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Everything posted by shags_j

  1. damni working in the afternoon. Have to go next time.
  2. Watching everyone here flying into the fly in and I am jealous. Have a great weekend all.
  3. Still would be fun. Wouldn't mind one of these.
  4. Technology needs humans and vice versa when it comes to aircraft. I don't think either can operate in isolation. Certain Shit hits fan scenarios will require the help of either or both.
  5. Wow please lets not get into this one again. There is much discussion on this already here (http://recreationalflying.com/threads/bernoulis-irrelevant.5961/)
  6. Gold coast is quiet in the mornings till about 7amish. Then it's pretty busy for most the day. Weekends are of course a bit quieter early morning.
  7. Maritime: Different towers have different levels of tech. Gold Coast is full Taats however archerfield is old school. It's really cool to see how each works.
  8. I do Grafton (from just north of Ballina to south of Coffs). There are a lot of other ATC on here, tower and en-route. We are all nice guys ;)
  9. And I never get grumpy... Just going by what I've seen. Never hurts to lodge a flight plan if you want to transit.
  10. Good point. If you want a clearance through CTA and you don't have a flight plan lodged, expect a grumpy ATC or even no clearance if it's too busy to get one in quickly ;)
  11. Bull: Thanks for the tips. I will certainly do that.
  12. So how did you go learning to fly it without a two seater equivalent?
  13. Will go PPL eventually. Just as a start.
  14. Good luck getting even a quorum of YCAB pilots together...
  15. Thanks guys. I am getting my RPL in the foreseeable future and will be moving into aero's (hopefully competition) and the couple of aircraft I have really liked (and can afford) are single seaters so I have plenty of time to get into other aircraft and try new things. Thanks for the advice. Cheers Shags
  16. You're assuming the council cares. They just saw some empty space that they couldn't put houses on and said well we could put a dump there...
  17. Very sorry to hear that. Condolences to the family.
  18. So as the title reads. How do you go about getting rated on a single seater. In fact how do you learn to fly the damn thing? If you want to buy a single seater what is the usual process? Cheers in advance, Shags
  19. Caboolture circuit is never short on fun... And is it just me or are the birds really bad atm. As for your hemispheric levels out towards watts (even though not strictly enforced below a050) there isn't a huge amount of traffic. Just keep your eyes peeled (i've only flown as far as kilcoy though myself)
  20. Do we even know if he is deceased or is this speculation?
  21. They refuse to issue Red asics to pilots anymore. There is a lengthy debate of avnet about it.
  22. Hi All, Is anyone able to confirm for me that a) RA Aus still issues ASICS (I couldn't find the form on the website) b) You are allowed to have current ASIC's issued by two separate bodies. Cheers, Jason
  23. I for one would love for the club at YCAB to be renovated and really turned into a club to be proud of. I am not currently a member cause it's a bit of a disgrace but would love to see it happen and would certainly be ready to become financial if I heard of someone willing to take on the task. EDIT: I recently visited Puyallup in WA, USA (near seattle). There is a little Cafe attached to the airport (about caloundra sized airport) that does really cheap breakfasts etc. The food isn't great but it is packed regardless of weather etc. I really feel Brisbane is missing something like this where you can get a coffee and breakfast and watch the runway etc. I know I would frequent something like that.
  24. There is a cancer in the Australian psyche that has been slowly growing over the past 20 or so years but has well and truly flourished in the last 13. Australia is fast becoming one of the least "free" countries in the world from a liberty standpoint. Something happens and everyone loses their shit until the government legislates against it, then the following week another issue requires legislation. I feel ramp checks are an ongoing sympton of this (also as far as we are concerned, asics, medicals etc). People are losing it over terrorism at the moment. Therefore the government can say "hey look, we are making sure everything is ok by checking all these ultralights so they will not be used against you..." garbage. I hope my point is clear. It sickens me to watch the amount of garbage that is being legislated and overenforced in this country. I truly believe that we are the least free country in the western world and will soon rival China and other eastern nations if we keep on this path. Of course Australians being Australians seem to be "meh whatever. Doesn't really effect me" so I expect, certainly in the wider community more than here, that noone will really care.
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