Can't help but add my feelings too:-
My ASIC is due for it's 2nd renewal, i.e. my 3rd ASIC. I've dutifully followed the steps, paid my pound(s) of flesh, and carried it wherever I've needed to. This amounts to about 4 or 5 locations per year, usually on my way to or from Natfly or Avalon and then only when I need to stop for Avgas.
How often has it been required? Once only, and that was when I was wearing it around my neck but it had blown inside my open jacket. And that at a country NSW airport.
If it really meant extra security, and was regularly checked, I would accept the need for an ASIC. But when country SA airports have 100 metres of security fence before anyone can walk around the end of this fence and on to the movement area I fail to appreciate the logic. These airports are often only attended by airline and operator staff immediately before and after scheduled RPT flights (and not many of them, either) - otherwise the airfield is deserted.
Maybe I'm getting old and grumpy, but this is clearly just another tax impost on honest, gullible citizens. Please convince me that ASICS are good and useful!!!
(Soapbox now dismounted)