Hello Naish88,
great effort, thank you very much. Very, very, helpful! Unfortunately, even in your nice an clean versions I do have trouble with the legibility of some legends and parts lists in the drawings towards the end of the document. Have you been able to find original plans, or better scans in the meantime?
Also, your docs concern the CA25N, Gazelle. I am rebuilding a CA25 (tailwheel, not Gazelle). I do have the POH, but I would need the Service Manual. Would you have this as well, by any chance? I am particularly after drawings and parts lists so that I can source missing parts. I wished anyone had created a commentd list of parts with recent sources, particularly for parts that need mandatory changing. E.g., Seatbelts, and all rubber parts. I suspect that many parts from kitfox 3 will fit, but not sure. Ie., the windscreen and door panel. Woudl you know?
thanks a lot