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Everything posted by Frankus1aust

  1. On the same subject but a different question, what is involved in safely and leagally running an O320 Lycoming on Mogas? I have heard of one pilot who runs mogas in one tank and avgas in the other.
  2. Was that fuel or fool tanks? As the fuel is used up, it is replaced by "gravity vibes". Empty tanks are 100% full of gravity vibes
  3. This whole labour hire middle man system is a Neocon plot!
  4. Credability of media reports on anything???? Zero
  5. So what about a Frisbee? Or even better.... An old style rubbish bin lid?
  6. Tabloid poetry in motion! Has Newscorp or ACA offered you a job yet? You don't even have to leave home!
  7. PS..... An AOPA member
  8. Spent a lot of phone, email and forum time banging on about a peak body, consultative process, blah blah blah etc. It is easy as a noisy GA/RAA amateur to sound off, but the real action is with the industry professionals who have a detailed understanding of the industry. I have previously worked in peak body reform before, in an industry I understand and you are often not assisted by enthusiastic individuals running their own campaign, unless it is part of a coordinated and resourced plan. All the same, pretty ready to start one or join one if we on the rec-av site want to form a group.
  9. Sorry for my screaming ignorance but who is the person/interest-group/politician/press hog behind this?
  10. True and all the more reason to collectively shout the house down. A consistent campaign required. Dedicated facebook site, bulk emails to his office, letters, press lobbying, industry bodies direct representation, and public support from media opinion leaders. Trawling the industry groups and individuals to put a working group together is needed so a very specific set of aims and ambitions can be decided and focused upon. Not CASA bashing but a reform partnership. If we don't make this a noisy issue the minister will do nothing.
  11. There are a quantity of deaths each year in the USA as a result of vending machine accidents. Common sense can be taught but there will always be a "human element" in both the situation and the system. Both equally irrational.
  12. I recently purchased Xplane 11. A bit of messing around with local scenery but it is very good. If you look around on the net you can get a set of S/H Saitek controls. Great for practicing instrument approaches and also I think it is better than FSX. 64 bit.
  13. Considering for a moment that Shane Carmody might be up for some CASA reform and industry consultation, he will need strong ministerial backing. We are talking culture and mindsets. These all take time to change. But if a tipping point can be arrived at, things can happen. All be it with a lot of leverage at the start. Hence a united industry all singing the same revolutionary song. This is Barnaby's chance to be known for something good and lots of photo opps for turning around an industry. This chance does not come up often for a politician. The question is.... Is the industry able to stop behaving like a rabble and follow this through.
  14. Having made the original non optimum decision, a precautionary landing was also not ideal but he and the plane can be fixed. Much better than pressing on.
  15. Also there will be the exceptions list and "Review by CASA". In the case of the commercial driver's license a report from your specialist that shows the driver is within the acceptable cohort is processed with no further evaluation from the license provider. If this is followed by CASA and Avmed, this will be a benefit and a sensible response. I'll believe it when I see it but if it is applied without too much bureaucratic embellishment it will be a sign of positive reform and encourage optimism on the part of the aviation community.
  16. Thanks for that
  17. You can polity call them every day and work your way around the chain. If you think an individual is too small to have an effect on something large and powerful, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito.
  18. Are the accounts publicly available?
  19. Thanks, that is a great deal
  20. Thanks, I think they just purchased the skyfox that was on Pickles auctions last week.
  21. Thanks, I was looking at a S/H Skyfox or Aeropup (something you can stick in a trailer). All the same, a reasonable cost on a club aircraft for training would also be fine.
  22. Can anyone suggest a tailwheel endorsement training school around Melbourne (or local regional) that 1. does training without costing $450.00 pet hour or 2. Allows you to use your own aircraft? I'm sure there's plenty around but I finding it hard to find an RAA or GA school with an available instructor. Someone advised me to go to Shepparton. I'm guessing there's a few options.
  23. Ok, so here is a survey. For RAA pilots in Eastern Melbourne, What would be the most desirable 100+ knt cruse a/c? and for how much wet? Compared to renting GA, I am guessing that $140.00 per hour is about the limit.
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