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Everything posted by bushcaddy105

  1. This is the same setup that I have been using for 18 years. The carby is an SU HIF6 (1 3/4 inch throat) from a single carby Volvo 144. This version has an enricher valve (read "choke") that twin carb versions don't have. As a pressure operated carby it automatically altitude compensates (same as Bing used on Rotax and Jabiru) and also has a temperature compensated jet. The throttle spring is set up for wide open if linkage or cable disconnects. The piston slide uses a linear ball race for trouble-free operation. Depending on the level of engine tune the needle may need to be replaced. I find a needle code BAG most suitable on my engine. The manifold is actually from an EA82 engine which has the advantage of the water outlet being at the firewall end of the installation. It has been modified with unwanted coolant and vacuum pipes plugged.`The adaptor elbow is angled to keep the carby horizontal in flight. For sale due to clean-out prior to downsizing.
  2. Having visited the memorial at the site of his flight, and reading the handwritten testimonials late in their lives by then students at the nearby school who witnessed the flight, I am personally convinced that he was the first. (These original testimonials are on display at MOTAT (Museum of Transport and Technology). The only grounds for denial that Americans will quote is that Richard himself got the date wrong when interviewed towards the end of his life in a mental institution.
  3. Arkaroola is worth considering - spectacular landscapes, but do it in winter or early morning. In summer the turbulence can be scary. The resort will pick you up from the airstrip if staying overnight.
  4. Adelaide Advertiser reports another "crash" this afternoon at Evelyn Downs, 150Km north of Coober Pedy. The pilot suffered minor injuries when attempting to land a light aircraft. No further information given.
  5. No benefit for South Australian members, or Western Australian and NT too for that matter. The closest outlets are all in EST time zones. No bouquets from me.
  6. This item is no longer available- SOLD
  7. until

    Yes, I flew down from Port Pirie yesterday, and home after it finished this afternoon. It was unusual to have both Matt Hall's Red Bull team AND Paul Bennett Airshows on the same program. There is obviously a certain amount of rivalry! The local amateur team, The Silver Sharks, all flying RV's just keeps on getting more polished every performance I have seen. A surprise low(very!) level handling display by an Air Force Posiedon was a feature. The sheer number of spectators (easily 10,000+) was surprising given the Gather Round of AFL in Adelaide was also on this weekend. Aldinga has always been a top airfield and always busy, being home to about 80 aircraft in all taking in Adelaide Biplanes joyflights, Flying schools, Parachuting, Corporate charter ops, maintenance and a great cafe overlooking the field. Only one strip was in use yesterday with the unicom operator juggling both left and right hand circuits when I arrived. Same with today's departures after the show. - a very fast moving sequence well handled.
  8. We live in a valley with 4 Telstra mobile towers within 15kM. No signal from any of them, all "over the hill". We feed our Celfi with a weak Telstra signal from a tower 27kM away. Good 4G most of the time, but some weather conditions drop it to 3G. 5G? What's that? Never likely to see it here! BUT, we live in a special spot and are happy to accept what we have.
  9. On TV news tonight, no details, no video. Just that pilot was injured.
  10. Years ago now, but 12 foot long crate in 8 X 5 trailer with 2 feet hanging out front and back (no gates). Had the advantage of me knowing how it travelled.
  11. Very sad to read that Dave Briffa was one of the deceased. While having never personally met, Dave and I shared a common interest in that we both have rare GRAY cars from the early 1920's and Dave was very generous with information and literature when I restored mine in 2010/11. My condolences to both families who I sincerely hope will eventually be advised of the cause of this event.
  12. In a (very much) past life, VK5ZFL. Never got round to Morse before marriage and a family provided other pastimes. Also 9SYM Mobile Outpost SSB for a while.
  13. The BushCaddy family (no longer in production) used a modified Clark Y with a completely flat underside. Works well for me, with lots of lift and a benign stall at 32 knots indicated. That's without flaps. The R80 is the baby of the models and doesn't use them.
  14. Some roads were dropped from 110 to 100Kph. One local one was the Goyder highway from Crystal Brook to Gulnare. Caused a ruckus, until independent MP Geoff Brock made it an election platform to restore the status quo. He won, and achieved his promise. Have to remember, though, SA's roads are all 100Kph UNLESS signed otherwise. The otherwise is usually only national routes.
  15. Not just aviation. South Australia's road deaths so far this year are way above 2022 numbers, particularly motor cyclists. Significantly, the majority of country road deaths are of country drivers.
  16. From experience, if joining pipes from each head at a muffler, make sure that you include a flexible section in one side’s pipe. Otherwise the expansion and contraction with heat cycles will work the flange studs loose in the heads. Been there, done that!
  17. ABC news photo shows a power pole, possibly on a SWER line, at the edge of the burnt area and close to the wreckage. May or may not be significant.
  18. Too true! Back in the 1980's I took out a provisional patent on an air suspension system for small trailers after taking out a section prize in the Royal Adelaide Show's Farm Invention Competition. That's when I learnt that patent protection is only for the big players, and then it is only effective in countries that subscribe to the Geneva Patent Convention. Two examples of countries that don't are Spain and (surprise!) China. Even back in the 80's it would have cost tens of thousands of dollars just for a few countries. I still have all the paperwork to remind me of how naive I was as a young fella!
  19. Not sure of your answer, Bosi72. We live on the eastern side of Spencer Gulf under Class G airspace, as is Port Pirie aerodrome from where I fly - nowhere near the restricted area. My comment was sounding out the possibility of military aircraft heading for Cultana. Please explain ???
  20. Is there a way of finding out what military flights occurred in your area? Yesterday morning (Mothers Day) at 0810 local a very fast, pure jet sounding aircraft passed low overhead. We raced outside, but it was out of sight. Perhaps significantly, the army's Cultana training area restricted airspace was active at this time. My thoughts were:- What if I had chosen that moment to conduct an inspection flight over our neighbourhood?
  21. No, certainly NOT Harold Clisby. I knew Harold back in the 70's when his primary business was manufacturing air compressors which to this day have a very good reputation. Harold was by then a very successful businessman who dabbled in many hobby interests as well - his small scale steam locomotives being one notable passion. He built an extensive track network at his Teringie Heights estate. The chap to whom I refer was the opposite - a battler who worked from a small shed at the back of a run-down house, surrounded by scree-slope piles of engine and gearbox pieces. His passion was his speedway cars, not his business! I did attend Rowley Park on several occasions, and coincidentally my son"s wife's father used to race there.
  22. No. I can't remember his name. He ran a small business rebuilding gearboxes and engines for speedway cars both for his own cars and for clients. He was on Churchill Rd. Kilburn, opposite the then SA Railways workshops.
  23. In Adelaide in the 1970's I met a guy who had built rotary valve heads for Holden grey motors. They ran in speedway cars at Rowley Park
  24. Heavy duty jumper lead cable. Many, many strands of thin copper so flexible. Soldered ring terminals at ends to suit. Glue lined heat shrink over terminals to insulate and keep moisture out.
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