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Everything posted by walrus

  1. The purpose of ASIC cards is to provide a capability for control of access to aviation infrastructure. The fact that they aren't controlling much at regional airports NOW doesn't invalidate the program. Try getting and remaining airside at a major capital city airport without an ASIC. Try getting an ASIC and a job in aviation if you have a criminal record. Read the list of disqualifying conditions for an ASIC. I'm going to be travelling via Ports requiring ASICs. Some of them have three strand fences that can't even keep the kangaroos out, but that isn't the point. In future, security can be ramped up very quickly at those ports - just hire the guards and build the fences. The ASIC is the bureaucratic infrastructure that supports improved security - when we need it.
  2. Unfortunately the SF- 1600 is vapourware - a university student paper project. Its not the grand scheme items that will kill this project, its the details that do them in: bearings and lubrication, drainage, start ers, gearboxes, little things that took 20 years of patient experiment to get right.
  3. However that type of engine Stellantis T6 is of no use for aviation because of the duty cycle. An aircraft engine operates at greater than, say, 55% power continuously. An automotive engine does not and won't. I can already get 700hp out of a subaru - for a few minutes. There are auto conversions but they are bought for cost considerations and they are heavy. Fuel efficiency is function of compression ratio. Turbines can't match piston engines. however a turbine and airframe system together can produce a cheaper cost of ownership.
  4. I've had both metal and plastic fail in cooling systems. The metal from corrosion and fatigue, the plastic from over temperature and mechanical failure, so you are both right. I've used automotive fittings in some areas but they are not a cure all. In my case I found wonderful fittings for teflon and braided stainless racing hose - a joy to work with and 1000psi+ rating BUT overtighten the sleeve nut on a fitting and it will split, leaving you with a potentially fatal fuel leak. Similarly plastic fittings - their strength is highly temperature dependant. What happens when the coolant temperature is 120C at switch off on a hot day how does your heat soaked plastic fitting behave when it is at 130C under associated pressure AND the fitting is misaligned and under stress, perhaps with an overtightened hose clamp as well? The joy of the old AN fitting and fastening system is that it works. The failure modes are very well known and in any case if you follow AC13b they are idiot proof (I hope!). Just because something looks the same doesn't make it the same either. having said that, there are quite a few Rotax parts that are Bosch automotive rebranded items.
  5. The first thing it does is provide an additional stream of customers into the local economy. As turbo explains they have to eat drink and sleep somewhere. This is a straight transport operation. To this add marginal increase in tourism traffic (eg winery flights adventure tourism, hiking drop offs, parachuting, etc. etc. To this add marginal increase in business related travel. Include fire fighting, power line inspection, etc. as well. To this add aircraft operation and maintenance jobs - they would have a multiplier effect of about 8 - one full time aircraft job supports about 8 service industry jobs. You will be surprised at how fast the jobs add up. The tragedy is that we should have been doing such calculations 40 years ago and regulating accordingly on a national basis. Instead we allowed ourselves to be beaten into an anal lawyer driven cluster*&*&. Look at NZ to view a functioning aviation segment of an economy.
  6. CTA for RAA currently requires a PPL plus BFR plus medical plus the removal of the “avoid built up areas” condition on the aircraft certificate. This is impractical for most and puts major obstacles in way of touring in an LSA type aircraft. Roadblocks at all capital cities, plus Sale, Newcastle, Coffs, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Alice Springs and Broome..
  7. https://www.skyshop.com.au/shopexd.asp?id=1189
  8. +1 to Bert Flood at Lilydale - the Rotax agent.
  9. ISOL SHRA and TCU after 3 pm in B1 sort of locks the front door at home for me. I don't want to have to divert or take my chances waiting for weather to clear before last light - and we have guests for dinner
  10. Thunderstorms in weather forecast for home time, so not going. 😞
  11. My reading: CAo 95.55: 9.1: i) a relevant aeroplane must not be flown over a populous area or a public gathering unless: (i) a certificate of airworthiness under regulation 21.176 of CASR is in force for the aeroplane; or (ii) the requirements mentioned in paragraph 9.7 are complied with in relation to the aeroplane; And 9.7 says: (b) in the case of any other aeroplane: (i) an experimental certificate under regulation 21.195A of CASR, or an SAB flight permit, must be in force for the aeroplane; and (ii) an approval authorising flight in the aeroplane over a populous area or public gathering must be in force under regulation 91.045 or 91.050 of CASR, which approval imposes no conditions or limitations that would prevent the flight. ..And the certificate says, among many other things: 18. Operation over a closely settled area shall be avoided at all times. and separately, 20. The operation over a built up area of a town or city is subject to: -- at a height and speed being able to glide clear of persons or dwellings. None of this makes sense, I'm missing something. - You CAN operate over a closely settled area if its unavoidable? - You CAN operate over a built up area? Isn't a built up area a closely settled area? Who decides what is unavoidable, my wallet? My passenger? My need for a toilet stop? The SAAA has a paper that applies to their aircraft which makes sense. https://saaa.asn.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IPM-FO-002-002-Flight-over-populous-areas.pdf
  12. Can anyone explain what the rules are regarding flight over built up/ populous/closely settled areas are? I was of the impression that approval could be given by RAA for a fee, but I can't find references.
  13. Is it legal? Full or empty?
  14. Fill your fuel tanks now guys. While I hope rational minds prevail and without wishing to take sides, if we are lucky, fuel prices will rise. If we are unlucky, you will wake up one morning to rationing or no fuel at all. if we are very unlucky, we will be grounded as military airspace requirements supersede anything else. Yes, I hope we are too far away but don't count on it.
  15. Thanks DJP, I'll keep trying then.
  16. Yes, I get the message they are sending. They don't want RAA aircraft at all.
  17. Talk about customer service.......NOT. Tried to call them three times and all I get is a voicemail divert. I tried calling the ARO who won't tell me anything, he just refers me to the office. Could i be forgiven for thinking that operators are doing everything possible to drive customers away?
  18. Looking at the YMMB ERSA entry and Moorabbin Airport website, it appears that outside tower hours the area is covered by class G airspace. Is there anything that would stop an RAA aircraft from using the airport out of tower hours? I may have a passenger to drop off. Has anyone done this ?
  19. If you try this, wear a parachute and good luck with your insurance policy. You have no way of knowing what the effect will be. The big one for me would be altered airflow over the tail in a critical phase of flight but it could be anything from nothing through to catastrophic flutter.
  20. No synthetics, they melt onto/into your skin. To get anywhere I must fly over tiger country. So.... Leather shoes or boots. Definately never thongs or sandals because they offer no upper foot protection at all. Shorts or jeans. Shirt with collar. In winter a Nomex jacket with knife, matches, phone, keys, wallet etc. and most importantly my PLB. In summer a fishing vest instead. ....And most importantly, especially....don't forget a HAT! Be aware that if you are forced down, all you may have is what you stand up in.
  21. If the aircraft is approved to fly with doors removed then the manufacturer will say so. If it doesn't, it isn't.
  22. what is your engine? Read up on what other propellers 701's with your engine use and go with the herd. No need to stress about it
  23. Be aware that taking matters into your own hands is dangerous. A person got 9 years for manslaughter after a raid by him and his kids to repossess some stolen stuff that they traced via ebay. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-01-21/melbourne-dj-equipment-manslaughter-tony-panagiotou-jailed/100772808
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