Last year I would receive the Sunday morning "Last wek's popular topics" as an email with links. Late last year it stopped arriving. Did I accidentally unsubscribe or is it no longer sent?
Cheers - Frankus
Re the Sunday morning email with popular topics, does it still exist? I haven't received the email for some time. Has it stopped or did I accidentally unsubscribe?
Any info would be great.
Cheers - Frankus
Under the existing Angle Flight structure, is there a protocol or opps manual for running angle flights and any induction for volunteer pilots performing these flights?
So here you go, Newton , Bernoulli, and some fluid dynamics thrown in. As well as here is something on stream tubes before you start the video Streamlines and Streamtubes
Getting back to the subject in hand on RA Aus, There is a document going around for a call for a special general meeting. Ben Morgan can pass on the details of the person sponsoring it. (David Jardine). As the Board elections are on I suggest that those wanting to take some action pass on their proxy to David Jardine and Ben has his details. He is seeking a couple of resolutions and success with this would start a process that might bring about change.
Yes, I bought a lot of tools at the Qantas Melbourne maintanence auction. Since then as a regular flyer I have seen seats held together with Gaffa tape and other "roughnesses" that aren't a good look. He's probably got management on a bonus system for cutting costs. Not in itself a bad management tactic but sooner or later, a NASA level Challanger accident if taken too far.
However "Joycie" does have a B.S. applied Science and doesn't come from the Harvard business school of asset stripping, but all the same, those old days of the engaged CEO fostering the company and people are long gone.
He's probably not an aviation enthusiast? The processes at the top end of town is like making sausages, the less you know about it the better for your appetite. (Generalisation)
Here is a recent forum presented by CASA on the development of the new regulations. Prima facie it looks promising from my limited perspective. All it needs is positive and competent industry contribution and engagement
Not a great public blue to have at a time when we need maximum government representation cohesion as an industry. Looks like a case of "mission creep" on the part of RA Aus. Hardly surprising that a motivated and competent group will want to "expand" their business. In a recent letter in the mag, Michael referred to RAA as the largest membership group and indicated future horizons. Not hard to say when you have to join to get a licence. RAA Board elections are on. I'm making some calls. New board members need to be independent thinkers who can't be badgered or bullied to tow the line, if the line is just to build more RAA Inc at the expense of the established other groups. (Assuming they are doing their job).