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Everything posted by shags_j

  1. From an ATC perspective: Too many times a VFR paint appears, we pass traffic to an IFR aircraft, say inbound to an airfield, and too many times the IFR can't get the VFR on CTAF and we have no luck getting them on area. Personally when I fly I will be on area unless I am in the vicinity of an AD, then on the CTAF (as published in ERSA or if not on any charts then on area). At least then if ATC is telling me there is a A320 about to collect me I will be able to hear it.
  2. Callsign?
  3. I disagree. The old constitution in regards to members rights are worse
  4. Ben87r ian And i are both on that sector (127.1).
  5. Kasper there needs to be a sense of realism here too. If you insist on written correspondence, I guess that's fine, but I will be opting for electronic as this is beneficial for the environment and the bottom line of the association. Both of these things are things that will affect me (I know the baby boomers among us have profited from exploiting the worlds resources to the younger generations detriment, but that's a topic for another day... ) And as for informing yourself; I agree important things are to be written to members about (ie. the Jabiru issues etc) however if CASA makes a change, then you will need to inform yourself. If AIP is updated, same deal. So there are distinctions to be made here. I'm not sure the documents are any worse drafted than those of some major corporations or trusts (trust me I know) but I'm not here as a delegate for the voting in of this constitution.
  6. definition of natural justice is a legal term defined in a case (can't remember the case name sorry). Remember the members charter is not the constitution. It can have slightly less legalese terms. It is vague (I guess intentionally so) whereas the constitution is very fixed. Outside of the members charter Yenn, what else is poorly written?
  7. Ok, So the final draft for voting on has been released. (https://www.raa.asn.au/our-organisation/our-constitution/draft-constitution/) I am very pleased that all of my issues have been addressed. I am also in favour of a corporation as a new structure as I see only good outcomes and haven't seen an argument yet that shows why it would be a bad idea. So for the moment I think I will be voting to bring in the constitution. I am interested to know everyone else's opinion and if you are against certain items in the constitution have you contact Michael Monck and discussed by phone. If so what was the outcome? Cheers, Shags P.S. All the errors seem to be fixed. Small miracles can occur.
  8. You gotta admit though, You wouldn't expect an acft at that height over a road there. If there was a truck he would have collected it.
  9. Hi Don Sorry i may have missed this elsewhere but what are the main specific reasons that coy better than incorporating on another state? That may make it easier to sell if we had that specific information instead of vaguaries like "it will be easier to manage"
  10. On one of the previous points. Of you are xcountry please listen out on area. So many times we have had a vfr aircraft going into an active restricted area or conflicting with ifr traffic and need their intentions but had no response from the vfr.
  11. I am pretty sure we don't get the callsign unless it's adsb and in proximity to an adsb receiver
  12. Keep in mind primary sometimes picks up boats and all manner of other stuff. But yeah definitely if a paint were getting close we would broadcast
  13. No argument re transparency however if the board is not on this forum how do they know what to answer? Don't get me wrong, with this being the main forum for us i would have hoped most of the board was on here but it doesn't seem so.
  14. KP: Can I suggest you phone Mike the President with exactly these questions.
  15. I think we vote for the directors, not the other directors. Not sure of this though.
  16. Kasper: I received responses from the CEO within days. As for the president, Mike is extremely approachable. Pickup a phone and call him with your issues. Trust me the responses from the CEO and the President to myself have been vastly different so it is worthwhile ensuring that both have received your correspondence and have replied.
  17. The board structure isn't working. For example an emails sent to the board by the president needing responses are taking up to 6 months to be answered. Surely the organisation will stagnate like this. I'm all for slowing down and taking our time. Out of interest; What in particular will cause the failure by switching to a company? EDIT: Thinking about all these issues I think the main reason that we need a change in structure is that we have sooo few people willing to nominate for board that it's just really voting for whoever is nominated rather than having options for the best person. Perhaps the board needs to communciate to us when board members are draggin their ass on correspondence etc so we know that changes need to be made when voting time comes around.
  18. There are quite a few that are covered without you knowing. If you listen to the bathurst frequency, it includes 133.05 which is the frequency that I work on. Because we retransmit over a sectors frequencies that also includes 127.1 which goes from walgett to inverell, and 125.75 which goes to east of Armidale. Sometimes in slow periods it also includes the frequencies right up to ballina.
  19. UPDATE: HI All, I had a phone call from the president Michael Monk. His phone number is public and I urge ANYONE who has an issue with the drafts to contact him. I was very satisfied with the conversation and suggest that you phone. If we don't advise the board of what we want, nothing will change. First the Errors: As per the email you all should have received today you will note that there is still another draft which will be the one that we will be voting on. Hopefully the errors will be fixed. With regards to the clauses that do not provide members with their respective rights (ie. declining membership without a reason etc) I believe some of these will be rewritten. Perhaps not as open as I would like but we will see what the next draft brings. There will also be a members charter that will contain a lot of our rights and hopefully that will clear up some issues. Either way we have to realise that any change is still better than what we have (Ian can attest to that). At the moment they can reject a membership renewal if you "bring the organisation into disrepute" which is very vague. The new constitution, even as it is, is still better than that. As for the change in structure. We are well overdue for this and I am in full support of the change to a company. I hope that the changes made in this next draft will address a lotof my issues. Cheers, Shags
  20. Does that mean you need someone there who will physically be your proxy?
  21. I need someone to walk me through how to do a proxy vote btw. Never done one.
  22. Private message from a board member. I'll try and get an official response to post here.
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