To resurrect an older thread and for my education as I am new to Rotax engines.
On Sunday we re-pitched our Savage Cub (Rotax 912 ULS with three blade DUC Helices ground adjustable prop). On climb we were getting 5,200 rpm max before making the prop 1 degree finer and now we are getting 5,400 rpm on climb (performance improvement was stunning). I am yet to test max throttle rpm at straight and level as the weather became unsuitable.
We want max takeoff performance and good engine safety as well. Do I have it right, that we are aiming for probably about 5,500rpm on take off and most importantly about 5,650 rpm WOT in straight and level? Airfield is about 800ft above msl, should the test be carried out at sea level to be sure? Does the 800ft make enough difference to be concerned about?
I have also read to cruise anywhere between 5,000 and 5,400 rpm, as below that you are labouring the engine (fine for circuits and landings but cruise, keep it higher).
Thanks in advance.