acquire coastline data and elevation data to a certain degree through Geoscience Australia www.ga.gov.au, i'm not sure what the licensing requirements are, but they are fairly open. And since they are the national agency for such spatial data they would be the best to get the data from. Oh it looks really good, i'd be happy to gove it a go, not sure how much other input i could put in for development.... I can give some advice on acquiring the data from Geoscience Australia as i have captured some for personal use in the past. But i'm no expert in data licensing.
  21. Anyone intending to have a bit of a fly on Labour Day Monday at Murray Bridge or neighbouring (Aldinga, Goolwa, etc) airfields? I've got plans to fly, have the aircraft booked, but nothing to do with it yet! Been a little bit of time since i've flown, so i'm eagerly awaiting my holiday Monday! Also, any forum member at the at the RPA Dinner last Saturday night? What a great night it was! Pity I couldn't get there earlier, or get around to meet many other people, but it was a great night! Thanks to all those who organised it!
  22. drop by RPA at hangar 6. There's always a good coffee and plenty of people to chat to. I'll be there!
  23. Damn. too slow.
  24. Ok, once i extract the file for a second time it worked fine. not sure of where (if) there was an issue at all. Impressive looking sheet, will have to sit down and read the instructions. Not sure if i made it clear, but i had to extract a file from the Zip file, then extract that file - then the XLS spreadsheet appeared.
  25. i left a reply with the file, but i have had no joy either. Would love to get it to work
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