This newb must admit, i've been Youtubing and watching vids on Flying since reading this thread.. i've watched guys use Instruments to fly between airports at low level clouds, abort take offs due to shifting winds and dubious departure routes, read ATSB reports and sadly listened to ATC audio of those unfortunate enough to find themselves in cloud..some endings ok, some not so... In summary, i now have alot more respect for weather well before i've arrived at this part of my training. Further, my urgency to just get up there and go seems to have waned.. i need to be more aware of the risks in the weather rather than just focusing on an airworthy aircraft.. a comment my instructor made "it looks like we've run out of reasons not to go flying", now makes sense.. .. Finally, and scarily, "I'm that guy.. " i hadn't really considered clouds a big threat.. i'd never paid that much attention to them other than seeing them as a ceiling to ops... meaning in two years time, i was probably the guy inbound from the west in big clean air, who thought he would just "pop" over the mountains and land in the Sydney basin, ending in yet another vector, ATC Audio file, or worse, and ATSB report.... Conversely, after spending time in a glider, i can understand the desire to chase every bloody cumulus in the area... and so i don't sit on any side of the fence with this thread.. but i appreciate every addition to it by pilots more experienced than i, that are handing on knowledge and experience from which i can make a more informed decision about my own behaviour in an aircraft.. Cheers once again for the contributions to Recreational Flying..