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Everything posted by walrus

  1. Aro, if pilots were dropping out of the sky scaring the horses, wrecking your cornfield or rose garden every day you would have a point.. For most of rural Australia a landing is a red letter day. I have four undocumented strips in my “paddock” and would not hesitate to use any of them if I. thought it advisable.
  2. By definition, PPR can only apply to marked strips contained in ERSA or suchlike. If it’s an unmarked, undocumented strip or just a paddock then there can be no argument that you didn’t land without permission, unless the law says “you can’t be anywhere without permission” which it doesn’t. It’s a bizarre situation. Furthermore the i closed lands act looks to me as a device to keep drovers out of other peoples properties(an issue during drought) and also out of events and public facilities like hospitals. ‘’The fact that something is inclosed begs the question of whether it is legally inclosed as well. There are fences everywhere in the bush for all sorts of reasons, some legal, some not. To put it another way, you would have to be unlucky in the bush to find someone who objected to a request or even a landing after an attempt was made to contact the owner. Most people understand the concept. of “a fair go”.
  3. “nobody else around, so no need to broadcast” Gold!
  4. Why don’t people have radio and perhaps transponder? Are they the same idiots who refuse Covid vaccination because…..freedom? At least can the non radio crowd by relegated to 500 ft circuit height…..or could they be required to have a sky echo in operation in the vicinity of airstrips so that we have some chance of alerted see and avoid?
  5. Understood from a business use point of view although I am aware of one Cirrus pilot who flies between his network of country businesses. For social use it’s one hour flying vs. four plus hours in the car ( 2 x country miles, 2 x city traffic) each way to visit a relative. That was what I was thinking.
  6. I note that odometer based road user charges are in vogue because electric vehicles don’t contribute directly to liquid fuel excise revenue at State or Federal levels. Folks, have you ever seen a politician pass up an opportunity to increase taxation? Neither have I. I can see road user charges being applied to all sorts of good causes; from paying for the pandemic to kindergartens. So I expect these charges will not only replace lost excise revenue, they will add significantly to our overall tax burden. ‘’Furthermore since the greens and the left inhabit inner cities with opportunities to use bicycles and public transport, the burden will fall disproportionately on country folk. So let me ask the question; doesn’t this skew transport costs in light aviation’s favour? I know light aircraft have weather related limitations, but I’m starting to think that maybe we may have a better reason to fly than just recreation. https://www.vicroads.vic.gov.au/registration/registration-fees/zlev-road-user-charge#What-is-a-ZLEV
  7. ARO, I think we can agree that emergency use is OK. As for the meaning of PPR, by definition, there is no way of knowing if you will be granted permission or not. My understanding of PPR is that it’s a very very good idea to check with a strip owner regarding potential hazards. As for walking down driveways, I once had reason to discuss this with detectives. They told me that all criminals have a string of excuses about why they are on your land - they smelt smoke, heard someone calling for help, etc., etc.
  8. Tasman, if the sign says “no entry” I’m sure you are right. But our ERSA doesn’t say ‘’no entry” , it says PPR.
  9. As far as I know, common law has no offence of ‘being on private property “. The offence of trespass only exists when you have been told to leave and don’t. That is why signs say “trespassers prosecuted” not “people on my land will be prosecuted”. PPR is an instruction to ask for permission- you can’t be trespassing if you haven’t asked. You are only trespassing after you have been told to piss off and you refuse without excuse. As for landing, there is an obvious defence of necessity and if your motor is stuffed you can’t immediately leave can you? Furthermore, I’d be interested to see the text of any law repealing the law of gravity - banning the landing of an aircraft anywhere. Wilful damage, negligence, carriage of firearms, etc. are a different matter.
  10. Excellent advice! I watched some of it live yesterday. ‘The ABC has belled the cat this morning: breakdown of the health system. This is the issue I was advised about on day one. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-09-02/victoria-hospital-covid-case-capacity-icu-beds/100420728
  11. Dan is playing a double game...... Opening at 70 -80% will still produce deaths from an epidemic among the unvaccinated and collapse the health system. That is the problem - the "80% freedom!" idea doesn't work for any state, especially not WA, SA and TAS who have no cases. ...So Dan figures if he makes thing miserable enough then there will be widespread civil disobedience. That destroys the plan. What happens next, which is predictable, is then not Dans problem.... That is why Dan is doing what he does.
  12. Indications from nurses; in the event of major pressure on ICU facilities: “No vaccination, then no ventilation.”. And those words are from ICU involved nurses, they aren’t going to waste time and resources on poor risks. This is exactly the same as the existing (unwritten) policy regarding smokers. Some of you might want to rethink your vaccination strategy
  13. Taxiing isn’t flying.
  14. what it means is that if you have any criminal record, no matter how minor, you will never be a pilot.
  15. So taxiing is OK?
  16. I have ADSB and my initial comment is that relying on it in a circuit is potentially suicidal for two reasons. 1. You do NOT want your head down looking at a screen and trying to make sense of positions - you don’t have enough time. You are just asking to lose situational awareness. You need to be looking out because things happen fast. This is especially important if there is confusion about north up/track up, someone with a bad radio, poor english, verbal dihorea , wrong runway selection, etc. or marginal flying skills like me. 2. Unless you can ensure that everyone has an operating ADSB out capability, you cannot positively ensure your own separation. You can receive a false sense of security. Where I currently value ADSB is: (a) setting up my circuit entry where there are likely to be multiple players before I make my entry and first radio call. I might decide to do an orbit and wait for the RV rocket behind me to go first, or helimed or Vicpol or firebird. (b) away from the circuit, ensuring separation with the many aircraft I would never normally even see. It’s great to have it but be careful to confirm what you see on the screen.
  17. Be aware that if you have an unpaid fine, your car registration won’t renew. Neither will you be travelling overseas. Nor ever getting a Government job. Nor will they ever get a pilots licence or any other licence. There is a “hard core” of protesters who don’t care what the protest issue is; they just want a chance to punch on with Police. The first time a protester is arrested and charged, it is under the public health Act. The protester will be bailed pretty much automatically. If they turn up again at a protest, it is an offence under the Bail Act - they are reoffending, the Magistrate now gives them three months in the slammer. A little bird told me that is what is now happening to these richard craniums.
  18. Rumor is that Dan Andrews is about to try a “super lockdown”…….
  19. 40+ cases in Victoria will be announced tomorrow
  20. Doherty is right because capitalism has no need for free markets, Democracy, fairness, equity or law and left to itself will destroy everything good. These are from 1969 in Manchester UK. So much for Capitalism.
  21. rodger rodger. check your messages.
  22. I have a “set” of jerry cans for my aircraft that are kept in a seperate locked shed at the strip and they only ever contain unleaded 95 - I even use unleaded 95 for the generator and airstrip lawnmower to avoid that misfuelling possibility. I buy fuel from the same very busy name brand service station every time.
  23. Waraton I've seen this behaviour before in sports and major events. The Council is seduced into assuming that the big guys are always going to want to come and are prepared always to pay top dollar. This is a commercially very dangerous fallacy that ALWAYS ends in tears within a few years for the simple reason that the big guys wont pay top dollar forever and they are often very fickle. So would I prefer 100 customers each dropping $1000 into the town or three customers each dropping $50,000? I'll always take the former. Cases in point? The ski clubs that have a bumper ski season, put their prices up and fill their club with guests their expenses go up accordingly. Following season, very little snow, alienated members dont turn up and neither do guests. Club goes into administration. A regatta in Victoria that decided to go "up market" after securing a major insurance company as sponsor. They paid appearance money to grand prix yachts to put on a show and alienated 300+ yachts and crews who had been supporting the regatta for forty years. Result? Alienated average little guys went elsewhere. Three years later Scandia went broke and was sold. No sponsorship. No corporate marquee. Regatta virtually collapsed. Birdsville is popular just this once because of Covid.
  24. I know they are mostly harmless Onetrack, but I just get embarrassed to see a fifty something trying to shoehorn themselves into bits of uniform that don't match and that aren't worn correctly
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