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Don J

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Everything posted by Don J

  1. Thats great Teggles. Keep at it and it won't be long, and you will be doing taxi runs.
  2. Merry Christmas to you my friend also and to all. build on and have fun with it.
  3. Very interesting cable arrangement. Aileron cables arranged in torque tube look to be a problem solver. I would only study the over 90-degree return at pully of cable aft of rear spar ensuring no cable can touch under tension. Thumbs up Teggles
  4. You don't have to yell at me BUD. Must be bored to site and listen to US news all day when I'm sure you have plenty of your own going on.
  5. Teggles. I was a bit more curious about how the cable routing is going along with seat type and placement. Are you going steam gauges or do you have more updated goodies for the dash?
  6. You're not here but if you were, you'd see that a major change has been happening in the State levels such as Governors, Attorneys, and many high level personal. Biden just let 1500 federal prisoners out of jail and at least 2 people here where I live out convicted of embezzlement. I guess Biden figures if Trump can get away with 34 Felony's a few lesser misdemeanor persons should walk. Go Figure.
  7. Why not? I guess we can start sending all the persons coming in from South America to Australia. I personally am not disappointed with the US but I have lived through presidents since the JFK of the early 60's. Nixon was a interesting situation. 🀨
  8. I personally voted for the other party as most all people I know. N.D. is a blue state as we say but I think it all boils down to money and supporters such as Musk and the fear of another January 6th episode from the past. My little community is basically all farmers and mainly only concerned about Ag details.
  9. Listening to world news tonight Elon musk has asked for the government not to pass the spending bill and if this happens many military personal will not get paid along with Federal workers. Boing is the least of this country's problem at this time. Like I said I'll try and keep you guys on that side of the pond informed as things develop. If any questions, please ask.
  10. Teggles. How is that plane coming along??
  11. Nev. I'm a born and raised American plane junky with years of USMC service so no way I will pull up and restart at this stage of life. Australia would be a great place to visit and spend time with the population. I guess that's one thing that bothers me is a commander and chief that has no training in combat with a bully attitude. I wonder if this wall he's building at the Mexico border is any better than the great wall of China???
  12. It is still about 1 month shy of what will come to fact in the good old USA because of procedures of the government but I can say that any person not legally allowed in the States will be hiding because of the threat of good "ol Trumpy poo" to export. I admit some need to go but most are just hard-working souls trying for a better life. I
  13. I do wish I could pack up and head that way.
  14. Remember those bullies in your school years where they had to have the best car and cutest cheerleader and basically their crap doesn't stink? this reminds me of who is soon to take the high office. Only in this government you can be found guilty of 34 felony's and walk away. 🫒
  15. "Finished" that sure would-be music to my ears when I can say it with my own mouth. It seems the closer to flight you get the farther away you really are.πŸ€” Cost of supplies has become a challenge in this neck of the woods along with shipping. Regardless of all the setbacks with a build having fun and enjoying the product is a thing a builder should keep foremost in their mind. πŸ‘ŒAlong with safety......................
  16. Maybe that what all these Drones flying around the East coast is? Trying to get close to Trump to see his golf game? 😱
  17. Hello everyone. Build of the Taylor monoplane is still going great and closer every day. Been watching all these drone issues on the east coast of the USA. Not too sure what to think of it but I hope it's just kids having fun. Hope you all have a good holiday season. Don
  18. Looks great Teggles. It's a shame that all that gets hidden under plywood. Don't forget those hinge blocks on the inside of spar and I also mounted T-nuts before final ply was added. 1mm ply is tougher than I thought it would be to wrap around the leading edge but some soaking in hot water and a heavy 2" pipe worked wonders. Keep at it friend and keep us posted.
  19. Not sure of the reason either but I would guess it may have something to do with the length of the root spars option regarding placement of Main landing gear mounts. You can mount at root spar or wing root.
  20. Believe me Teggles with your fuel capacity and with the lower hp a shorter wing will not be liked. Now if you put a 0200 on it with shorter wings, we may find a spot at Reno air races going fast and turning left.πŸ˜‰
  21. Page 2 you will see the access holes are for the ability to get to the hinge bolts of the elevator and rudder hinges the tail wheel is a stock Scott full swivel type and activated by rudder horn.
  22. The top rudder hinge would be an easy transfer of holes to the VS you do have two bolts holding the hinge half on? Are you going tail skid or wheel? I used self-locking tee-nuts on the inside of my VS and HS along with elevator spar to ease in mounting and un-mounting of controls. then left enough thread to pass t-nut to add a ny-locking nut for further safety. Access holes had to be incorporated to pass a wrench inside to hold nuts and fabric patches will cover them for future access. How is the cable routing going? Hope all is well and happy flying Teggles.
  23. What is the plan on mounting the vertical Stab to the tail post? Are you going to use the hinge bolts? Don't forget those balsa strips that go on the leading edge of the rudder spar and elevator before fabric. Just think my friend only a few hundred things to do.πŸ€ͺ Keep at it and keep use posted. DJ
  24. Rudder cables probably won't be too bad but depending on where elevator cables fair leads are positioned that may be a headache. Do you have support blocks on Horizontal Stab and rudder post at hinge locations? Also don't forget Sheet 2 of prints section C-C showing the balsa in center of spars under the fabric I almost forgot those, and gap would have been terrible. And keep in mind you need room for hinge pins to come out at least one side by the balsa on center of spars.πŸ‘Œ
  25. Teggs. What about those rudder and elevator cables any head way. Diehl wings from a KR-2 is the way to go. Nice taper and lots of aileron.
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