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    Skyfox CA22
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  1. Thanks! For the one off pick-up I'll borrow a suitable trailer, however, I am after an own trailer for regular use. All (kitfox) trailers that I have encountered so far have the plane on backwards. I think I remember reading in the Skyfox manual that the optional trailer one could have bought together with the aeroplane was built such that the plane was riding propeller forward. That's my preferred option, and I was hoping someone has photos or even plans for this trailer. On the note of plans: I am also after high-res scans of original plans, parts lists, and maintenance manual for Skyfox CA25. (Not N, I do have the maintenance manual for Gazelle). I am pleasantly surprised how active this skyfox group on this platform is. So maybe there is people on here willing to assist with sourcing plans and later down the road part numbers and parts? Thanks a lot!
  2. This is a great solution and I would buy it in a heartbeat! However, I am in Austria, Europe, getting ready to pick up the one and only CA25 in Europe, currently in not-airworthy condition, from Switzerland.
  3. Hello, I understand that the Skyfox was optionally sold with a trailer where the plane was towed propeller first. I have been searching for information about this factory supplied trailer, but could not even find a photo online. Would anyone have photos or the plans? I want to build one. Thanks a lot best Norman
  4. Hello Naish88, great effort, thank you very much. Very, very, helpful! Unfortunately, even in your nice an clean versions I do have trouble with the legibility of some legends and parts lists in the drawings towards the end of the document. Have you been able to find original plans, or better scans in the meantime? Also, your docs concern the CA25N, Gazelle. I am rebuilding a CA25 (tailwheel, not Gazelle). I do have the POH, but I would need the Service Manual. Would you have this as well, by any chance? I am particularly after drawings and parts lists so that I can source missing parts. I wished anyone had created a commentd list of parts with recent sources, particularly for parts that need mandatory changing. E.g., Seatbelts, and all rubber parts. I suspect that many parts from kitfox 3 will fit, but not sure. Ie., the windscreen and door panel. Woudl you know? thanks a lot best Norman
  5. is the propeller a Holford Propulsion Systems/ALL SIZE AVIATION, CHP1-1 ?
  6. Thank you for this info. I take from the Rotax 912 parts catalog that the temperature sensors for "oil temperature" and "cylinder head temperature" (CHT) are the same/interchangeable. At least on older engines where the CHT sensor is screwed into the cylinder head from below. The Rotax part number is 965531 (965530 in older part catalogs). It is an off-the-shelf VDO part. Has anyone figured out what the VDO part number of this sender/sensor is? Unfortunately, I do not have a sensor at hand to measure myself, I will need 3 and the Rotax price tag is 4 times above what a genuine VDO part would cost. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  7. Dear dsam, thank you for getting back. There is no gasket, though. They are sealing by plastic-meets-plastic only. I noticed that there is a sweet spot when tightening where they seal better. Tightening them any harder makes leaking worse. Same is true for the nozzle and the internal thread. This thread also leaks. I have devised a solution where the nozzle is connected to a hose for easy refuelling of my high-wing skyfox. I place the jerry can (bladder) on top of the wing, insert the hose in the fuel tank and start the flow by un-nicking the hose and pressing on the bladder. Works well, but would work perfectly if those threads where seal.
  8. Hi there, I am using these exact same jerry cans, but I've found that mine are not seal. They leak when laid on their sides, or when weight is pressing on them. Very annoying. Is it the same with yours and have I just gotten a bad batch?
  9. thanks a lot! cheers!
  10. Hello, we are approaching the first 100 hours on our Skyfox CA22 taildragger, and I would need a maintenance manual to conduct a proper inspection. Going through this thread there seem a few CDs in the hands of kind people who offered to send a copy? Would anyone of you mind to upload this to the download section of this forum similar to "Admin" who uploaded a "Gazelle Flight Manual"? I think this would be the most convenient. Thank you very much for your time!
  11. Dear gkhutton. It would be nice if you could let me know how you go with your inquiries at Hall. We are currently flying our Skyfox taildragger out of Temora, but are looking to move it closer to Canberra in the midterm. If you end up needing a customised storage trailer for a folding wing airplane, I know one for sale. best Norman
  12. Electric is the way to go for training. This here uses about 2.5 euros in energy for an hour of circuit training:
  13. Hi, thank you very very much for taking on this task! This is awesome! in response to the request for what to add: For planning purposes, it would be very helpful to know whether there is car fuel, MoGas available. And how. Eg, a 5 min walk with a Jerry can? A bowser on the ala? 2 miles to town, but taxi service available? Etc. Also, in line with JG3's preference: please include strips with camping potential. camp sites (official?/inofficial? facilities?) again, thank you all very much!!
  14. Hello Old Koreelah, yes, I am thinking the same, hence my practicing of tailwheel. Would you by any chance know any biologists doing fieldwork with airplanes?
  15. wow! thank you very much The map can be reached directly at here: Outback Fuel @Cosmick. Thank you for sharing. @JG3 : thank you very much for putting that together! to what extent are you willing to maintain the map and add user suggestions?
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