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Everything posted by shags_j

  1. right... Never been there. Doesn't look like a bad spot though, will have to check it out.
  2. Not me. Must have been on break (know who it is though, not on these boards)
  3. Greatn write up. Might even have been me that you spoke to asking about the Evans head restricted areas. The Ballina jetstar though it's an a320
  4. Old K - Is that the Denali ones you used?
  5. Have you used them Ian?
  6. Has anyone had any experience with these? Why are they so much cheaper than say a lightspeed? http://www.clearprop.com.au/headsets/anr-headsets/flightcom-denali-d90anr/ Cheers, Shags
  7. This is a 1600 from a later mk2 that was dropped in it. I will run it till it dies then it is getting an sr20det full work over. Don't have time or workshop for that atm so the xflow it is. Still is a fun car to drive. And the guy that had it before me had it all painted up in mexico colours so I will leave them as is. Just interior to fix up now and she should be right as rain.
  8. 1.6 xflow. Have a blow through carby and turbo on its way also
  9. 2 years apart, that's enough to save. Just have to curtail the wifes spending.
  10. Lol Holy thread necromancy batman! And sidetracked to boot. I love it (have since bought a mk1 Escort instead of an acft. An Aero's capable aircraft will be purchased probably sometime late next year). Good reading though guys regarding risk.
  11. Good advice Pearo. We get COR every couple of weeks or so.
  12. Russ: Out of CTA you can use for yourself whatever you want. I won't say anything ;)
  13. Yes you can program plain english weather into whatever in a standard format. Problem is that in aviation there are so many legacy systems around the world (there is no way our ATC system could handle it) that it would be too hard to do both. Until the world changes completely the coded system will always be there which is why I think everyone should learn to decode it. By all means fight the good fight to get it in plain english but until that is the accepted standard I wouldn't rely on always having something to translate it. Any tool you have available to you is a bonus. And guys it really isn't hard to learn and decode. EDIT: I'm not advocating for the encoded system to stay or anything like that.
  14. True that is part of it but contains so much more pertinent information.
  15. Rhys: We have Class E under Class A as well. Not just C. Happy: Advising or not advising of VFR traffic are due to any number of factors. If you listen to the controllers for Ballina (120.3) they will always let the big guys know of any VFR's that look like that may get in the way of them. However remember you have to be identified for us to do that. If you are under 1,500 ft there we wouldn't necessarily see you. That's just one example of an aerodrome. Each area is completely different due traffic, airspace, controller workload etc. Ie. If an IFR flew into Caboolture I don't expect the ATC to tell him of each VFR in the area, he would probably be there all day...
  16. Russ: I would suggest you learn to read the encoded ones. It's not that hard. Go to AIP if you can find one Gen 3.5 or if not go to the BOM website for aviation. Go Here: http://www.bom.gov.au/aviation/knowledge-centre/ Select the product you are reading and it give you the info you need to decode it. Every morning until you can read these without referring to the sheet lookup particular met products for an aerodrome (say Cooktown) and decode it using these sheets (don't cheat and use the website listed above) and you will find in a matter of a few days you will have these down pat. They really aren't hard and I recommend everyone know how to read them cause that is exactly how ATC will give it to you if you request it (somewhat)
  17. Can't confirm or deny ;)
  18. I had a Rex take off the other day and go from balina to sydney with no GPS or FMS. Did it all the old school way. Goes to show that no matter what you are flying you should never lose those skills.
  19. I know Taats does correct for QNH. I fairly regularly get IFR or VFR aircraft with wildly different altimeter settings (anywhere up to 600'). The other day we had a low level VFR who's mode C level was FL210. Caused no end of issues. Ask ATC for area QNH if you want (try to wait for a quiet moment though) and please tell us where you are and which direction you are travelling so we know which one to give you. Some sectors are anywhere up to 1200nm which could be any number of different areas or splits.
  20. Just because we disagree with Dick on aviation matters doesn't mean we are taking away from his success in business or whatever. Dick's only interest in aviation is himself. Everything Dick has introduced or wanted to introduce has been due to a direct effect on his flying. And if the ADSB discussion is still on the old forum have a read cause it's worth it. Imagine the aviation world we would have now if we changed it all back then.
  21. Hang on. It says in the article that we were going to change to the US system. We never said that did we? We were changing to ICAO which afaik the US does not comply with.
  22. Ballina is in the sector that I control so I better not comment too much on the article from an ATC perspective. However as a pilot: Is he really using a report from 2004 as an argument? He is a clown. The guy who invented class E airspace (Where IFR need a clearance and VFR don't, sounds safe) is complaining about not having enough CTA. wtf!
  23. I concur Birdseye. I think they will just confuse pilots by this. Don't say that it is in AIP but rather it is suggested that...
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