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Right Rudder

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Everything posted by Right Rudder

  1. Thanks for sharing Geoff, with solo rapidly approaching this sort of information is invaluable Cheers
  2. Hi stickshaker,long story but will keep it short Started in a 150 back when training was $25 per hour Met a girl had kids banned from any thing dangerous Kids grown up and gone restarted in lsa55 Wife diagnosed with cancer flying put on hold Wife currently free of cancer so on her instructions purchased the 160 and love it Have around 15 hrs it it so far
  3. Trust me I tried that hense the name lol
  4. Then there's the other end of the scale started in 1976 and hope to have my Raa cert.by christmas
  5. Can so relate to this my instructor calls me right rudder where's my attitude so much I think i'll change my name lol
  6. Still larfing what a great storie
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