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Everything posted by Frankus1aust

  1. I've sent a letter to Lee at Sports Aviation.
  2. Normally my default position, but in this case the rant got me to the source with any luck. Thanks
  3. I hasten to add that from the outside, and as a manufacturer in Australia, I would be kicking the door down if I had the treatment Jabiru appeared to be given by a government regulator. I'm sure there's another side to this story.
  4. Thanks for the info. I will start by getting the data.
  5. Thanks Turboplanner, I couldn't find any reference on the website apart from the Engine limitation relief report. This team on the link, who do you suggest it the appropriate person to contact re the Jabiru engine history? CASA’s role in sport aviation | Civil Aviation Safety Authority
  6. Thanks for the reply. looking at the CASA website this is all I can find... the reference to the "Relief for Jabiru engine limitations. Jabiru engine limitation relief | Civil Aviation Safety Authority I can't find anything else by way of back story, stats qualification or process. I saw the Mr Skidmore YouTube Senate Committee discussions and I was totally underwhelmed. It is like a piece of string sticking out from under a curtain. On the other end there might be anything from a mouse to an elephant. If this process is how CASA comes to a decisions that affects the livelihood of industry sectors, I would be hoping to see more rigor and professionalism. From my limited view, looking at the incident reports at the time I couldn't see the need for a blanket ban on the engines, just the appropriate A/D's and some public awareness campaign for people tampering with their own engines. If this is how CASA works more broadly, by decree/whim/fiat/prejudice etc, time for a real review. Starting at the people and process behind the Jab engine ban. If there is nothing in it, their position and cred is strengthened.
  7. I would like to know the real story around the Jab engine and the clumsy CASA action. No doubt there is a little both ways here but names at CASA need to be named. If this agency coughs, GA gets the flu. This has been going for a long time and it is time for a real reform of CASA as far as GA is concerned. CASA seem to be masters of "overtaking the Minister" or at least maintaining their own patch and agenda. Am I just being cranky? Anyone else want to throw some enlightenment into the pile?
  8. Hi Vlad and добро пожаловать
  9. Regarding medicals and evidence, in Victoria a holder of a heavy vehicles license with a medical issue is required to have an annual specialists health report to Vic Roads. Such a rule for an RAA license would be a slight imposition for the pilot but it would add an extra layer of insurance and liability risk mitigation. Not to mention confirm health status for the pilot,
  10. When my HBA1C came in at 6.4 the medical CASA management considered it too low on the assumed basis to get that low I must be at constant risk of Hypo's. Despite months of stable daily blood sugar measurements tendered. So this time around I am running it a little higher. On the basis of their requirements their starting point is a case of poor control or a case of very difficult control. If that was my case I wouldn't waste my time trying to get a class 2 or even be flying. However they have a system and all you have to do is work through it. All be it long and "worst case". I am hoping that as they get to know a pilot's medical history (over several years by their timeline it appears), it is possible to eventually arrive at an unimpeded Class 2.
  11. Regarding the medicals, yes it is long and drawn out. I spent 2 years+ getting a class 2 with insulin dependant Diabetes. Eventually they convened a panel and gave it to me with 5 pages of protocols and restrictions. Over time with evidence I can get them removed. It's painful but not impossible.
  12. Maybe they will find a buyer who can reactivate it. The main thing will be able to get the key staff back.
  13. I am aware there has been some sort of rift between CAMit and Jabiru for a while now for whatever reasons. The new Jabiru and Camit engines are not exactly the same and there is a market for Camit as an export product. In the USA they could do a chapter !! restructure where as here once you are technically insolvent, any trading is going to land the directors in hot water. Once a receiver moves in it is now just a profit opportunity for the receiver and they suck it dry. Does anybody know if it has really closed or is it trading under management or is it just a big layoff?
  14. Or a puppy farm!
  15. And there's more.... The Parliament of Australia : Save Australia's General Aviation from bureaucratic disaster.
  16. I think the AOPA petition is worth following up. It does take downloading it and sending it to the pollies on the list. Worth the effort.
  17. Dam! That explains the compression test on my wallet pocket.
  18. Welcome to the party
  19. Speaking of av videos and New Guinea, This has to be the best thing on youtube. Typical Pommie production. Almost no contrived human emotion BS and riveting. I'm guessing you've seen it already but if you haven't, you won't be able to switch it off.
  20. There is an Australian AOPA petition going around re Med Certs at the moment. Worth following up on. I've just past the $2,000.00 mark on CASA mandated tests over the last two years. Finally got a conditional class 2 and if I spend enough money over the next 12 months, I can get the conditions removed (maybe). So we can't say they don't negotiate. My application was delayed 3 months when the LAME handling my application had a heart attack. If you keep going you eventually get reviewed by a board of "hard case" doctors. If they see you're never going away they will eventually give it to you. The big error is to BS them. - Frank
  21. So regarding the post, how do we participate in the petition? (I assume there is a petition?) Did I miss something? As much as the class 2 is not the total source of the industry decline, I can think of at least five pilots who now aren't flying due to Class 2 issues yet are perfectly healthy. I had one as well and after 18 years of trying, I finally have my class 2 back. Most pilots won't go through trouble and expense. Complete BS all the way.
  22. Regarding your medical cert, CASA Med team can be negotiable if they get to know your medical condition and your overall handling. Over time if you work on your condition you may be able to graduate to Class 1. I don't know the basis of your restriction but I am a type 1 diabetic and still managed to get a class 2. It took me a couple of years and it has restrictions but in time I can get the restrictions lifted. They aren't totally inflexible.
  23. These are a great little aircraft. I have a friend with one fitted with the Jabiru 6 cylinder engine and its performance is very impressive. The airframe design and construction is stronger than a Skyfox design based aircraft and there's plenty of space inside.
  24. In the future. with the improved ceramic coatings becoming more available we'll see them on car turbos. From there it is only a short jump to the hot end of a small gas turbine. You could imagine a small GA/RA turboprop running on kero or diesel all be it a bit thirsty. The slow part will be certification. I'm wondering if anybody is working on this now or maybe it's not worth the efforts in the existing market?
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