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Everything posted by Raytol

  1. Hi Bex, Plenty in the USA! There was one called a "Riviera" in a shed at Tocumwal that was in bits.It looks a bit like a SeaBee but has twin booms. Lovely looking aircraft. I think it belonged to Bill Riley or one of the maintenance people. Was a while ago since I have seen it, though. Ray
  2. Hi Lozzer, You really need the warning in your headset and a buzzer for when you are in glider mode. Let me know what you end up getting. Ray
  3. Hi Thermix, I live in Picton too if you ever need any encouragement or guidance.
  4. Good on you. Never too old!
  5. Is there anyone with a Morgan aircraft going to the Lismore Airshow next weekend?
  6. Design an aircraft made with bamboo and bamboo cotton or hemp fabric! Maybe a copy of a very early aircraft such as "Wrong way" Corrigans. Put eyelets in the fabric and pull tight with cable ties. Bind the joints with wicker and get some wheels off a Honda "step through" scooter. Maybe use some cable wire for bracing. Just a thought bubble.....
  7. Why not check out a Caproni jet glider. I had a ride in one with Mike Burns at Tocumwal NSW. Fantastic performance! even if it took a lot of runway to get off. They built a few "short winged" ones for an Italian jet trainer. TRS-18 jet I think.
  8. Anyone going to Albion Park airshow over the weekend?
  9. The law is very reticent to "lift the company veil" in Australia as the Pollies and Lawyers are themselves protected by it! It can only be done if the actions are fraudulent or grossly negligent. Insurance companies love the "what if" situation and I would like to know if any designer/ engineer has ever been subject to litigation in Australia and found against. Other Australian aircraft manufacturers are still going strong even after all their problems, how?
  10. Thanks DJP. This is not 1990! That was in the "bad old days" when designers and manufacturers in the USA were being sued mercilessly in a one sided contest. They stopped frivolous litigation by suing the plaintiffs so they had something to lose as well. NSW has a "dangerous pastimes" act that helped pony clubs, BMX and motocross clubs, etc negate their risk of litigation. Hands up anyone who knows of any designer, engineer or aircraft manufacturer who has been sued under Product Liability laws in the 19 category.
  11. Thanks Geoff, I think the airliner in your box may be a bit overpowered! In my case, the aircraft structure has already been designed and tested by an AE to BCAR secion E. Unfortunately the AE is deceased and is no longer available for consultation. There are 50 odd flying. I believe that the CASA orders are written to make the PILOT the one solely responsible for the safe flight of aircraft in this category.
  12. I will be there!
  13. Thanks Geoff, Yes the "white man's burden" (Liability) has struck again! Luckily it doesn't exist in other countries. Ray
  14. Yes. website is www.wedgetailaircraft.com.au
  15. Hi All, Is anyone with a Morgan Aeroworks Sierra or Cougar going to the airshow at Albion Park ( Wollongong) next weekend? Please contact Ray on 0414 559742 Thanks.
  16. Hi YoungGrasshopper, If the one you just bought has a round tube trailing edge and a welded aluminium aileron, then it is one of the 13 I built waaay back. I just heard from someone who bought one of my "Stingrays" and it is as good a new inside. Send me some pics and I can tell you exactly what to do. raytol at tpg dot com dot au Ray
  17. Thanks Bex, Yes, once the calculations are done for the structural optimisation I'm sure there will be some changes. It seems to me that the rear vertical diagonals are in compression instead of tension which is ok if you have thick walls. Titanium landing gear perhaps?! Build manual is coming along. Service... well it is not up to me to judge. I like your idea for the ribs. Always open to ( not rude) suggestions! Regards, Ray
  18. My basic calcs show the aircraft is waaayy over strong! It would be nice to optimise the structure for say 750 Kg's MTOW @ +4,-2 G's taking the strongest parts from 544Kg/600Kg @ +6,-4G loadings. Will have to test things like engine mounts, battery box and tailplane mounts, etc.
  19. My basic calcs show the aircraft is waaayy over strong! It would be nice to optimise the structure for say 750 Kg's MTOW @ +4,-2 G's taking the strongest parts from 544Kg/600Kg @ +6,-4G loadings. Will have to test things like engine mounts, battery box and tailplane mounts, etc.
  20. The task will suit a retired Aeronautical or Structural Engineer and involves checking, optimising and testing the structural integrity of a light sport aircraft design. The task includes the application for LSA status under the RAAus and CASA. Work at your own pace. Sydney based. Please contact Ray on 0414 559742
  21. You will be a better pilot if you start in gliding no matter what you go on to fly. Gliding hours and GPC go towards hours in other types of aircraft. Do the Flight Radio with GFA. Then go to RAAus. Good luck
  22. Is this the one built by David Ecc?
  23. I use a piece of Tassie Oak small quad from the hardware shop. Grain seems to stop wicking and cost nothing! I burnt the calibrations into it with a soldering iron.
  24. Hi Remerson, Why not take a trip out to The Oaks airport near Camden, they have a very active school and a very well run club out there.
  25. Yeah Bruce, where to start! Some people sand with 40# sandpaper. I think this cuts too deeply into the fibres. I use 60# white freecut paper. Keep changing the paper as the mould release spreads easily with old sandpaper. Use new paper for final cuts. Using the oblique light will show up shiny spots but they may have been sanded enough! 80% visible matt finish is enough. You will see what I mean when you do it. Make sure the glass is DRY when you laminate it! Some people even heat it gently in a heat box before use. The "finish" on the glass fibres is water soluble and it is the only thing the resin sticks to ( it doesn't actually stick to the fibres of glass)! 7781 Glass is a very tight weave so you will probably roll the resin sideways in the moulded joggle. Run a line of masking tape each side of the joggle so you can clean up to the edge, outside of that I just use acetone. Buy some white Vinegar and wash your hand with it after cleaning up. Reduces risk of allergic reaction.
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