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Everything posted by Frankus1aust

  1. Welcome to the party and thanks for the info
  2. For fat cats in the corporate world, managing people is a matter of deploying and disposing of assets. Their prime interest is their own career and how much cash they can suck out of the system. Spend an hour in the first class Qantas lounge and you will overhear any quantity of it. There are a few exceptions but the bigger the company, the more disconnected the senior management. (screaming generalisation).
  3. Generalised bureaucracy bashing is unhelpful and just puts the "faceless men" deeper into the trenches. Names, places and evidence is the name of the game and this includes positive validation when the system brings about good outcomes.
  4. Russia has its oligarchs and so do we. Standing between a pile of cash and certain sections of the politico/business complex and you are safer between a tigress and her young. All the same, to not fight is to lose. The clean blade of truth is more effective when it is backed up by a populist media campaign. Bring on the social media! (What was that Winston said about democracy?)
  5. And gravity amplifiers
  6. A digital engine monitor would be a good start for experimenting with cooling
  7. Sorry, that is Royal Vic
  8. You could try the Royal Vix at Moorabbin Davide Ierkic is a good IFR instructor and they have a good sim and the cost is reasonably
  9. Looks like Forrest is a good overnight stay
  10. I'm checking but I don't see any bowser. Might be time to buy the country strip guide
  11. I would like to blab all, but it is regarding a friend, a country airstrip, a radio licence and use of the CTAF. Someone is trying to bust him for a radio that is covered by a class licence..... or is it? I'll wait until I hear the judgment before I spill the beans
  12. Thanks, I suggest 110 Kn indicated would be a safe bet.
  13. Anybody who had done the Esperance to the East (Ceduna) flight, any suggestions on where to fill up across the Nullarbor? A/C has 4.5+ hours endurance. The strips look rough and thirsty.
  14. How is the Avid for airframe parts?
  15. Everything to do with Aviation is "pay and play" Anyone who could introduce pro bono aviation would get my vote. In the old days flight training was subsidised.
  16. Here is a promising advance from CASA AvMed. A great and helpful piece of work. Pity I just-lodged my complex case application last week but promising all the same. On-the-spot Class 2 Medicals Tuesday 3 April 2018 From tomorrow 4 April, all designated aviation medical examiners (DAMEs) will have the option to issue on-the-spot Class 2 medical certificates. The changes being introduced include optimisation of the CASA medical records system (MRS) to instantly process certificates that meet the required medical standard. If MRS flags a review is needed, every DAME now has the option to either conduct that review themselves and assess whether a certificate can be issued – or refer the assessment to CASA. The only exception will be for conditions of psychosis, irreversible dementia or epilepsy – or if an applicant has previously had a Class 2 application declined.
  17. The AN2 is a monster and well worth a trip. I think if you have a tailwheel ensorsment you can get a ride up the front.
  18. Here's a question.... Are there any solicitors well versed in Australian aviation law/rules, especially those related to wireless/ACMA and the use of radios by licenced pilots? I have an acquaintance that may have an ACMA/Air Services/CASA issue and I would like to recomend a qualified legal source to disambiguate an apparent conflict in the rules.
  19. Regarding the linguistic qualification of the "B" word, here is the local context
  20. I was there a couple of hours before the incident and just made it to the end of the taxiway, turned around and called it off. Clearly the IFR had arrived. By 1:00 the conditions would have been not much better with maybe a little VMC hole for a sparrow. The strip at YLIL has enough length but not if you are too fast and touching down half way down the strip. Also the conditions suggest the pilot was reluctant to do a go around. We're all experts in hindsight. At least he walked away.
  21. Done.... Letter written to the new minister.
  22. Any chance of video'ing the sessions? Would love to be there but can't
  23. If you look on the Xplane site (You'll probably need to register) there is a forum and if you search there, you will probably find a free or payware aircraft. I think Xplane 11 comes with a Cirrus with the program. If you want to buy an Xplane compatible Cirrus, Here is an example of what is out there plus there are extra program additions you can get to improve it more.
  24. Xplane 11 is pretty good for practicing instrument approaches. you need the Aussie pack and you will be spending time hunting scenery additions but pretty impressive. Some people go the whole hog and get all the gizmos.
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