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Everything posted by denist

  1. Seen this one before. Its not really ridge soaring as he does not gain or even maintain height. Its really a long blat along a ridge with a nice thermal at the end.
  2. Camden will be good for a TIF buut when you get serious (and you will) you will find the airspace resrictions annoying. Get out to the country clubs where you can experience the booming 10 knt thermals to over 10,000' and decent cross-country flights
  3. Try Lake Keepit between Tamworth and Gunnedah. Its a seven day operation and you there is accommodation on site. Great flying this time of the year.
  4. Any update on new charts availablity ?
  5. Agreed, but if you want to use a cheapo ebay GPS you will have to jailbreak.
  6. You can use the inbuilt GPS, but if you have on your knee when you are flying you may not get a good signal. With a bluetooth GPS you can put where you want to get an adequate signal. Apple make sure you use only thier or approved products and then charge heaps for the privilige, thats why jailbreaking is a great idea (and its free).
  7. You can easily jailbreak your ipad and use the bluetooth gps app from Cydia and get a cheap bluetooth gps receiver that are available on ebay. It works well.
  8. Got about 150 hours, Silver "C"
  9. There is another way of printing your map in Ozi. Go to "Select" then "copy map screen to clipboard" then you can paste to a document, eg "Word" This file is heaps smaller than the map image as it is a "doc" file rather than a bitmap.
  10. I don't believe there is a way to do that easily as Airnav uses a different format than Oze. You wil need to use the MapTrax charts.
  11. Could easily do it that way. I find it just as quick to cut and paste onto the card.
  12. Easy, when you have created a plan in Airnav and saved it, click on the GPS button (buttons on the second row), Airnav will ask if you want to save as a rte file (which is an Oziexplorer route file). Click save, then Airnav will ask if you want to save a wpt file (a Ozi waypoint file) click save. All you need to do is copy those two files from Airnav into the data folder of Ozi and go flying. Bring up the route in Ozi and the route and waypoints are all there. I use a card reader to transfer files, just copy and paste dead easy.
  13. Airnav produces flight plan files and waypoint files in Ozi Ce format. I plan with Airnav and load the files into the GPS no problems.
  14. Ian, I have been using Ozexplorer ce for while and can send you my page file if it is of any use.
  15. When you 'flare' you coffe cup when putting it down on the bench
  16. FYI, OziCE has a new version available for download (2.32) which has fixed the magnetic variation problem.
  17. The issue is if you have a route loaded the track and bearing are true and not magnetic even though you have set up the page file to be magnetic. I asked Des if you recalibrate the map with magnetic variation (Maptrax maps do not) would the program then display the correct magnetic variation. His answer was Its OK so long as you know about it
  18. Slarti, A reminder that Ozexplorer does not give you magnetic bearings or track, true only. I have asked Des about this and he is aware of the issue and is working on a solution.
  19. Have you checked the track and bearing info given from the Maptrax charts. There is no Magnetic Variation data on the charts supplied so you can only work in true for track and bearing. This can be fixed by checking the calibration of the map and adding the mag var and then converting the chart on a pc before loading on to your PNA. A bit of work but it still worth it. D
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