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Everything posted by Raytol

  1. Hi All, One reason the gliders have negative flaps is so that they can take away some pitching moment from the wing and unload the tailplane ( which because of it's low aspect ratio is the highest drag generator on the glider)! With powered aircraft this is overtaken by the engine cooling drag and the undercarriage drag so as a percentage of the total drag so it is less effective. A more effective way is to use an all flying tailplane ( about 10% more efficient than a traditional tailplane).
  2. Hi Danny. Please check the Wedgetail Aircraft website www.wedgetailaircraft.com.au as we have taken over the manufacture and supply of the Morgan Aeroworks aircraft and kits. Or call me on 0414 559742 Ray Tolhurst
  3. Hi Bex, I hope you are on your way to fully recovering. I'm sure we will be amazed at how many good ideas you will come up with once you have had some rest! The Wedgetail "Typhoon" will soon be 760 Kg compliant, all metal structure, tailplane and elevator, up to 200 Hp. Maybe we can talk about it once you have recovered. Ray
  4. The definition of a hero.
  5. Problem easily fixed by fitting one or two small vertical surfaces to the rear of the fuselage. They have done the same fix to heaps of aircraft in the past.
  6. I have just got home from attending AirVenture and I was there from Wednesday evening until Sunday morning. I was in the camping area for that time. The rain was good and saved us from a very dusty environment. The camping area was well set up with lights, toilets and showers. Whoever designed the showers has never really had to have one in them! The venue is good and has room for expanding the Exhibitors area and has room for many more attendees. The volunteers, marshals and vendors were friendly and helpful and it was a great atmosphere to be in. There was an OTT police presence and they were obviously bored! There was a lack of AirVenture signage in Cessnock and no signs leading people to the airport! Apparently the local Council is strict on signs and who and where they can be used so they removed them! MM also said they did a letterbox drop for the locals. Quite a few came on the Saturday. It is my understanding that the financial risk is David's ( who owns the Airventure business) and that RAAus has a limit on their liability. I hope someone made a profit out of it so that it will continue into the future. Thank you to Matt Hall ( I don't know how his brain is not scrambled!), The BAE Hawk pilot ( he probably picks his brain out of his backside), and all of the airshow pilots. It was also great that exhibitors could fly their aircraft for potential customers. I feel like cracking the heads together of RAAus, SAAA and AOPA so that they will support any attempts to showcase our industry to flyers and public alike. My overall opinion was that it well done for a first time at this venue and hope the local council gets on board next time!.
  7. Even once you have gone solo every flight is a learning experience!
  8. Does not even have to be liquid petrol, just the vapour or fumes will do it
  9. Does not even have to be liquid petrol, just the vapour or fumes will do it.
  10. There is a lovely Typhoon at Grafton for $35K. Owned by a meticulous L2 and flying instructor called Peter Clement. 0412 505252
  11. About 5 years ago I saw a battery powered helicopter flying at Bankstown Airport flown by Peter Wieland. A long time before the Sikorski Firefly. I saw the prototype Firefly at Oshkosh that year and the reps said that it had not flown yet. Impractical idea dropped by the Wieland Helicopter team which went broke afterwards.
  12. Great Dave, Looking forward to seeing you and your latest fire breather! Ray
  13. Hi FlyVulcan, Yes, how can I ever forget the noise generated by that pressure jet engine!!!! and the fearsome/ awesome flames coming out of it! The only louder thing I have heard is my GrassHopper with a Robin 440 engine driving a supersonic 4 bladed prop. Even with a full face helmet a short flight left me with ringing in my ears for hours afterwards and nausea. I got noise complaints from further away from where I got them with your diabolical jet! I hope you are still going well, Ray
  14. Yes, it got finished and was recently sold again in Victoria. I was flown reasonably frequently and it still looked like new. The new owner may sell it if you are interested. It has a Rotax 503 on it. Contact me for his phone number. Ray [email protected]
  15. I think I built this one!
  16. Flying car seems more logical. Just put the wings away and drive into town!
  17. Oh, I forgot to mention. The best air shows are the ones where the "punters" could get to have a fly in an aircraft. Even at the busiest airshow in the world, Oshkosh EAA airshow in the USA, they have the inspirational "Young Eagles" flights and manufacturers demonstration flights ( which sell aircraft). Static displays don't inspire potential participants.
  18. Australia is such a large place that deciding to put a national event on is always going to be a problem! Where to have it? Do you go for a large population centre or for a pilot friendly airport. Do you find the epicentre of aircraft owners and put it "out in the sticks"? It doesn't seem to matter where it is held , you are not going to please everybody! I have been to some good and some not-so-good air shows in my time and I admire anyone who puts up their hand to organise one!! I will be at Cessnock or anywhere else they have it.
  19. A cheap 35-40 Hp motor is needed. Any ideas?
  20. I always use the red fibre washers under the heads on a fibreglass spinner. Have not had a problem since doing it this way.
  21. Yes, I had an incident with an open mic. My motorglider was being flown by a popular, but perhaps a little vulgar, Canadian/English instructor. He was waiting at the keys for a glider to land, which proceeded to turn across the runway and stopped in his take off path. I was nearby and testing out my newly bought hand held radio. Much to my dismay, the instructor started the longest and most ferocious denigration of the glider pilot ever to be heard on the tower frequency! I must of looked like a madman as I was running towards my motorglider, waving furiously and trying to catch the attention of said instructor! Luckily, the accent of the instructor got me off the hook when the "bluey" came through!
  22. Not really an unusual concept aircraft. See Australia's own Transavia Airtruck!
  23. Thank You, Ray
  24. Hi Head InThe Clouds, Any chance you can put me in contact with John McCarron. We need a cheap way to get people flying again! Ray tol at tpg dot com dotau
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