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Everything posted by Simonflyer

  1. Thats the way Ive gone about it, and I reckon Ive saved a fair bit of cash so far, but more than that I think learning in A Tecnam has been good for my basic flying skills..I found it pretty easy to transition into Pipers and cessna's after time in the Teccy as the inertia in the heavier plane's looked after a lot of the little adjustment needed in an UL. Ive come into aviation late in life(started at 31) but under two years later Ive got all the RA endo's, a PPL, and most of my CPL theory subjects done.In other words about 2 steps from the start line...It is a long road. The next thing is to work on an RA aus instructor rating, build a bit of experience and then do a GA Instructor rating after that..Overall I feel like Im getting a really well rounded education, and I plan to fly a lot of different aircraft throughout my career.So far so good.. If you want any info on some schools catering for both RA and GA in the Melbourne/Regional Vic are area feel free to PM me.
  2. Apparently the "good" engine wasn't behaving either..A pilot (who was playing golf at the time)saw it fly overhead at about 400ft said dead engine was feathered and the other engine was surging/splutering. Unfortunately much of what happened will probably never be known, but if the problem happened up near richmond, and one report has stated that they could accept him in although others report that fog was an issue there, why he didnt just put down there is a mystery..My instinct is that secondary problems came later and compounded the problems he already had.He should have been able to make it back to bankstown from the height he was at( 7000ft at 21 miles i think..) From all I have read this pilot was an exceptional young man and great pilot, but lets hope he didn't push on when there were other options available as this is an old story that has taken too many.
  3. Just click on the name of whomever-then a pop down menu will appear-select view public profile-then on their home page to the right hand side will be an option to friend up(befriend)..
  4. You can go to uni and they will pay up to 80 grand, but its only covered for the three year degree and you do have to pay it back at somestage, and most of the flight training orgs looking after the unis are overpriced in my opinion, and although its not too late for a 30 year old, i will say the same thing that people told me as im around the same age..Get to it.. I wouldn't bother with the 150 hour cpl as you(or the vast majority) aren't employable after a 150 hours, and most of the schools you do a 150 hour course at will find other fees and ways of making it no cheaper than the 200 hour. I would suggest finding a school that caters for both GA and RA, do the 200 hour course, maybe do an RA insructor rating when you have the hours as it will improve your flying and knowledge no end(if its done properly and by the book) and even if you only do ten hours instructing a month on your weekends, it will build your hours and experience a lot quicker and cheaper than any other way and you will be under the supervision of highly experienced pilots which will be great to gain knowledge and discuss experiences... If you dont want to take a big loan, then i would suggest doing each licence in blocks so that way you get good bang for your buck. Get stuck into ALL the theory asap.I made a deal with myself to knock of as much of it as i can before i take any sizeable loan. Good luck
  5. I was In Perth a couple of days ago when the whole place went mad with Thunderstorms..Easily some of the most violent Ive seen..I was doing laps at the local outdoor pool when they evacuated..I thought it was a bit of an over-reaction until i got out and looked behind me to see the lowest, darkest most evil looking cloud I think ive ever seen.. Within minutes the pool was barely visible indoors from 20 meters away and there was hail about 6-8 cm across everywhere.I saw a huge umbrella go straight up and out of sight due to my line of sight, and it did not come down for about 20 seconds only to land smack in the middle of the pool.There were huge windgusts in every direction and the loudest thunder I have ever experienced. The airports were in chaos..Everybody diverted everywhere and everyone else stuck on the ground..YPPH couldnt get a fix on a designated runway due to the changes in direction, windshear and hail..Crap everywhere and complete madness all over the city.My girlfriends house still has no power after 2 days.. My favorite bit of it all was the report and Jandakot..Someone still managed to have a sense of humor about it all.. SPECI YPPH 220912Z 34022G32KT 1500 +TSRA FEW003 SCT018 BKN048CB 20/20 Q1015 RMK HOLY COW INTER 0920/1212 VRB25G55KT 2000 TSGR BKN020 FEW050CB
  6. Ive always found them to pretty helpful.. When your wife sits her PPL flight test she will most likely have to chat through the things on the KDR and show she has looked into it a bit more, but i found it to be a really informative chat with the ATO..Its a good thing to keep building on the knowledge, and flying would be one hobby/job/passion where the learning never really stops... Congrats to the wife on passing!
  7. I dont advise people as Im responsible for my plane and the other person is responsible(or irresponsible) for theirs...When it comes to ATC there is wording where you can request, or require, but thats not really on topic. If i were to see someone edging onto the runway, or making their enter/backtrack call while i was on final, i would immediately get in touch and re tell them that i was on final or short final and perhaps ask them if they were aware of my position.If you are on final they are not meant to be there(unless they got out there earlier) so a few things could be happening(they could be on the wrong freq or complete nuffers or anything in between).. After that point if they continued to line up and still didnt wake up, i would go around keeping to the right hand side of the runway to keep an eye on them. I would also make them aware of where i was if i felt that they werent switched on to the situation I dont know where your at with your flying, but when i first started flying the radio kind of freaked me out, but as ive gone on i try and communicate early and clearly particularly if i feel i might be in a similar position to another aircraft and am not visual..i tend to do it by stating my position height intentions etc and at least getting in touch. But as far as i know i cant, and its not helpful to try and get them to change what their doing.If its really dangerous, get the callsign if you can and report it, or if you know who it is have a quiet chat about it later on the ground, but first of all make the adjustment to avoid possible problems while you have the chance and are in control of the situation. My two bobs worth..
  8. Get a load of this.. [ATTACH]10055.vB[/ATTACH]
  9. Awesome..You'll never forget it!:thumb_up:
  10. If you can find a way to beg borrow or steal the money, that will be the quickest way.Put aside 12 months,stay with family and just go for it and you will get it done and then wont owe a company your soul(maybe a bank, but we all know their evil anyway) Have a crack at the Qantas cadetship if thats what your after, but if you do get in, try and show some humility and respect for your fellow pilots because as of yet I have not heard a positive word spoken about the Q cadets.They are renowned for having a belief that the world rotates around them... Good luck..
  11. Thats just wrong Cam..:yuk:
  12. Awesome:thumb_up:
  13. Bob Tait All the way for me although Ive purchased others for reference and its been really good to do it.....:thumb_up: Mazda... The only way to understand and enjoy that book is to speak in Ye olde tongue.:big_grin:
  14. Bit of a giggle..There are re-edits of this film on so many topics and most of them are bloody hilarious.
  15. Obviously dazza Im gonna have to work on my Online sarcasm.Im well aware its been the nightmareliner... So is Hitler...
  16. Generally speaking I always do a quick check of Fuel, Ts and Ps,Flaps and trim before i blast off again(and of course making sure the door is shut properly and the belt is done up after your instructor gets out-Its been a while since ive had this scenario..), but if there is other aircraft in the cct it is a good idea to get going asap. Saying that, you want to make sure you are comfortable and everything is good before you get back in the air again... That was a long way of saying NO I dont usually do a full pre takeoff, but definitely a good check over things.. Hope that helps. p.s remember to continually bombard your instructor with any questions, as that is their job, and you part with your hard earned to get as much knowledge as you can from them.
  17. Its been a raging success so far..They couldn't possibly have any more trouble..
  18. Unless the helli CPL theory rules are a lot different from fixed wing you only have to wait 7 days before sitting an exam again...Not that your going to need to brett.:thumb_up: As far as i know the only exams that are different are performance,law and general knowledge?all the rest are the same for both fixed and rotors?..That sound right?
  19. Hi Jack.. I did a lot of research into it and decided against going anywhere near Rex I made the decision not to apply for many reasons.There are some very extensive threads on some other obvious sites (starting with PP) that cover commercial aviation a bit more in depth.If you are very young, and dont mind giving up quite a few years to the one company, paying a lot more for your training than I personally think is fair or reasonable, and having a slower than usual progression to the left hand seat, then it may be for you.Im sure that the standards of training they give would be fine, but it is a big commitment. I would suggest if you haven't done so already, downloading and reading all the fine print from Rex's website about the cadetship, and making up your own mind. I think there are positives to the program i.e not paying upfront, but when I looked at it for my own situation i found too many ticks in the negative box, and I have also heard a lot of negative talk around Rex and their employee employer relations, and i tend to think if you hear a lot of that kind of talk there is usually some truth behind it and wariness needs to be in the picture. good luck.
  20. Im a lefty who has done a fair bit of teccy flying, and sometimes it can be a pain(in any plane) although the worst thing is trying to see my watch..I think when i fly Il chuck it on the right arm from now on, as my last flight showed it up as a problem when i was put under pressure..There were pencils flying and i was tied in a knot!. Mostly it has been ok though
  21. Awesome news Brett.Ive been wanting to give hovering a crack myself. Good luck with it all.Il be in Perth from the 3rd Jan, so Il have to come and say gday when i get to Jandakot. On the study front..The way ive been getting through the CPLs is to make it a habitual thing..Just making sure i do a bit everyday, and now after a few months of doing it, it has become easier.Some days i struggle with more than others, but Ive only got three subjects to go, and it hasnt been too painful although im finding aerodynamics pretty hard.Dont know if that will work for you at all, but i havent failed one yet so considering how crap i was at school its not too bad.
  22. I dont hate Jabs although i don't like the look of them and i havent heard a lot positive about them except the price (except from the converts of course).. Having not flown one myself i will reserve judgment on the actual performance of the thing, but what i have heard about the way you have to fly them is that they reverse "normal" stick and rudder skills i.e you lead with the feet and follow with stick, and that they can be slippery due to the aspect ratio and lack of lateral stability... A very experienced instructor said that he could tell if someone had done a lot of flying in a jab..?? Can anyone verify or deny any of these things?:confused:
  23. All sounds pretty good. What you can do if you feel so inclined and for a bit more info is give the track in magnetic as well as some people in the area may not know the place you are headed to. i.e "Australia traffic.tecnam xxxx is one zero N miles to the south at 3500 and will overfly the field for America tracking 360.estimate Australia at one fife.."(then report overhead the field as well) It gives everyone in the area a really good picture of what you are up to even if they have no idea of your destination. Radio calls are one of those things that can be a bit nerve-racking to start with, but all you really need to do is make it really clear where you are and what your intentions are.The good thing about radio is that it can be practiced as much as you like on the ground, in the car, walking etc..
  24. yeah you can get finnicky about calls, but have you ever listened to Melbourne centre or any of the area frequency's..Pretty much everyone sais 'Gday"..Non standard? yes..A problem to aviation? no.. If i can get a clear picture of what someone is doing in a cct, then i feel safe and dont get concerned about it...Its when the calls arent actually clear and i dont know what someone is doing or where they are that the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
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