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Everything posted by walrus

  1. But seriously, this means that in any interaction and perhaps conflict with another aircraft, for example an RPT arriving at a CTAF at the same time as yourself, and there is some sort of reported incident, you run the risk of being charged under 91.640 if it is alleged that you missed a radio call…..and it’s strict liability, it doesn’t matter why you missed the call. The protection you have against such an allegation is to sing like a canary on area frequency and CTAF, if you think that there is another aircraft within a hundred miles. As in “Melbourne Center, xyz, were you calling me? No? Well I’m listening just in case”. Yet more frequency congestion as pilots automatically demonstrate they are on listening watch. ‘’Can’t you just here it “xyz, the active runway is now 18 not 36, weren’t you listening ?” ‘’In other words silence brings the possibility of a charge.
  2. If you have a radio, and for some reason miss a call (it matters not why because it’s strict liability) you are potentially a felon and up for thousands of dollars in fines. The simplest solution? Remove radios. This is the new part 91 rules.
  3. The A bomb and the Russians gave the Japanese Government peace faction the strength to overcome the “war to the last civilian” faction. In other words, the Bomb and the Russians gave the Japanese Government the excuse they needed to overcome the Bushido faction who wanted everyone to die fighting.
  4. That’s the whole idea, when the converter is locked it isn’t slipping, therefore no losses. Losses are greatest when torque multiplication is greatest. That is generally when the converter is almost stalled.
  5. Queens Birthday Honors : Shane Patrick CARMODY ACT For outstanding public service to modernising air safety regulations and drone pilot licencing.
  6. Be sure that the cases are post 2002? Before then, cases had a habit of cracking near the gearbox at higher powers. There is an SB about it.
  7. Gadfly, I’ve seen that engine too, but the problem is going to be cooling that rotor when it’s generating 100 + hp! ….and remember we are talking continuous power here, not an automotive duty cycle. ‘’For example a commodore requires just 19hp to keep it rolling at 60mph. The engine is not designed to produce 100 + hp for most of its life, unlike an aircraft. ‘’Marine motors are closest to aircraft duty cycles. The Duke and similar variable displacement engines are called “swash plate “ engines that rely on changing the angle of the plate to vary compression and/or displacement. ‘’NO ONE has solved the problem of bearing loads and vibration on a swashplate engine. The main bearing has to support the entire swashplate and piston assembly and ALL the combustion loads - and due to geometry the loads are not spread evenly about the bearing. You can fit the biggest fattest roller or plain bearing you like and it will be pounded into bits in a few hours.
  8. In my experience, dogs are less likely to go berserk in an aircraft than humans - with the exception of happy things like cavoodles, shi-tsu, bichon-fries, chihuahuas etc. These little dogs also have a bad habit of getting stuck under rudder pedals and in throttle quadrants. A friendly Labrador in the co pilot seat can provide a calming influence on an excited pilot. A Border Collie or Kelpie makes an excellent co - pilot since they understand much more about physics than pilots. The only problem with these working breeds is that, left to themselves, they will round up any other aircraft they find and make them fly in formation. As for dogs loose on an airstrip - agree they are a disaster waiting to happen. Not only are the owners risking a canine beheading but the cost of an engine rebuild from the prop strike. ‘’However I do recall the late Reg Ansett photographed by his helicopter - with a yellow Lab perched on the back seat.
  9. Way back in the 80’s, I wrote the “experts report” for the IPO of a new engine on the ASX. ‘’All I can say is that a new engine type is up against an engine that has has a hundred+ years to get the wrinkles out. It isn’t easy to compete with that. There is a HUGE difference between a test bench pampered performance and the actual performance after an engine has been sitting unused and neglected in a hangar for a month and is required to reliably produce full rated power after a ten minute warm up……and to do this month after month and year after year. Good luck to the alternative engine builders! You are going to need it.
  10. Ape name - it’s “Decalin Runup” that is the additive
  11. I’m lucky, I have a servo two minutes from the airstrip.
  12. Skip, yes you are correct - push lock. Example linked below. This stuff in my experience requires tools and a great deal of strength to fit. I use them on my Rotax oil lines. ‘’The Rotax inlet line is under light negative pressure on starting when cold and the return has no more than 6 psi. https://speedflow.com.au/hose-ends/400-series/
  13. Rotax “accepts” the use of Decalin Runup additive with Avgas. It makes the lead form a powdery compound in the combustion chamber that mostly gets blown out the exhaust rather than ending up in the oil as lead globules. I say “accepts” because Rotax hasn’t tested the stuff itself.
  14. yes, it is the load factor that determines the stall, but load factor is proportional to rate of turn. No load factor increase, no turn. Simples. The difference between Your best glide speed and your straight and level stall speed determines the best rate of turn you can make. The Eurofox magic number for this exercise is 70 knots. It’s stall is somewhere around 35 knots - so you can pull almost a sixty degree steep turn at 70 without stalling. ‘Don’t try this without instruction!
  15. Demonstrated and taught in a Eurofox to do this. Immediate action is to get the nose down and achieve best glide followed a turn at a rate mindful that stall speed increases in a turn. That is what is critical. You must turn just above the stall for the bank angle. ‘’Don’t try this without a qualified instructor.
  16. “Push on ‘’ fittings require push on hose - which is much stronger than ordinary hose circumferentially. Do not mix hose types and fittings.
  17. Skip, yes, it might be possible to put one in the circuit, but it would have handle the flow. The high pressure filter (8 micron) is non reusable and gets replaced every 200 hrs. The filter cannot be placed before the twin electric injection pumps because of the risk of vapor lock in hot weather. ‘’The pumps are fed by gravity through a header tank then Andair gascolator with a 60 micron screen. The pumps can push over 100 psi if necessary. After the high pressure filter is the fuel rail. After the rail there is a pressure regulator and header tank return. The whole thing is IAW Rotax requirements and designed and tested by the Canadian Rotax distributorand Skytek Aviation. People sometimes forget that fuel injection requires: 1.Fuel at pressure with no bubbles. 2.Electricity. Without either the engine stops really really quickly;p
  18. Hi Skip, short answer is because thats the way the Rotax elves in der Schwarz Wald designed it. The 912 iS is an electronic fuel injected engine. The filter is about 6 Micron and flows around 75l/min most of which is recirculated back to the header tank.
  19. Hi Skip, looks good but I don’t have a choice. Fuel injected Rotax with a high pressure Rotax filter - about 46psi.
  20. Pushrod lengths? Hmmmmm, I seem to recall that Lycoming or Continental has a range of pushrod sizes so you can pick the one that gives closest to the recommended clearance.
  21. ‘Call me old fashioned but I am always mindful of the blood and lives that have been expended over the last hundred years in learning how to design, build and fly light(ish) aircraft and I will not and do not deviate from established good. design practice. The purpose of the finger strainer is to increase the surface area through which fuel can flow to reach the fuel outlet. Mine have a surface area about two square inches. In other words, you need an awful lot of large chunks of gunk to block a finger strainer, much more than would be required than to block your usual AN6 line. ‘’A good filter system has a (corse) filter, then a medium filter (the gascolator screen), then a fine filter in order to trap the maximum of contaminants without clogging up and lines and fittings should be sized appropriately. ‘’As for Savannah fuel caps and gaskets, I just shake my head. Don’t ever use silicon sealer or silicon baffle material(that’s the red stuff) or teflon tape. anywhere in any fuel system. Those products have killed a lot of people used that way. Skippy, with respect, I think plastic in line filters belong in lawn mowers, but then my aircraft is probably twenty pounds overweight for thinking like that 😛
  22. All dick has to do is distribute that letter with a covering note in the electorate asking people not to vote for Anderson.
  23. forget the arrow unless you always have loooong runways.
  24. Skippy, why? why? Because in the renewal I am asked to provide exactly the same information as I provided the last four times ai renewed my ASIC! This includes producing the same birth certificate, passport drivers licence, addresses as before! And this is supposed to be the digital age? All that should be required is a new photo, updated address and a declaration on one half page
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